I just thought there were alot fo false positives with IVF...that's why I suggested not to. I don't want you to get a false positive and it end up being negative.....but I know you have a baby in there so test away!!! I don't know why the tests are soooo expensive here. I go downt to the States (10 mins)if I know I'm gonna be jonesing. I can get 3/15 or even better, at the dollar store down south LOL. So.....I was brainstorming how I cold come up with the money quickly, we have a few thousand saved up but because DH has been putting every penny into the latest reno he's doing, things have been tight. I have a pair of diamond earrings (biggins) that have no sentimental value.....DH bought them for me when we were dating....I had thought it but didn't want to hurt his feelings but he brought it up to me...said it would give him something to replace. I'm heading to get them appraised and see...I'm sure it would cover the rest. Is that awful of me to do? I just want a baby so badly and don't have another 6 mths in me to wait. I'm done with waiting. OK - let me have it.......