Well I'm sort of in the same boat with mommyxofxone; I got two peak readings on my CBFM, followed by a high, and positive OPK's on those three days as well. We DtD all those days and I had the major hormones yesterday, but now the monitor and OPK's read that the surge is gone and my temps have only gone up .4 and they usually go up much higher than that

coupled with the fact that, other than the mood swings yesterday, I've had NO symptoms of O'ing (no cramps, twinges, etc etc) I'm left to guess that it may not have happened this month. My future temps will either confirm my fears or prove that I have. Either way both FF and CDTP say that I've most likely O'd on the 8th, meaning that my period should be due on the 23rd. I'm still planning to test on the 19th, though that will make it early (11DPO) and I know my chances are high that I could get a false negative.
Course now I'm comparing myself to last cycle, both because it's the only other cycle I've had where I got pregnant even if it was a chemical. I honestly don't know if I want this cycle to follow the same symptoms as the last one. I've heard from a lot of women that it's often the cycle where they have NO symptoms that they end up pregnant and it sticks... thoughts??? Ugh as usual I'm 1DPO and driving myself insane already...