Cloth bum tips & tricks etc

oh ladies - i'm sorry i have soooooo many questions this morning :blush:

firstly - i quickly took my new itti bitti apart to wash first of all, and when i put it back together i don't think i put the inserts back correctly :dohh: it came with two intserts - a long one and a wider one for folding - how do i do it as it bunched up under her yesterday :dohh:

also - i no you all talk about additional add ons? are they AIO?? and do you use them with blueberrys? i think maddi is quite a heavy wetter as she drinks so much, so what do you suggest for this?

and finally - i was reading back on the pail issues - do you feel your pail with cold water and leave to soak? i plan to wash every night as i'm still building up our stash :happydance: and also - mo3 - you spoke about a spray for the dirty ones! can we get this over here UK ladies? do you use it?

phew, down! :rofl:

thanks ladies! i feel soooooooo clueless and stupid! :blush: so glad you are all a fountain of knowledge!

and yep - before you ask - i'm addicted :happydance:

ooh im glad you asked about the soaking and also the spray... ive been wondering this too. x

glad its not just me honey! i get so confused! xx
i know.. tell me about it... im dreading the first poo!!! :dohh: xxx
i know.. tell me about it... im dreading the first poo!!! :dohh: xxx

lol - it isn't too bad at all! we've had quite a few now, in fact every time she's worn cloth :dohh: and its fine and very easy - and maddi is eating everything :sick: and even after that i still love them!
oh ladies - i'm sorry i have soooooo many questions this morning :blush:

firstly - i quickly took my new itti bitti apart to wash first of all, and when i put it back together i don't think i put the inserts back correctly :dohh: it came with two intserts - a long one and a wider one for folding - how do i do it as it bunched up under her yesterday :dohh:

also - i no you all talk about additional add ons? are they AIO?? and do you use them with blueberrys? i think maddi is quite a heavy wetter as she drinks so much, so what do you suggest for this?

and finally - i was reading back on the pail issues - do you feel your pail with cold water and leave to soak? i plan to wash every night as i'm still building up our stash :happydance: and also - mo3 - you spoke about a spray for the dirty ones! can we get this over here UK ladies? do you use it?

phew, down! :rofl:

thanks ladies! i feel soooooooo clueless and stupid! :blush: so glad you are all a fountain of knowledge!

and yep - before you ask - i'm addicted :happydance:

ooh im glad you asked about the soaking and also the spray... ive been wondering this too. x

glad its not just me honey! i get so confused! xx


i dont have much experience with ittis but i have found they get easier with a bit more washing!! i make sure you put the shaped one on top and i put the snap ins in n then bend the nappy so its the same kinda shape its gonna be when its on if you get me??? the you can see whats gonna be like n have a fiddle....

additional add ons .. do you mean boosters??? you can buy them from most sites and can put them in most nappies - the nappy will be a bit more bulky and you might not get as good a fit in sized nappies but you get that bit more absorbency:thumbup:

i dondtwet pail - i have 3 dogs n they are little buggers :rofl: i just put a few drops of tea tree oil / lavendar oil in it on a musln cloth its sooooo much easier.

i just dump the worst of the poo down the toilet then use the shower on the strongest setting - you can get liners to keep the worst of the poo offthe nappy but alot of girls dont like the pasperyness of them i use the boots liners n they r really soft but i only use them when i'm expecting a poo :rofl: doesnt always work that theory tho :rofl:

hope this helps gurls


oh ladies - i'm sorry i have soooooo many questions this morning :blush:

firstly - i quickly took my new itti bitti apart to wash first of all, and when i put it back together i don't think i put the inserts back correctly :dohh: it came with two intserts - a long one and a wider one for folding - how do i do it as it bunched up under her yesterday :dohh:

also - i no you all talk about additional add ons? are they AIO?? and do you use them with blueberrys? i think maddi is quite a heavy wetter as she drinks so much, so what do you suggest for this?

and finally - i was reading back on the pail issues - do you feel your pail with cold water and leave to soak? i plan to wash every night as i'm still building up our stash :happydance: and also - mo3 - you spoke about a spray for the dirty ones! can we get this over here UK ladies? do you use it?

phew, down! :rofl:

thanks ladies! i feel soooooooo clueless and stupid! :blush: so glad you are all a fountain of knowledge!

and yep - before you ask - i'm addicted :happydance:

ooh im glad you asked about the soaking and also the spray... ive been wondering this too. x

glad its not just me honey! i get so confused! xx


i dont have much experience with ittis but i have found they get easier with a bit more washing!! i make sure you put the shaped one on top and i put the snap ins in n then bend the nappy so its the same kinda shape its gonna be when its on if you get me??? the you can see whats gonna be like n have a fiddle....

additional add ons .. do you mean boosters??? you can buy them from most sites and can put them in most nappies - the nappy will be a bit more bulky and you might not get as good a fit in sized nappies but you get that bit more absorbency:thumbup:

i dondtwet pail - i have 3 dogs n they are little buggers :rofl: i just put a few drops of tea tree oil / lavendar oil in it on a musln cloth its sooooo much easier.

i just dump the worst of the poo down the toilet then use the shower on the strongest setting - you can get liners to keep the worst of the poo offthe nappy but alot of girls dont like the pasperyness of them i use the boots liners n they r really soft but i only use them when i'm expecting a poo :rofl: doesnt always work that theory tho :rofl:

hope this helps gurls



Thats what my plan is lol.. :D Thanks for all the advice! Sooooo helpful! x x x x
i know.. tell me about it... im dreading the first poo!!! :dohh: xxx

lol - it isn't too bad at all! we've had quite a few now, in fact every time she's worn cloth :dohh: and its fine and very easy - and maddi is eating everything :sick: and even after that i still love them!

Oh I hope they are easy.. Laylas poos tend to be slightly on the mushy side..! I think I will need to get some liners!!! :D x
Claire's poos were very mushy before I started her on solids, and I used the liners. There still would be some poop on either side of the liner, but the majority of the mess was lifted out right away when I got rid of the liner.

Definitely worthwhile. Once the poops become more solid, they kind of "roll" off the diaper into the toilet. Very easy! I barely have to rinse them anymore!
Claire's poos were very mushy before I started her on solids, and I used the liners. There still would be some poop on either side of the liner, but the majority of the mess was lifted out right away when I got rid of the liner.

Definitely worthwhile. Once the poops become more solid, they kind of "roll" off the diaper into the toilet. Very easy! I barely have to rinse them anymore!

Oh I hope Laylas poos go abit more solid! Even with the shower on full power it wouldnt rinse her lunchtime poo off her BG. :sick: :rofl:
oh ladies - i'm sorry i have soooooo many questions this morning :blush:

firstly - i quickly took my new itti bitti apart to wash first of all, and when i put it back together i don't think i put the inserts back correctly :dohh: it came with two intserts - a long one and a wider one for folding - how do i do it as it bunched up under her yesterday :dohh:

also - i no you all talk about additional add ons? are they AIO?? and do you use them with blueberrys? i think maddi is quite a heavy wetter as she drinks so much, so what do you suggest for this?

and finally - i was reading back on the pail issues - do you feel your pail with cold water and leave to soak? i plan to wash every night as i'm still building up our stash :happydance: and also - mo3 - you spoke about a spray for the dirty ones! can we get this over here UK ladies? do you use it?

phew, down! :rofl:

thanks ladies! i feel soooooooo clueless and stupid! :blush: so glad you are all a fountain of knowledge!

and yep - before you ask - i'm addicted :happydance:

ooh im glad you asked about the soaking and also the spray... ive been wondering this too. x

glad its not just me honey! i get so confused! xx


i dont have much experience with ittis but i have found they get easier with a bit more washing!! i make sure you put the shaped one on top and i put the snap ins in n then bend the nappy so its the same kinda shape its gonna be when its on if you get me??? the you can see whats gonna be like n have a fiddle....

additional add ons .. do you mean boosters??? you can buy them from most sites and can put them in most nappies - the nappy will be a bit more bulky and you might not get as good a fit in sized nappies but you get that bit more absorbency:thumbup:

i dondtwet pail - i have 3 dogs n they are little buggers :rofl: i just put a few drops of tea tree oil / lavendar oil in it on a musln cloth its sooooo much easier.

i just dump the worst of the poo down the toilet then use the shower on the strongest setting - you can get liners to keep the worst of the poo offthe nappy but alot of girls dont like the pasperyness of them i use the boots liners n they r really soft but i only use them when i'm expecting a poo :rofl: doesnt always work that theory tho :rofl:

hope this helps gurls



thank you sara - thats fab advice :D yep i meant boosters! such good advice! after what you said about your dogs, i must keep my pail out of maddi reach :lol:
I don't know about the itti's, they don't sell them over here :(

But about the sprayer, I've seen them on cloth diaper sites to order and they just connect to your toilet water supply I think. I don't rinse any poo off yet because it's so runny it just absorbs in. I found the liners didn't do much except bunch up and feel papery so I don't bother with them.

With the pail I've heard it's not good for AIOs or pockets to soak in a wet pail as it can affect their waterproof-ness (it that a word?? lol) I have a liner in the pail that gets put in the wash with the diaper and every few washes I wash out the pail with the shower or garden hose.
Claire's poos were very mushy before I started her on solids, and I used the liners. There still would be some poop on either side of the liner, but the majority of the mess was lifted out right away when I got rid of the liner.

Definitely worthwhile. Once the poops become more solid, they kind of "roll" off the diaper into the toilet. Very easy! I barely have to rinse them anymore!

Oh I hope Laylas poos go abit more solid! Even with the shower on full power it wouldnt rinse her lunchtime poo off her BG. :sick: :rofl:

:sick: Yummy! :lol:

I never had to deal with that as I used the liners, but yes with Claire starting solids her poops now stick to her bum rather than her diaper.

:sick: Sounds gross, I know... but I prefer it sticking there than on her diaper! :rofl:
Right.. we had a bit of an issue with the liner at her dinnertime poo. I put the liner in (had to fold it abit smaller as it was hanging over the edges) but when I came to take the nappy off, it had all srunched up and basically had a tiny pit of poo in but most was on the nappy! Am I putting the liners in right?
What kind are you using?

I always hold on to the liner when I'm trying to fasten the velcro strips. I don't think I've ever had them bunch! :shrug: The kind I have right now are huuuuuge, I have to cut them in half in order to line her diaper properly.
Im not sure what kind. I just got them from mothercare. Couldnt find any today when I went into town. Should I let them hang over the edges then? Would that stop them do you think? Poor Layla had a big scrunched up liner in there!! Cant've been comfy!!
I found when if I didn't cut them to size, then when she peed it would leak through. Very frustrating!

If you are having to fold them, then maybe cut to size? I prefer it that way tbh because then I get more bang for my buck. But then again, I'm cheap like that.

This is the kind I have. They are way too big to use as is, so I cut them in half and it's a perfect size to fit in the diaper.
Ahhh you have a big roll of it? I just have a pack of squares. Will try again tomorrow and see how we get on! :D thanks for your help! :thumbup:
dont let them hang outside the nappy !! you'll get leaks!! i would cut to size n try to make sure it goes as far to each end (front n back) as poss then it shouldnt bunch :hugs:


I dry pail, I tried wet pailing and just didn't like the smell. I wash his poo off in the sink as it's so runny it just sticks if it's rinsed off in the toilet.

I wash every night or every 2 nights so it doesn't build up a strong smell.

One good tip my mum gave me, when his poo stains his nappy (all the time lol) the sun is the best thing to get it out
I dry pail, I tried wet pailing and just didn't like the smell. I wash his poo off in the sink as it's so runny it just sticks if it's rinsed off in the toilet.

I wash every night or every 2 nights so it doesn't build up a strong smell.

One good tip my mum gave me, when his poo stains his nappy (all the time lol) the sun is the best thing to get it out

i totally agree- daisy did a huuuuuge explosion in her smart nappy n it stained the outer but it came out after 1/2 hr in the sun :thumbup:

you recon putting them on a sunbed in winter will work???:rofl:



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