I don't know if Cat is Bfing, but I have a friend here who had major blood loss after delivery and her milk took forever to come in. I don't think it was even close to what Cat went through and with the stay in the ICU I doubt she was pumping etc.
So we saw anoher daycare this morning. I'm now completely torn. I LOVED this place. Its everything a daycare should be, and felt very safe and loving.
The reason I'm torn is that I think I liked the philosophy of the 'drug' woman better... she was so much more relaxed and flexible. She also can do whatever schedule we want with him, part time, full time etc, no charges for running late etc.
The place today is 8-5 which may be a problem with DH doing the dropoff since he just got talked to at work about not being there a full 8 hours and they want him there 8-5.
That place is also full-time only and $250 a week... so we wouldn't be able to save money by having the inlaws watch him a couple days.
They say to go with your gut but I honestly don't know. If either of these were my only choice, I'd feel super comfortable with the care he was getting.
I just feel like I only have one chance to make the right choice and the $250 a week would be a struggle financially... my mom gave us some money to tide us over while we figure things out, but I don't want to make a choice and then when her money runs out, we can't figure out how to afford it, you know?
I'm totally freakin torn... both places feel like super lucky finds for different reasons... drug lady has the ECE degree, wonderful interaction, dedication to the parent's wishes and very flexible.... the other lady is a beautifuly/perfect daycare center, policies exactly the way i'd want them that show that she is responsible etc.. very loving..