Yes my eldest is 15 and I still worry haha.
Sorry to hear about sciatica hon I've had that with my last 2 pregnancies and it's horrible. I also had SPD. Definitely mention it to ure midwife hon she mite refure you to a physio. I found sleeping on my side with a pillow between my legs helped a bit. Sending hugs because I know how horrid that is. Sorry about the sickness as well. That's when mine really sets in in the 2nd trimester. With my DD the smell of fried food made me gag.
Not much queezyness today and boobies not as tender as yesterday. So it must just be a preganacy thing and symptoms are just worse some days than others.
My temp is still raised was 37.5c this morning. I'm still temping and testing untill I've had a scan and seen baby and heart beat.
Took another test because when I went bathroom earlier when I wiped I had a tanned mukas. I really panicked and thought oh no. But test line came up darker than control and have read that if ure about to MC ure temp plummets.
I'm gonna 5 weeks tommorow and I'm ringing my doctors surgery to see if I can book an appointment. I wanted to wait till I was 5 weeks because I wanted to make sure I wasn't having a chemical. Can't believe I'm gonna be 5 weeks, I know it's still mega early but when I found out I was only just over 3 weeks and remember thinking 5 weeks seemed like ages away.
When I see Dr I'm hoping he will get in touch with my my high risk pregnancy consultant. (I had her last time) and she will want to see me and hoping she will book me in for a early scan like she did last time.
Don't think the scan will be untill im 7 weeks but hoping it will be 6 because u can see the baby and heartbeat normally by 6 weeks, and waiting till 7 weeks seems so far away. Even tho it's only 2 weeks.
I just wanna know everything is ok.
Here's today's tests and I'll add one of my line progression. Let me know what you all think? Because I'm still a worry wart.
I hold my hands up I am a POASA lol.
Sounds like u are so so close babe to the big O. Praying for a nice juicy egg and that this is ure month. Good luck sweety I've got everything crossed.
Hello to all the newbies