Cloth vs Disposable


WTT for No.1
May 27, 2009
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OK, i've not got any LOs yet, but i've has discussions with my OH about the future etc. and when i suggested using cloth nappies (because its better for the environment etc) he said no way, nobody we know uses cloth nappies. I said, so what, we have to do everything everyone else does? we have to conform to the rest of society? He seems stuck on the idea of 'being normal' and buying pampers etc 'like everyone else'...

Anyone else had the same thing with their partner, or anyone have any advice in persuading him to go the natural way...
my oh was like that at first and was dead against using cloth!! then when he realised it wasnt all terry flats and plastic pants he kinda got into the idea!! he occasionally uses a terry but he prefers using the pockets etc as its easier for him!!lol

i did ask him the other day theoretically if we were to split up n he had a baby with someone else :hissy: would he wanna use cloth n he said hell yeah i wouldnt use sposies!! so thats gotta be a turn around!!
Mark said he really didn't matter, I told him I'd do all the changing. Well after we got them and realized how easy they really were he loved them...he actually liked them better than sposies too.
Yeah my DH just sort of went along with me when I said I wanted to use cloth, then when Freya was about 2 months old he really got into it, and now he would not go near a disposable, he has opinions on which nappies he prefers, he enjoys assembling the ones that need assembling and he likes to show people the nappies!
Yeah my DH just sort of went along with me when I said I wanted to use cloth, then when Freya was about 2 months old he really got into it, and now he would not go near a disposable, he has opinions on which nappies he prefers, he enjoys assembling the ones that need assembling and he likes to show people the nappies!

yeah robs the same!! he always shows people the new nappies and when we are talking to peple we havent seen in a while he somehow manages to slip into the conversation that we use cloth and shows them her big fluffy bum!!!
Yeah my DH just sort of went along with me when I said I wanted to use cloth, then when Freya was about 2 months old he really got into it, and now he would not go near a disposable, he has opinions on which nappies he prefers, he enjoys assembling the ones that need assembling and he likes to show people the nappies!

yeah robs the same!! he always shows people the new nappies and when we are talking to peple we havent seen in a while he somehow manages to slip into the conversation that we use cloth and shows them her big fluffy bum!!!

Yep he does this too!! :lol:
My OH didn't want me to use cloth as he had memories of his childhood home having buckets of smelly nappies around all the time (his mum was a childminder and there were always lots of babies and toddlers around). He wanted us to use disposables and get the poo out of the house as quickly as possible, preferably in a scented plastic bag...

The eco-friendly argument didn't hold a great deal of water with him, neither did reminding him that these nappies may be out of the house but they're sitting festering in a wheelie bin for up to a week in high summer - lovely. And neither did explaining that little boys' genitals should be kept at a cool temp and disposables heat them up too much do me any good. So I just had to insist, appealing to his money-conscious nature. Once I'd explained that second-hand nappies were not disgusting, as all cloth is second hand when it's been pooed on and washed, even if it's just the one time, and once I'd bought a bunch of gorgeous pre-loved fluff and explained how much I'd saved on the full cost of the nappies, and how much we would save against the cost of disposables, and how I could even get some money back if I sold them on after - well, let's just say, I got my way :D

He didn't like the idea of washing all the time but I don't, just every 3 days. He didn't like the idea of poo sitting around but as it happens Adam only does one pooey nappy every 2 days usually, and I rinse that in the loo, so there's no smell at ALL. I don't think he loves seeing the clean nappies hanging round the flat but he can live with it.

And he's definitely come around to it. We do have some disposables in the house as he insisted on it for use if we go out, but *I* insist he use cloth while we're home. Apart from at night - but I'm working on that... Part of me does think he's humouring me in a way, but I don't care. He just wants an easy life and the nappies don't detract from that, IMO. He even came with me to a "nappuccino" (cloth nappy coffee morning thing) so I could use my real nappies for London voucher, and he was the only man there... and the lady asked his opinion and he chatted away about how good they were, easy to use, etc - so I think I converted him good and proper!

It's quite a turnaround - I was very very surprised when I managed to get him to use my cloth wipes as well, as he thought that was a step too far when I told him I was going to make some... that was the moment I knew he'd be ok, he was saying things like "nappies, fine, wipes no way", but when it came to it and he saw how much cleaner it is to wipe up poo with my wipes, he followed suit. :D

We did use disposables in the first month, I agreed to that, simply because I wanted to be sure I had the rest of everything fairly under control so he wouldn't have an excuse to say they were a bad idea. Then I phased them in, let him put on a disposable if he was doing a nappy but of course he ended up seeing me doing the cloth and raving about them, and he saw it is no extra work that is a chore for me (the opposite, I love looking after my nappies!) and eventually he was doing it as well. I think being flexible is a good idea, it's ok to have some disposables around, use them when you need to, etc. It's got to the point where I think my OH dislikes disposables as much as I do (apart from at night, but then he isn't the one always taking it off...)

good luck. the softly softly approach might be a good one
Shaun was with me right from the start! I didn't have to persuade him at all (altho i do have to justify "posh nappies" :rofl: One of the main things that did it for us was when we found out a disposable nappy takes 500 years to decompose!!!
i've been really lucky as my Hubby has been full on up for cloth since the start though our antenatal class did put him off the idea few a little while when he had the sudden realisation of what newborn poo looked like etc.

our compromise if sposies for the first few days to get through the 'mec' stage then flushable liners for a few weeks (with a fleece liner too) then just the fleece liner as he should be used to it all by then.

this is our first baby and we're very keen to do what we can to save money but not cut corners on quality. (when my bro was little my mum brought budget sposies and bro had alot of nappy rash) with cloth we won't have to worry about having no money in our account - baby is cared for by cloth and breast!
my oh says disposables more conveniant (sp?) but happy to use cloth as long as i set up prefold ones :)
My hubbie wasn't keen on the idea as he had notions in his head of folding terry squares and nappy pins, as well as big tubs of cold poo-ey nappies soaking in water. I've managed to persuade him to try them by showing him what they look like nowadays and how it would work in reality and also the idea that they might be easier to potty train appeals to him too.

I've yet to see how they work in practice!
my OH was fine with it when I mentioned it before LO was born, I try not to mention some stuff is preloved, as I think he would say thats going too far, so I've only got preloved wraps. I do feel slightly guilty that its completely my choice and I tend to change all the poey nappies as I think he would have a meltdown!!!(I rinse the poey ones in a bucket and then basically wash it there and then if I'm home so they just go into the dry pail and into the nappy wash)
We're still using sposies at night, because I haven't been brave enough to move over!!!
But I've been suprised how willing he is to use them now :)
My OH was always fairly supportive of cloth although he was concerned about the ease of them... and the reduced mobility as we used one size.

Personally I find them just as easy - if not easier!! We always have some disposibles in, for when we go away at weekends and for the changing bag, although I always varry at least 2 spare I also have a couple of disposibles as he has a habit of going through more when we are out and they take up less space!
Well my OH seems to have gone a bit quiet after being a little confused and initially saying that I could use the reusable and he'd use the disposable. :dohh:

I think he'll come round though. However I'm not going to be all gung ho and am happy to use disposable when we're out and about etc.

It's my mum who's being VERY negative about the whole thing. And when I tell her not to be she just says "we'll see." which drives me CRAZY! I can't stand the thought of not using them afterall and have her be all "i told you so" :growlmad: I think because she HAD to use terry's for us three she thinks that disposables are the best invention in the world and according to her she would have had LOTS more babies if they were around when she was having babies.

But it is annoying. I've decided to go with disposables for the first 6 weeks to 2 months and during that time ordering a trial pack from one of the websites. Then slowly introducing them in. I know a couple who didn't buy enough nappies and I think that's what made them stop using so I want to make sure I have enough for a use/wash routine.

As for your OH, I honestly think, if you're the one taking time off work and if you have the money to get the bucket in place and a good selection of nappies it's not much he can do about it. :shrug: :haha:

As for what other people do :dohh: I think I'd have to kill my OH if he said something like that. :blush:
We are the only ones I know who do cloth aswell, and I'm glad we do. For the first few months of our son's life we did use disposables. Oh my are they expensive after awhile, I cannot see any reason to use disposables again. Buying diapers after diapers is just a waste. I don't waste any money with cloth. I still do the laundry the same times, I don't have to do extra loads and I only had to buy cloth diapers once. I have recently bought new ones for new baby (didn't have any newborn or smaller diapers since Hunter didn't have any) and I won't have to buy more diapers unless something happends to these ones. Its a huge relief knowing, that I'm set on diapers and won't have to make a midnight run to the store.
I know about 3 others who use cloth and all their OHs are completely supportive too. Shaun has never worried about it at all. He was concerned abot pockets to start as he didn't know what insert to put with what but that was easily solved by me stuffing them before they go in the drawer :D

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