Coby Joshua's Birth Story


Mum to 2 gorgeous boys
Mar 14, 2009
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OK, just like my labour this is gonna be a long one!

So, it begins around midday Saturday 31st July, 6 days overdue. Me and hubby went into town for a little wander and to try and get things moving and as we were walking around I started getting mild contractions. They were roughly every 15-30 minutes, so not very regular, but I was happy that I thought it might have been the start of things.

They went on all day and I tried to distract myself with various things and at the same time try and keep upright and bounce on my ball to help things move along.

I tried to get some sleep in case things were happening but they were getting so painful and every 5 minutes so had to get up.

Sunday 1st August, I had been up all night with painful contractions and so in the morning decided to get some rest - about 10am. Which was probably a mistake as it just put a stop to the contractions.
Decided we wanted to get things moving again so went out for a drive to find some speedbumps! That did the trick! Brought the contractions back, much more painful at this point but only every 10 minutes.

3am Monday 2nd August and I had been having really really painful contractions, every 5 minutes and then I was really sick and so thought it was time I phoned the hospital. They said I could come in if I wanted but it would be better for me to stay home as long as I could, so we carried on at home. By about 8am I felt I was ready to go in, so off we went. Was examined, to find out I was just 1-2cm and so was sent home. However, my blood pressure was really high at the time so they wanted to send someone round to see me Tuesday, if I wasn't back before then. I was absolutely devastated at this stage, just thinking I would never meet my boy!

Had much of the same, but with increasing pain continuing to the early hours of Tuesday morning. The midwife came to do my blood pressure and again it was really high and so she sent me straight in to hospital, which was good news to me as I was sooooo ready to go back!

Went in and my blood pressure was fine thankfully but they put me on the monitor, etc, just to check everything was ok with the baby. After that they did an examination and found I was now 3-4 cms (this was about 11am) and so allowed me to stay. They suggested I go for a wander to the hospital canteen and just stay as active as possible. So we were really excited now that we were gonna meet our little boy!

We wandered for a bit, which helped the contractions loads, I was having them really close together. By the time we got back we had a different midwife, who wasn't as nice as the first one, but was ok. Anyway, she just came in every now and again to see how we were doing but mainly left us get on with it. I was supposed to be checked 4 hours after my first examination but she was really busy and just didn't seem that bothered and so we carried on. My waters went though and so I called her back in. She was helping with another birth at the time and so took forever to come in. When she came in she checked my waters and found very light meconium in them so they wanted me on the monitor to check the baby was ok. All was fine on the monitor thankfully and he was perfectly happy in there :)

I was so sure I was gonna be close to the end and as I had no pain relief by this point I thought it was time to think about something to help. she hit me with that! I decided that it was time for some Gas and air.
she checked me and by now it must have been a good 6 hours after the first check and I was just 5cm. I couldn't believe it! I had been going on for so long and by this point with no pain relief whatsoever.

The gas and air took affect quickly and it all got a bit fuzzy from then on to be honest. The gas and air worked really well in that it took the focus away from the pain and just made me really high. The remaining hours went by in a state of confusion. All I remember is constantly saying “I don’t know what’s going on?”, “when is he going to be here?”, “what am I supposed to do?” – I feel sorry for my poor hubby as it seems he just had to repeat himself over and over. He really was fab, just coaching me along, passing the hours. Somewhere in between all of this there was a change over in midwives and the one I was left with for the rest of the labour was a bit useless unfortunately. Anyway, hours went by and the next thing I remember is being told to lie on the bed and that I needed to push. With each contraction, I was pushing and pushing but the baby’s head was stuck in the birth canal and with every push he would come forward a tiny bit and then just go back. This seemed to go on forever and I was getting more and more exhausted. Towards the end he was getting out a tiny bit each time and I remember at one point him being so close out it was absolute agony keeping him there, I just kept screaming “I can’t do this any more” – I really thought it would never end!! So it got to the point that they were going to give me an episiotomy. My hubby said that they were that close to doing it, but his head was too close and she couldn’t quite get to cut, but then all of a sudden he came out!
What an amazing feeling of relief!! He was passed straight to me and I just couldn’t believe my little boy was finally here! Me and hubby kept looking at each other and smiling!

Coby Joshua was born at 3.10am on Wednesday 4th August weighing 7lb 15oz and 52cm long.

After the birth:
Hubby cut the cord once it had stopped pulsing and I managed to deliver the placenta without any drugs. The midwives commented on how big the placenta was!! They then inspected me to see what damage was done. I had a 2nd Degree tear on my perineum and the midwife called the doctor in to stitch me up. While she was looking (and I was puffing on the gas and air) she said that there was damage to my clitoris. Basically they described it as it looking like someone had gone over it with a cheese grater! So she said once she’d stitched me up, they’d need to look at it and decide whether or not to stitch it or to leave it to heal. Anyway, the next thing I knew, they were putting in a local anaesthetic. They then tried to start stitching and I screamed to high heaven and jumped out of my skin. I can’t even begin to describe the pain, I have NEVER felt anything like it in my life. I just screamed “Stop, stop” and I was in absolute tears. I was also so worried as I’d screamed so much I thought I was upsetting my little baby boy. They decided to leave it alone at that point and let it heal. Then without explaining anything else, they put a catheter in me and finished up with us and gave us a few hours to ourselves. They wanted to keep me in for 24 hours as they wanted the catheter in, but I was so uncomfortable and I just wanted to get home with my new family. So the doctor came round to explain the risks and said that I must have a wee within 5 hours of having the catheter out. I agreed and they let me go, with a note in my notes to say I was discharged against medical advice.

So, we finally got to go home and be a family and it’s been amazing ever since!! I can’t imagine me ever ever wanting to do it again, but at the moment I have so much love for my gorgeous little boy that I don’t see it being a problem him being an only child!

Well done if you stuck with me! I told you it was gonna be long – but then it was a long long labour so it was gonna be hard to compress it!!

Here’s my gorgeous little boy, Coby Joshua :D
He is so beautiful Charlie - a real gorgeous, scrumptious boy :hugs: You did terribly well after so a long labour - sorry to hear the last little bit was so unpleasant :hugs: :hugs:

well done! Congrats on little coby, he is beautiful.
hes adorable. well done hun :hugs:
Ouchie! I can see why you would say those of us close to birth may not want to read, it really sounded like you had a tough time. But you coped amazingly with just G&A, you should be so proud of yourself!!
Wow, you did really well. The end stuff sounds so scary!

Congratulations - he's gorgeous!

Ouchies though, the last part of that made my toes curl! However did you bear it? I hope it all heals up soon.x
Thanks everyone!

Ouchies though, the last part of that made my toes curl! However did you bear it? I hope it all heals up soon.x

Ouchies indeed! I am still not sure how I managed to cope with it all and I have to keep trying to forget it and not play it back in my head too much as it just makes me cringe so much. The thought of all that pain! :wacko: But I am healing up now, it's still not comfortable but it's definitely improving! x
Oooh hun I had no idea about the last bit, how horrifying for you! I must say, as much as labour itself isnt easy, I think the stitching bit was worse!

Well done you though (and your lovely hubby of course), Coby is absolutely gorgeous.

Huge congrats hun :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxx
Aww congratulations to you and your family little coby is just beautiful xx
Big well done hun...what a gorgeous baby boy you have....and he is finally here! hehe
Sorry to hear about the last bit...i think you are such a trouper and i no way would of coped liked you
Wow, that was a tough ride. You did really well hun, with no epidural!! I was begging for it!
The clitoris thing sounds real bad!! How did that happen?! I can't believe they didn't wait for the drugs to work!!!

I hope you're feeling better and your tear is almost healed. It's awful with the stitches!!

Take care my lovely. xx
Well done hun, Coby is gorgeous, many congrats to you and hubby xx
Just read your story, poor you!!! But I know Coby must make it so worth it XXX
Congratulations to you and DH. Enjoy every minute :hugs:
that sounds incredibly painful.. ouch.. but i can see your little guy was sooo worth it, congrats!!

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