Suz, I'm not a big believer in corporal punishment either. I guess my post was more of a vent than anything...I had a really rough morning yesterday. I just never really fully woke up yesterday. I wish I could reason with him and he could understand why I don't want him climbing on the table or pulling out the drawers in teh kitchen but there isn't any reasoning with him at this age. Right now, for discipline, we just tell him no and if he does it again we go sit in the corner and we hold his hips down so he can't get up. That was from the advice of our pediatrician and it works pretty well. He has to learn boundaries now and he's pushing it. My mom slapped his hands at Christmas and I kind of went off on her a little about it. I have given Jackson a light tap on the bottom to get him moving but not a spanking. I like the corner/time out method because it is not violent. Sorry if I made it sound like I was a crazy abusive mother Haha!! Oh and sorry to hear Sammuel fell off the bed! Ouch!
Hi caz!
Lou, saw your post and yeah it sucks that Ben didn't sleep through but a 7 hour stretch is still great I think. Maybe try putting him down later so he sleeps through the majority of the night?
Lisa, I think I told you before that Jackson is a huge ear twiddler with his paci. He only does it when he has his paci or his bottle, but mostly his paci.
So, I switched his bedtime routine up and he took it just fine. We did bath, lotion, PJs, milk and book in our bed, brushed his teeth and then I carried him in to his bedroom (no paci) and put him in his crib (no paci) and he went right to sleep without a problem!