Um I think I meant antiseptic?! She didn't really know what it was to be honest... Lisa yeh I think it was a reaction to something in his poop, but it's been over a week and it's looking worse
Spoke to my best friend from France tonight, we don't catch up more than once or twice a month but usually last hours So nice to talk to her, she is coming to visit in 2 weeks and we will go pregnancy clothes shopping and maybe see a few wedding dress shop (although I am not trying anything with my bump!)
I do miss my French friend, or I wish my mum could have come to the shop with me when I bought the little sleepsuits etc... I have so many questions! It's not the same on the phone I wish my mum would come to London for a few days without my dad so we can do some girly stuff!
V- we're always here for baby shopping questions Although I know the thread is being a bit sparse and neglected recently
Suz- no I've never watched Shameless although I've always meant to- sort of find it weird though to start watching it so far in!
Jess- Ste likes Mrs Brown's Boys- he thinks it's really funny- but to be honest I just don't get it! I've watched a couple and didn't find it funny at all!
Glad Sammuel got some antibacterial cream Suz- hopefully that will clear the little infection up xxx
I actually feel terrible Marg! I can barely sleep and have a stinking cold!! Ste is the same (and he's never struggled with sleep!) - if he keeps it up I'm sure we'll start sleeping and feeling the benefits though! I've not really slept for more than an hour at a time for a year- I think my body needs retraining on how to sleep!!
That's right Lou! You need some sleep training? Maybe try PUPD or CIO on yourself! What about a sleep aid? Are those safe for you while BFing? I think the first few nights are tough as your always wondering if or when he'll wake up...most conveniently it's usually in the midset of deep sleep!
I loaded Jax up again with ibuprofen, night time cough meds (homeopathic), chest rub and wall plugs and he slept until 6:30a again. However, I was all clogged up this morning! Hopefully, this passes soon! OH slept from 7:30p-7a!!! LoL the house was eerily quiet last night!
Glad Ben is sleeping so much better, shame you are not benefiting!
B&B has been a crazy mess!!!
Marg, are you still doing counselling how is it going?
Just spoke to one of my friend abroad on Facebook (instead of doing some invoicing)... and she is a really lovely lady but she lets her husband be very verbally abusive to her and as i expected things have escalated and he punched her... he is not even apologising because he was shouting in her face and she pushed him away so he says it's her fault because she pushed him first... i am really worried for her and i wonder how bad it will have to get before she calls it quits... she is also worried about what he would do to her if she left... it's seems she can't win
Makes me feel so stupid about getting upset with Oliver for his comment this morning but then i guess it's because i don't let him get away with much that he is so nice... i need to be nice to him for being such an emotional cow at times.
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