Come and wait with me in my tww :D GUESS WHO'S BACK YEP CRAZY WOMAN HERE

congrats bc :happydance:

so I had a dream last night that I had a little baby boy and he had a cleft lip (I was born with a cleft palet so that's not out of the realm of possibilities ) but he was sooooo cute, and I was so busy being so happy to have him I forgot to tell anyone I was pregnant let alone that I had had him :rofl:
Hi ladies it's been a while, I've been working flat out haven't had much time to myself. Congratulations to all the new BFP how exciting! I'm currently 7dpo and I've not tested at all, not even once haha hope your all okay ♡
little. update.
I am due on today, nothing, I still don't even feel like I'm due on soon.
this morning I woke up tired and not the normal tired everyone wakes up as, I stayed this tired until 1pm, I had 2 more panic attacks today, my hands and legs feel numb, I just feel really strange and off.
like I'm not in my own body if that makes sense?

I took another test, BFN, so god knows what my body is up to today
Congrats on all of the BFPs! :)
@tdog love the scan pics!!!
AFM cd8 and no opks left, didn’t bother ordering more and sitting in my gyno’s office to see what the next step is. I’m sorry for being so quiet, this last cycle really threw me for a loop, so I’m taking a step back for now :(
@Momof2onetube thats understandable, you’ve really been through it! Hope your appointment went well :hugs:

@Convie I hope AF stays away and you get a BFP soon! What tests are you using?

@PeanutWhereRU how’s it going?

@bc1122 congrats

CD25 here and I had very painful cramps last night. Full expected to wake up to AF today but nothing yet apart from a lot of back pain today. Temp has continued rising but RPR is dropping. Still not sure if I’ve ovulated or not!
jellybean, I'm using the ANSWER tests from savers. as for cramps could it possibly be ovulation cramps?
I had my hycosy today. It wasn't anyway near as bad having it done as I imagined I've just had lots of cramping this afternoon. The dye wouldn't go through my left tube,she had to call someone else in & they tried again but still no luck & they saw adhesions prob from endometriosis which I suspected I might have & I have a cyst on my right ovary but that shouldn't harm things. Got an appt in 3 months to discuss everything with consultant but she mentioned IVF would be the next thing they would offer which financially isn't gna be an option for us.
I'm feeling pretty gutted as we obviously don't have a chance the months I ovulate from left side & the good side has a cyst even tho she said shouldn't cause a problem still worries me. I've had a test done today that also checks how good my egg reserve is,we have to pay for it but I think will be helpfull knowing.
Thanks @jellybeanxx i did ovulate, but he said likely not a good egg as my numbers were lower than he wanted to see. I’m going for an HSG in January. Then if all is clear with that, I am to start with Femara for Feb cycle :cry:
Hi ladies sorry been so quiet today I had my first hypo it was awful I didn't even have my reading monitor with me to see how low it was but I was shaking sweaty and so tired it was horrible xx

Hope everyone well xx
@tdog hope you’re feeling better now! When is your next appointment with the diabetes team? Hope they can help you get those blood sugars under control. I can’t remember if we’ve talked about it before but if you’re on Facebook then the GD UK Facebook group is brilliant. It is mostly women with GD but there’s women with T1 and T2 there as well as it’s all pretty similar in pregnancy. I found it helpful to speak to others in the same position and there’s loads of meal ideas and ways of dealing with the medical professionals etc too.

@Momof2onetube I’m glad you’ve got a plan in place, sounds like a positive appointment!

@pamg that sounds like a lot to take in for you! From hearing of others experiences I honestly think doctors can be too quick to jump to IVF. Cysts can be common even on healthy ovaries and they tend to just disappear on their own so I honestly wouldn’t worry about that. Hopefully the good side will do it’s job! I understand finding the blocked tube must be upsetting though :hugs:

@Convie I don’t know anything about those tests, just wondered if they were sensitive?
It could be ovulation but I don’t normally get cramps like that during ov, it’s more like a bum stabbing pain when I’m ovulating :blush:

I stupidly decided to get a Wilkos test (well 4 of them :lol:) because I’ve still not had bleeding. More back pain and cramping though. I’ve been squinting at the test for the last 30 mins. So you can all squint at it too :haha:

@jellybeanxx I think I see a shadow but I'm really not sure :shrug: I'm next at the diabetes team the 24th believe it or not lol xx
@jellybeanxx I think I see a shadow but I'm really not sure :shrug: I'm next at the diabetes team the 24th believe it or not lol xx

Well that’s a fun Christmas present for you! I’d give them a call if you’re getting erratic blood sugars and see if they can see you sooner?
I think these tests always looks a bit shadowy. I’ll test again in the morning if AF still hasn’t turned up.
I’ve just had a bit of very, very light pink CM. I wasn’t even sure at first but it is spotting. If AF comes tomorrow this will be pretty much a normal cycle length for me and that’s progress!
I’ve just had a bit of very, very light pink CM. I wasn’t even sure at first but it is spotting. If AF comes tomorrow this will be pretty much a normal cycle length for me and that’s progress!

Oh yey for the progress if it does come hope it does :) I'm going to see how they go over the next couple days then give them a ring xx
quick update cos I'm half asleep, period came this morning
I had my hycosy today. It wasn't anyway near as bad having it done as I imagined I've just had lots of cramping this afternoon. The dye wouldn't go through my left tube,she had to call someone else in & they tried again but still no luck & they saw adhesions prob from endometriosis which I suspected I might have & I have a cyst on my right ovary but that shouldn't harm things. Got an appt in 3 months to discuss everything with consultant but she mentioned IVF would be the next thing they would offer which financially isn't gna be an option for us.
I'm feeling pretty gutted as we obviously don't have a chance the months I ovulate from left side & the good side has a cyst even tho she said shouldn't cause a problem still worries me. I've had a test done today that also checks how good my egg reserve is,we have to pay for it but I think will be helpfull knowing.

I'm so sorry to hear such news for you, but I am so glad you are finally getting answers. I have also ready up on cysts not bothering when trying to get pregnant so keep hope. Do you know which side you ovulate each month?

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