Come say hi!



So many new mummys have joined this section the last week I thought it be a good idea for introductions :thumbup:

Just tell everyone a little bit about yourselves and what led you to decide on natural parenting :flower: there's just so many members joining it's just too good to be true, I'm overwhelmed.

So ladies, come say hello! x
I'm kind of new, I've been lurking a bit and dipping in and out of posts but until this LO is out of me I feel a bit naughty lol!

Anyway, I'm Jo, I'm 24 from Lancashire. Been married nearly 2yrs and our first baby is due in 7 weeks. I don't know what sort of parenting style I'll have yet but I'd rather take each day as it comes and go with the flow and what's right for baby rather than do what other people think is right (if that makes any sense at all!)

My plans at the moment are to breastfeed (it's easy and free - more money for fluff!), cloth bum and probably BLW when it comes to it. I'm also starting to think about slings and carriers.

That's about it really lol hopefully I'll be around here more soon!
Hey :)

I'm Kaya, 21 from Hampshire. Engaged to oh and been together 5.5 years. I work in a hospital nursing on a surgical ward (but I don't want to go back to work in august!)
I use cloth during the day, co sleep at night and wear kaiden when we go out.
Feel I fit in here as I'm very baby led. I have a huge stash of crystals! (random
fact lol) Welcome all new members :)
Hi I'm kinda new here :wave:

My name is Dawn, I'm 24 (25 in July) and from the Midlands. I have a little boy called Edward and pregnant with #2 due in September. I tried cloth nappies with Edward but we didn't get on with them, I am very baby led with him though. This time I'm going more against the norm with my birth (hypnotherapy) and plan on keeping my placenta to encapsulate. I'll also be breastfeeding again if not tandem nursing, using cloth from birth, baby wearing, co sleeping (even if it means DH is kicked out of the bed) BLW etc. I just feel I fit in here more plus it is fantastic for advice and ideas :thumbup:

Sorry about the ramble
Great responses so far :flower:

Femme, :wave: :haha:

:wave: welcome everyone, we will continue to grow in numbers and soon we will dominate and take over the world mwahhhahahahah ( Only Joking obviously :haha: ) But seriously, I like the idea of encapsulating the placenta, there was an entire thread about a lady who did that and her birth was AMAZING! I wonder if someone could locate it and give it a bit of a bump? xx
I'm off to messy play with Aisling but maybe us more established lot should introduce ourselves a bit too so the newer ones know what we're about? I'll do us later when we're back :D
Hi I am Becky, I am 25 and from East Mids. We have been using cloth nappies during the day (still not brave enough for night yet) since Olivia was nine months old (wish I had done it much sooner to be honest). We follow blw, sometimes co-sleep, and babywear. I guess you could say we AP but we just slipped into this way of parenting without realising it had a name!
Hi I'm new too ^^......i'm kerry im 24 an this will be my first baby so super excited and super scared at the same time hope ya all well
Hi, I'm Catherine, 31, from Belgium! Some of you might know me from the pregnancy forums. :) Liam has been in cloth for 2 months and we love it!
Not a newbie but i like Lu's idea of the regulars intro'ing as well!

Hi im Laura and im a fluff addict....:rofl:

I'm 21, been with my fiance for 4 years and have a 10 week old daughter....Abigail

We use cloth full time since she was about 3 weeks (as she was too skinny at birth to fit any properly!), we co-sleep and follow a baby-led life....

welcome to natural parenting :wave:
:hi: Hi I'm Nuala and I'm also a fluff addict! :haha: I'm 30, from Dublin but living near Bath at the moment.

Aisling has been in cloth full time since she was 9 months old and I really wish we'd started earlier too. We also use reuseable wipes and I'm thinking of starting soapnuts too.

We bf up until a couple of days ago when Aisling decided she'd had enough :cry: I live in hope that she'll change her mind though. We also do BLW which has been great.

We babywear the vast majority of the time now with a mei tai, we use the pram maybe once every couple of months, got to wonder why we still have it! :lol:

The only thing we don't really do is co-sleep although with did part time during her bfing during the night. She's a wriggler and I could neve sleep with her in with us - she was like a starfish in the middle of the bed with DH and I clinging onto the sides :dohh:
Hi all
I'm Joanne, 31 and my wee Toots is called Mairi. In my previous life, I was a childrens' nurse and sadly have to go back when my mat leave finishes in November! TBH, everything from Mairi's conception (clomid), to her delivery (section following pre-eclampsia) was very medically led, so I guess my new-found interest in putting Mairi in fluff was as a rebellion against all the crap that happened before!

For me personally, however, 'Natural Parenting' isn't neccessarily about everything being 'natural', it's about trusting my instincts as a mother and going with them (the pre-eclampsia wouldn't have been detected in time had I not trusted my instincts and pushed to be seen).

I wear her in a Moby sling and she and I love it. We do baby yoga, massage and Kindermusik together. I have recently developed a passion for cloth nappies, can't believe how gorgeous she looks and her bot is as clear as a whistle! I don't practice controlled crying. It's personally not my choice, if Mairi cries, I see it as she wants to tell me something and I have to work it out. So far, this has worked and she's a very contented young lady.

The things I do that may not be seen as NP are, I give Mairi a dummy (she's had it since she was 2 months old and needed to gum on something and couldn't find her thumb). If she's in pain, which is pretty regularly with her teething, I give paracetamol over natural remedies as we felt these didn't do the trick for us.

Feeding, yes, I give Mairi formula. After failure to thrive issues and unacceptable weight loss, it was recommended we supplemented Mairi's feeds. This gradually led to combination feeding and after a nasty infection which meant I had to be put on metronidazole and erythromycin, my yummy mummy juice turned sour and the babe wouldn't even go near the boob (I did try it myself and it was rank at that time). After that, the only way I could get breast milk into her was expressing and mixing with formula. Now she's pretty much exclusively FF. Whilst I'm sad it's not booby juice and yes, I'd prefer to BF, I can't say I'm ashamed of how I feed her. It was neccessary.

So after that brief introduction (ha ha ha), hi. I have to say, the NP ladies have all been so welcoming and made me feel right at home.
Joanne xxx :hugs::happydance:
:wave:Hello, I have used this section for a while as I feel like I fit in quite well here both in the sense of the sort of parent I expect to be but also I don't feel as judged about things that you get very judged on else wear. Some is not natural parenting but I don't feel judged abort being a vegetarian, expecting a baby and having pets, views on wanting children to have a good education and ect. I look forward to sharing my reviews on cloth nappies and talking about my baby experiences on here once my LO is here.

So a little about me...I am Rachael and I am 25 and from Derby (seems to be a few of us from the Midlands on this thread). I will have being married for 3 years this July, we have had 2 MMC and I am expecting our first baby in 8 days via c-section. My original hope was to have a natural, drug-free, active/water birth at home and my second choice was much the same but in the midwife led unit at our hospital. My pregnancy became high-risk so I was told I was on consultant led care and would be in a bed, on monitors and a drip and told to have an epidural to keep my blood pressure down however I am now needing a c-section. I am disappointed that the birth will not be natural but I am out of options and have to do what is best really.

I plan on using disposable nappies while in hospital but have packed Joshua's first real nappy to bring him home in and he will be in cloth from then on. I have everything I need to get on with real nappies but I plan on building up my stash a bit as I am becoming obsessed. My plan is to try out using a mix of re-usable and disposable wipes however I am not 100% sold on the idea of the chemicals in disposables so that may change. I still need to buy a carrier but intend to baby-wear a few weeks after the birth as I am not keen on the idea right after a c-section. I will be breastfeeding until about 6 months at which point we will start weaning him onto homemade vegetarian baby food. We are hoping to try elimination communication from 3-6 months onwards with the hope he will be able to let us know when he need the potty by about a year old. I can not see how amber necklaces/bracelets work so was not going to try them however so many people swear by them that it might be worth giving it a go. I think that is most of the things we will be doing that fit into the natural parenting title. :thumbup:
: however I am now needing a c-section. I am disappointed that the birth will not be natural but I am out of options and have to do what is best really.

Hi there Rachael. I was in a very similar situation and can identify with your feelings. I did the hypnobirthing course before Mairi came along. I wanted to have a natural delivery with as little intervention as possible, but became very unwell very quickly. I never had the opportunity to go into labour and still feel a bit deflated about it. However, Mairi came into the world as beautiful as she is and the disappointment paled in comparison to the complete and utter joy and love I felt for my beautiful girl. The theatre staff turned what could have been a very upsetting experience into a joyful amazing moment.

Good luck with the birth of your child
Joanne x
Hello all you lovely ladies :flower:
I'm really new. This is my first post ever! I've been lurking around but always thought that once I start to use this forum properly I'd spend all day on it but then I realized that I spend a lot of time on it anyway :blush:
My name is Caroline, I'm 29, my son Emmett is six and a half months old and like many others I just fell into the natural parenting thing. We BF, BLW, co-sleep whenever we feel like it, baby wear and of course I turned into a total fluff nutter over the last few months :wacko:
Very pleased to be meeting y'all in here!
MummyKaya- Thanks. He's just grown out of it, made my day every time I put it on him.

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