whew, had a lot to catch up on.
I am a strong believe in vaccines since my sister died from a pneumoccocal infection that they now vaccinate against most varieties of. And I do agree about the herd immunity thing. I'm way more scared of the disease than the vaccine. The only issue I have is with people who base their decision on false information or don't bother to research before making their choice.
The tetanus vaccine (at least here) is combined with pertussis (whooping cough) so that is an important one to have done early... that might be part of why they get that done so fast?
The ultrasound thing - the study with the left-handed bias was only in boys and was not able to be duplicated from what I read I think? There is no radiation in ultrasounds, but there is heat focused on the source... and of course fevers and overheating in pregnancy can affect the baby. Also babies often move to avoid the ultrasound... so all reasons point to there being possible effects, but nothing proven. They still recommend ultrasounds when there is a medical need for one, but discourage 'recreational' ones since the intensity may be turned up to get clearer pictures and the amount of time spent on one might be longer than a medical professional would feel comfortable with.
Anyway, thats what I read up on it and concluded. I still had a ton of ultrasounds and even had 1 recreational with Daniel to confirm his sex.
And both my parents are lefties and there were no ultrasounds when they were in utero
V- don't worry about the hormones, they come in waves.. you won't get progressively worse and worse each day, you'll just have good days and bad days
As for the epidural... yes they say that the nurses can tell whose baby was born with an epidural vs. those born without any drugs at all... but its not a big risk at all.
There is another drug that doesn't cause issues for the baby in utero but if you deliver within an hour or so of having it, there can be some respiratory issues for the baby... but then all our drugs are different from yours in that respect.
You have lots of time to think this stuff through... I'm betting you could possibly offer trade to the doula... maybe some professional photography in exchange for free or discounted services?
And Lou - I finally found something that keeps Daniel's hands busy during nursing instead of grabbing everything. I tried a nursing necklace before and he was interested for about 2 seconds... but this new one I got is just way more interesting to him.
He likes to hold the wooden hoop, twist the string so the charms dangle together, etc... its way more interesting than the one that is just the center stone part. Maybe try something like that? And only let him have it while nursing? A lovie or something? What happens if you cover your breast with your shirt while he's nursing, does he freak out?