Sorry to hear that MItoDC. But keep stalking us!! We will be here for ya!
Had my IUI today and it went well. Now the dreaded TWW to see if it was a true success.
Congrats, KK!
I tested on Monday at 10dpo and got a BFN. The witch is due tomorrow, so I guess I am not out until she officially rears her ugly head, but can't help but be a little discouraged...trying to stay positive though. In the meantime I refuse to spend any more money on tests! lol!
KK, do you mind me asking how many dpo you were when you got your BFP? TIA!
@Lilly.... I know it's still July, but any thought about starting an August testing thread? Unless I get really bad news at my follow-up on Saturday, should have an August testing date within the next week or so (I hope).