Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

Suz- I understand what you mean. I'd be petrified if I was pregnant now as Ben is 24-7- BUT remember we all were in a panic like this with the first round of babies! :lol: About how our lives/relationships/finance/bodies/social life would change- and now none of us would swap back for the world! (even on the hardest days/nights) It will be exactly the same again xxxx :hugs:
Jess- I haven't heard that song. It sounds too sad to listen to :-(

I will really try to come to this concert!! Girls- maybe we should do the meet up we said we were going to for the last concert and all go???
awwww, sorry I missed Ben's birthday! Been totally lazy about coming on here lately.

Samuel will change a lot in the next few months... he'll adjust too and you all will find room in your lives for another little one :hugs: I'd be scared too but thats because I barely cope with Daniel, lol.
Exactly Lisa I barely cope with Sammuel! I'm shattered by 7pm and then I have work to do :(

When is the concert Jess?

X x x
Suz- I understand what you mean. I'd be petrified if I was pregnant now as Ben is 24-7- BUT remember we all were in a panic like this with the first round of babies! :lol: About how our lives/relationships/finance/bodies/social life would change- and now none of us would swap back for the world! (even on the hardest days/nights) It will be exactly the same again xxxx :hugs:

Lou, I so agree!! I am freaked out about all the above!!!

Suz, it's hard but I do believe you will manage, it will take some adapting but you will do great. I am knackered when I look after one of my nephew even for a few hours, it's just cause I am not used to it.
Then I think of my mum who is the worse person in the world with sleep deprivation and she had 4 children and she does not remember it being hard at all! I am sure you will love it and Sammuel will be so excited to have a little brother/sister x

Can't believe my scan is on Friday!!!! We are now determined to find out the sex!! please let it be that the little one is cooperative and does not cross its legs as we are really keen to know now (we are such pathetic team yellow members!! not an once of willpower!!)

My best friend is here and we have had a great laugh shopping for the baby, myself and her. We had such a non glamourous moment, when i tried a size 16 t-shirt type nightie that opens up to breastfeed for the maternity and she was trying some magic knickers to try and find a new boyfriend lol :haha:

She bought the cutest little outfit for the baby which i think will be the baby's going home outfit, it's a little top with mittens incorporated and a little pair of trousers with feet, it's pale green and stripy with a gorgeous little teddy bear on the front.
Oh and i was quite impressed with some of H&M's stuff for babies, loads of sweet little thing with print designs, found one with a 2 foxes playing motif that looks a lot like our dogs :)
V, I thought you were team yellow? No that was Suz. Yay!! I think after we found out I only bought Jax one pair of booties...he actually never wore them either!

Suz, I'm kinda worried about another one. I would love to have a little girl and Jackson doesn't wear me out, but I love spending every moment with him and I'm worried how I'd split up my time and about taking them all out by myself to run errands. Right now, it's still a chore getting Jax in and out of the car a million times but manageable. How with two? I guess I could get a Sit & Stand...I'm sure you'll cope just fine...women have been doing it for millions of years and some with more children and with twins/triplets at that....can anyone in your family come stay with a while after LO is born?
Aw, Suz, you'll be fine. It just happens and you'll just cope. It's a natural instinct. The important thing is not to feel guilty about not giving Sammuel the attention he wants. I also read some where that you always tend to the older child first. So if the baby is crying leave it to cry whilst you deal with whatever Sammuel wants first. The baby will forgive you more easily than S!

I'm in a grump with Perfect Stranger at the moment... it might have to do with the full moon and the fact I'mover tired, but he came over on Sat, stayed the night then left Sunday afternoon and I didn't hear from him until last night... No reason for him to, but made me all grumpy! :haha:

The concert is going to be on Sunday 14th October this year. Hoping to get a sponsor and some high profile celebs involved this time.
Ha V!! You're a rubbish team yellow :rofl: am excited to find out what you're having though :happydance: I think girl :pink:

Jess I've been reading your blog - seems as though you're quite keen on the perfect stranger! Have you discussed where it's going or anything like that?!

Marg Danny will have 6 weeks off so I think I'll cope ok without anyone to stay. My mum came every day for a couple of weeks last time and was driving me crazy by the end!!!
I am sure we'll be fine I'm just stressed at the moment I guess :(

X x x
It's funny everyone thought it was a boy and now everyone is saying girl, I myself kept saying "he" and for the last 2 weeks keeps surprising myself saying "she"... I have no idea really!!!
Just let my credit card burn at Mamas and Papas... they had amazing clothes and a really cool fake bump to try them on, my friend put it on too and got so broody! She is such a bad influence, she made me buy loads!!!
:rofl: V, I love that you went shopping mad in Mamas and Papas... I love that shop!

Suz, I like him, but I'm happy seeing him every couple of weeks and not letting it get too serious right now... I think this full moon has been really affecting my mood and I've been irrationally grumpy!

So, I may have suspected gall stones... :shock: The GP said I was too thin and young, but that's what the symptoms pointed to. Had blood tests today and an ultrasound in a couple of weeks. So fed up of my body being so crap!! In other news, I won £12 on the lottery! :D
Aww Jess- you have had a rough few months :-( I hope it's not that and things start going on the up for you :hugs:

V- I'm voting boy!! :thumbup:

What's your hunch for your baby Suz? I'm saying boy again :lol:

Hello everyone else :hi:
Lol I don't think £12 makes up for gall stones :rofl: I hope it's not that :(

Lou I think boy too! But who knows... I think people always think their 2nd is going to be te same as their first...

Sammuel slept 7pm-6am :happydance:

How is Ben sleeping now?

X x x
What was the eye thing we all did to guess the sex? Mine was right... Maybe V should do that! :haha:

Lili is poorly again... :( It seems every time she goes to nursery she gets ill some way... Means I have to work from home less than a week before we open Singin in the Rain! Eugh...
Bloody hell Lou :(

Jess every time we hang out with other kids it seems Sammuel gets sick! They all lock everything and pass it to each other!

X x x
The eye thing was something to do with a red bit in your eye and if it was left eye and forked it meant boy? Or something like that!!

X x x
I hope it's not gall stones Jess and sorry to hear Lili is not well!

I think Suz is going to have a girl this time! I can't wait for the scan. Being so busy in the last 3 days I have not felt baby move much so I hope all is well on the scan.
Are u feeling anything yet Suz?

Do you girls use dummies? I am not sure I want to use them but I know I prob will like everyone. Did you buy one when you realised it might help or just had some home in case?
Feeling a few movements now, quite definite ones. And it's def moved up as a bump has popped out and it was uncomfortable lying on my front last night!

We use a dummy only at sleep time, and not always. Only if he won't get of the boob and I need to get up :haha: I take him off and pop the dummy in, he'll spit it out after a few mins but stay asleep. If he goes to sleep not on the boob he won't take it and doesn't need it.

We had some as my mum got them I think, but it's not advised to use them in the early days, as it can affect/damage the breastfeeding relationship. Unless its a preemie, then it helps them learn to suck. Lots of people say 'that baby is using your nipple as a dummy' but of course nipples were around long before dummys! Dummy's are a nipple replacement! So as long as its not hurting you, let the baby 'use you as a dummy' in the early days, stick him/her in a sling and just let them, it's a huge comfort and they're also working up your supply... that's what I did/will do anyway :)

X x x
Oh what was the name of the sling you all said was best? is it best to get a sling or a carrier (do you need both?) I see a lot of wraps in shop that seem very versatile but are they as secure as a carrier?
V, we used the Soothies for Lili and now she has the Elephant Wubbanub. We didn't want to use them, but she had bad reflux and having a soother can help with bad reflux. It has also been shown that dummies can help prevent SIDS. There is a big taboo with dummies and I know I personally hate seeing 4 year olds walking around with them in their gobs. But Lili only has hers at bed time and naps. She only really sucks on it for 5 minutes before falling asleep. It has helped her self soothe and I've never had any problem putting her down in her cot and leaving her. Check out the Wubbanubs... the idea is that when you want to wean them off the dummy they still have the toy... not sure if it works in practice, but we'll soon see! :)

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