I just wanted to ask a little advice...
I'm on clomid, 50mg on CD 1-5. Currently CD22.
I was hoping someone may have been in a similar situation and got a BFP. If so, when did you get a positive hcg post OV?
I'm now 11dpo I think. So tired and cranky I can barely function, sore bbs, thick heavy white CM (sorry TMI), abdo cramping, bloatedness. emotional but still negative tests.
This is my first clomid cycle and I'm not sure if I'm testing too soon or if I'm simply not pregnant this cycle. I'd appreciate any advice as this is all new to me!!
I'm on clomid, 50mg on CD 1-5. Currently CD22.
I was hoping someone may have been in a similar situation and got a BFP. If so, when did you get a positive hcg post OV?
I'm now 11dpo I think. So tired and cranky I can barely function, sore bbs, thick heavy white CM (sorry TMI), abdo cramping, bloatedness. emotional but still negative tests.
This is my first clomid cycle and I'm not sure if I'm testing too soon or if I'm simply not pregnant this cycle. I'd appreciate any advice as this is all new to me!!