Clomid round 3 anyone else?

I know how you feel about tje waiting game, last cycle I spotted 3 times when I dont normally and everytime expected af but still took ages, how is it today?
Did babybump change their page? Mine is all white & purple now.
I think mine is the same, but I'm using mobile.
Ok 15dpo, not another spot or sign of af since that one brownish cm 2 nights ago. Temp is still up, the last 2 days temps are erratic bc my battery was dying but I got a new one. I used frer with fmu. Bfn What the heck? Should I give up? Try another brand? Why on top of the devastation of trying for 3 years do I now have to be in limbo! It's cruel. Any thoughts?
Lanet and Star- Yes I misunderstood the BFN for AF. I tried posting a few different times yesterday but it wouldn't let me for some reason.

Lanet- I wouldn't give up yet but try your best just to wait it out. How many dpo does your AF usually arrive? What day were you expecting AF?

Cntrygrl- Mine page changed colors too!
Hello, mine has always been white and purple
I'd agree with Noele lanet and wait it out if u can, hoping the huge temps are a good sign

How are u feeling noele?
Star- I am good. No pre-af back pain but I am now getting emotional today or small things and a little bit of pre-af acne so I am definitely thinking AF is on her way and my guess will be Thursday. But we will see lol You never know ;-) As long as you are trying and bd'ing at the right times than there is always a chance.
Hope af stays away, and youre right there is always a chance, we just have to stay positive!
Just noticed ewcm, dh has been away since Mon so haven't bd but hes back tonight,hopefully if it is ovulation it won't be too late to dtd tonight

Hows everyone today?
Good luck girls! I'm beginning to think I may have a cyst that's keeping AF away. I also got an email from my dr saying I should try a specialist a few hours away instead. She had originally said to do iui with her the next 2 months. My insurance covers nothing. I feel like I have no plan and now no dr. I'm feeling down down down
Good luck girls! I'm beginning to think I may have a cyst that's keeping AF away. I also got an email from my dr saying I should try a specialist a few hours away instead. She had originally said to do iui with her the next 2 months. My insurance covers nothing. I feel like I have no plan and now no dr. I'm feeling down down down

I know how you feel dear. My insurance covers nothing and we have been with a doctor doing medicated cycles for a year exactly this month and still nothing. On top of that we've been trying two years. Keep up the faith and hope. Most doctors do payments plan to help you out. Just look around and keep your options open to a fertility specialist.
I've also been trying nearly 3 years. And paying for everything. There is one dr here that I've worked with that charges $1200 for iui. We've done that once. I just can't imagine having to add the cost of traveling back and forth. We've already spent thousands. But maybe that's what it will take:(
Star- Hoping you catch the egg in time :) Lots of luck to you! What cycle day are you on?

Lanet- Sorry to hear about your doctor... If your doctor originally told you she would try two IUI cycles then I would definitely try to talk her into keeping her word! Especially if the specialist is a few hours away... How many dpo are you now? Hoping you don't have a cyst. Are you feeling any pain or pressure?

Well I am 13dpo and usually AF is here by now and usually my temp would have dropped by now... But over the last year I have learned that I can't always count on 'usually' lol. But if AF doesn't show today than I am thinking I ovulated later than FF and I estimated. Which makes me glad that I've already decided to use opks again next cycle. I don't have any pre-af symptoms except some acne and two days ago I was a little emotional. Also yesterday I had lots of ewcm... Not sure what that is about.

I am a little bummed to think I may have ovulated later than I thought. DH and I only bd'd up until CD 17 and went almost a week without bding after that so if I did ovulate later than I am definitely out. Every month I tell myself I want to bd until CD 22 or 23 just to be safe but usually DH and I don't make it that far. I don't know how some people can keep up the energy to bd all month long lol DH and I are usually wiped out after two weeks.

Well it's almost the weekend again :) That is something to be happy about!
Af came. At 16dpo, as you said you can't count on "usual" in this ttc business. I am actually relieved to not be in limbo anymore. I'm so put off by that dr that I'm not even sure id want to work with her now.
Hi Everyone. Happy Thursdsay :)

Noele - I know exactly what you mean. I really dont know how people BD the whole month... after 2 weeks straight im done lol

Lanet- Yes it really sucks that insurance doesnt cover any of this... but hopefully everything works out for everyone on here and it will be worth it :)

Im CD 9 today. We are going to start trying to BD every day for the next 10 days... hopefully that does the trick this month.
Good Luck Ladies. I have bloodwork on CD3 they also want to do another HSG to make sure my polyps haven't returned. Then we'll be doing injectables in December along with IUI. I feel horrible that your insurance companies aren't covering any of the costs.
Lanet- Sorry to hear AF showed :-( Wishing you lots of luck and babydust for this next cycle. Not sure of you mentioned this in previous comments but did you and DH have all the initial testing done, such as, blood work, hag, ultrasound and semen analysis?

Adr- Good luck to you and DH! I hope you catch that egg :)

Cntrygrl- Glad you have a plan set!! That's with the specialist now right?

AFM- Still no AF :-/ not that I want AF to show but I'd rather AF come sooner than later bc I hate cycles that just drag on... Sorry if this is TMI but sometimes when AF is late DH and I just bd and usually that (for some weird reason) brings on AF. Lol Also, looking at my chart thinking maybe I could have ovulated at CD 19 instead of CD 16...
Oops*** spelling error... HSG now hag lol stupid smartphone!!!
Noele-- It looks like you could have O'ed on CD 19. Hoping it's not a long cycle for you. Yes we are with the specialist now.

AFM-- My chart seems to be all over the place. When I went on Wednesday though I did have an egg on the left that measured 15mm at CD11. The nurse said should O sometime this weekend. We'll see based on my temps.
Noele, thanks. And yes we've been through every test you can imagine, and then again! Lol. My husband has been tested 3 times. At this point I guess we are unexplained. And I know what you mean about cycles that drag on, being in limbo is hell. I hope you get an answer soon.
I'm at my baseline dr appt. going to go over an iui plan with my previous dr. She said we can add injectables. I'll know the details soon.
Good luck everyone!

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