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Clomid & unexplained infertility


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May 17, 2013
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My DH and I have been trying to conceive our second for almost two years. We had the dye test and his semen analysis and everything is normal. I appear to be ovulating well. Has anyone had any luck with clomid? That is the next step the FS recommended us.

In other notes Im feeling pretty down about our secondary infertility. On top of everything I sort of got cornered (not maliciously) into hosting a baby shower tomorrow. "Sigh".

Trying to stay positive.
Im in exactly the same position, everythings normal but no baby #2. Im currently in the middle of my first clomid cycle right now :) xx
Hi there,

I'm in exactly the same boat. Have a two year old daughter and have been trying for # 2 for 15 months. I know it's not as long as some ladies but it feels quite long :cry:
Hubby's Sperm is fine and I had my HSG yesterday and that was all clear. I also had an ultrasound that showed I had a 2cm endometrial cyst on my left ovary so I'm wondering whether I have more endometriosis. All other tests are fine and I'm ovulating fine.
I haven't had my consultation with my FS but I'm wondering if Clomid might be the next step. I have read about lots of ladies who have unexplained infertility and did manage to conceive on Clomid. I think it gives ovulation that little ooompf :haha:

I'm really sorry you're going through this. I do know exactly how you feel. X x

Yup same boat. Been trying for 16 Cycles now & had a miscarriage in March...early April.
Did our Third IUI this month & I'm 3dpo...jsut waiting and crossing fingers.
I got pregnant on my second IUI so I think it has smth to do with the spermies making it to my eggy. We shall see.

But if we get to our 5th IUI then I may do Clomid. I am just nervous about having multiples.
I'm in a similar position. We haven't tested Hubby's sperm yet, but my irregular periods point to me being the problem even though all the tests have come back normal. You aren't alone!!
I'd like to update you ladies and say

MY FIRST ROUND OF CLOMID WORKED! it gave me my bfp 2 days ago!

Good luck ladies! xxx
Definitely try clomid or femera, just make sure your doctor is doing monitored cycles.

For what it's worth, here is my advice on secondary infertility. If i had to do it all over again, i would do it totally different. I wish i knew then what i know now!

After a few rounds of clomid, try IUI. If that doesn't work after a few tries....stop and do more testing!!!!! We did not do this and it turned out to be a HUGE mistake! I just found out after 10 years of unexplained infertility that i have very high levels of NK cells. It turns out it is more common in women who have already had a baby and i also had every symptom in the book. It turns out that not all doctors test for it. It is a specialty test and has to be sent off to another lab (i believe Chicago and Boston have labs). I had to go through 4 REs before i found one who even brought it up. All of those years of clomid, IUIs, and IVF were all for nothing....with elevated NK cells we never even had a chance.

Please research and find out all you can before getting talked into IVF and other expensive treatments. Doctors use the argument that 'you got pregnant once, you should be able to again if we do enough treatments', and it's just not true! People complain that the NK cell test is too expensive (about $200) and they don't want to do it, but it's just a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of IVF.
Definitely try clomid or femera, just make sure your doctor is doing monitored cycles.

For what it's worth, here is my advice on secondary infertility. If i had to do it all over again, i would do it totally different. I wish i knew then what i know now!

After a few rounds of clomid, try IUI. If that doesn't work after a few tries....stop and do more testing!!!!! We did not do this and it turned out to be a HUGE mistake! I just found out after 10 years of unexplained infertility that i have very high levels of NK cells. It turns out it is more common in women who have already had a baby and i also had every symptom in the book. It turns out that not all doctors test for it. It is a specialty test and has to be sent off to another lab (i believe Chicago and Boston have labs). I had to go through 4 REs before i found one who even brought it up. All of those years of clomid, IUIs, and IVF were all for nothing....with elevated NK cells we never even had a chance.

Please research and find out all you can before getting talked into IVF and other expensive treatments. Doctors use the argument that 'you got pregnant once, you should be able to again if we do enough treatments', and it's just not true! People complain that the NK cell test is too expensive (about $200) and they don't want to do it, but it's just a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of IVF.

What are nk cells?
Natural Killer Cells. It's an autoimmune issue. Your body basically attacks anything that is seen to be an 'invader'. Kind of like when your body attacks germs or viruses, except it recognizes the embryo as an invader. It causes either early miscarriages or implantation dysfunction. Women are usually diagnosed as 'unexplained' since everything else comes back fine...blood tests, ultrasounds, HSG.
No, but there is a bit of cause and effect between DQ Alpha alloimmune disorder and NK cells. DQ Alpha can trigger NK cells, or NK cells can exist on their own.
The same with you I try taking clomid but no success. The ob gyne said that I am ovulating and I am still wondering why I am still not get pregnant. Is it true that if you have a retroverted uterus you cannot get pregnant easily.
Hi ladies, I conceived my 1st ds after 6 years of trying on 1st round of clomid after been diagnosed with unexplained infertility, whether that kick started my fertility I don't know but I went on to have another 4 boys and 2 losses naturally, I am now 42 and having bee
n trying to conceive baby no 6 for 21/2 years with no joy I ovulate regular so we are due to start tests again next week to see if there is a problem, my dr has said its not the menopause as I have regular periods.
I will be trying Clomid this month for the first time. I'm a bit nervous & excited all at the same time. I hope this will be it! FX
I will be trying Clomid this month for the first time. I'm a bit nervous & excited all at the same time. I hope this will be it! FX

Barbikins, good luck! Really hope this is it for you, but please come back and update on your progress. I think I'm unexplained too and hoping I will be given Clomid when I see my FS in July xxxxx
thanks Spockette :) I'm on day 3 of Clomid & I feel great. no side effects ;)
I'll be going to the clinic on Saturday for Day10 of cycle monitoring & we'll see how it's going then!
Are you also doing IUI or natural?

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