Come say hi!

Hi there :flower:

I am also kind of new, I've asked a couple of questions in this section and had some really useful answers so thanks to everyone who replied!

My name is Janice and I'm 30, live in Glasgow with my hubby and baby girl Zoë and cat. I'm a hospital pharmacist, hoping to go back part time when I return to work in Sept/Oct when LO is about 9 months. Got her booked into nursery for one full day and 2 half days :cry: but they are very supportive of cloth bums which is good :thumbup: and work have a breastfeeding mothers policy so that's good too.

Generally I'm open to all things 'alternative', perhaps unusual for a pharmacist?! I am always defending complimentary therapies to my colleagues :haha: and there will usually be a crystal or amber or some kind of 'quackery' as my friend puts it, around my house lol!
I actually don't think any of these things are 'alternative', my general attitude is to be open to everything and dismiss nothing, so I don't really think of myself as fitting in with any particular group (in most circumstances). You could say I'm hedging my bets but I'd rather think of myself as open minded and accepting :winkwink:

Anyway, I find myself relating to a lot of the posts in this section because:

I love to use my baby wrap carrier (although I also have a pram which I love too :haha:)
I am looking into using cloth nappies - its taking me an age but hopefully soon
I love the idea of BLW when the time comes
I generally agree with 'attachment parenting' principles
I did a lot of reading about birth and pregnancy, particularly Ina May and Grantly Dick-Reid etc and am now passionate about the ability of women to give birth 'naturally', two inspiring people :thumbup:
I used hypnobirthing during this birth which was really helpful and I'd definitely do it again, although I didn't get to have my water birth and eventually got diamorphine when I'd wanted gas and air at a push (excuse the pun :haha:)

But -
we don't co-sleep (apart from in the mornings or in growth spurts sometimes lol)
we don't exclusively babywear
I'm not a home-birther - am all for choice and agree that home birth is safe - my neice/nephew will hopefully be born at home in Sept, but I have no phobia of hospitals - I liked giving birth there :shrug: I felt just as in control and safe as I would in my home. The advantages for me were that I got such good support with establishing BF in hospital, I'm not sure how I'd have done it without having a midwife there all the time! And I loved meeting the other mummies on the ward. But that's just me! I'm a chatterbox!

I don't feel judged by anyone else on other sections, so I feel equally comfortable posting here as anywhere else but do think its nice to have a section specifically for these topics, for ease of finding what you are looking for :thumbup:

..........just realised this section is natural parenting so prob not for home birth etc but you know what I mean! Sometimes it feels like its all lumped together as in you do it all you're following 'natural parenting' if not, you're not. I think its a bit less restrictive than that and think this forum proves it as lots of us seem to be doing bits and bobs that fit with our beliefs without fitting into a specific 'mould' of parenting.

Great to meet you ladies :flower:
Hi ladies, im new to this section too. :hi:

Im laura, im 27 and a mummy to 3 gorgeous kids.

i recently decided to try cloth nappies, charlie is my last baby so decided to try things that i normally probably wouldnt, we also co-sleep which ive done with all 3.

i must say i LOVE my cloth nappies and wish i'd used them with all my kids. Charlie has always had a nappy rash but since switching, his rash has disappeared. :thumbup:

Im also trying blw this time, ive always weaned early but again wanted to try something different.
I'm Emma from Suffolk and George is our first bubba :)
We use cloth nappies, breastfeed, co-sleep & baby wear and TBH my whole world revolves around my gorgeous boy, so I guess we could say we follow an 'attachment' style of parenting.
I'm good friends with Vici, whose gorgeous girl Imi was my cloth inspiration!! lol xx
I'm Karen, from New Jersey, US. I just recently discovered the "Natural Parenting" section and realized how much of it applies to me. Which is great, because I often feel alone in how I do things.

A little about me... DH and I are both 29 and have been married for 3.5 years, together for 11 years. The light of my life, Isabella, (also known as Bella, or BooBoo) is 11 months old and a true joy!

So.. we exclusively BF for 6.5 months, then tried purees for a couple weeks and it was a bad experience. We switched to BLW and never looked back. (Thanks to the great advice and info from Lu28!) She's loved it! We co-slept for 3 months, and now she's in the room next door. She started sleeping through the night at 5 months, so the transition was easy. We went 100% cloth at 9 months. I'm a fluff-addict in training!:) I just need to find more places in the US to get them. It's not as popular here. I don't baby wear much, but I baby carry everywhere. She loves to be in my arms! I'm also very quick to attend to her cries. She's a very content baby!

So... I guess I sorta fell into a "natural parenting" category by doing what feels right to me, and learning tips from here along the way. Thanks!

Hello ladies!!!! Not new to this section but though I'd introduce myself for the newbies :)

I'm Beth, 24yrs old. I live in Texas and have 3 little boys. My oldest is Landon, he's 7, Casen is 5 and Hayden is 2 1/2. We practice AP parenting, no CIO, cloth diapering up until recently, breastfed until he self weaned, cosleeping, gentle discipline, natural cleaning poducts, baby wearing, ERF, some home schooling....and lots more.

It's great to see so many new mamas in this section, hope to get to know you all better :)
I've been around this section for a while too, and have picked up an unfortunate cloth addiction from it! You bad, bad women!

I'm Rebecca, I'm 22 and live with my husband (of nearly 3 years), Bethan, the baby, and Muppet, the cat. I've been a student (of varying levels) until this year, and now I'm a SAHM, and will probably pick up some more studying when she's a bit older.

* We BF, and am planning on until she's ready to stop, even though I don't really like it.
* We Co-Sleep at the minute, but she's started throwing herself around in the middle of the night, so she's about to be bought a cot. And I'm seriously unhappy about it.
* We use cloth, because I hate the idea of all those nappies ending up in landfill, and our babies generation having to deal with it all. Everytime she's put in a sposie, I feel a massive surge of guilt. And now, I'm getting more and more addicted to them, anyway.
* We're planning on BLW, and just letting her do what she's ready to do.
* I wish I was Baby Wearing, but my sling is RUBBISH (or I'm rubbish at wearing it, who knows?!), and not only does it feel unsafe, but it hurts my back. But I'm looking at getting a better one. Any suggestions, ladies?!

She has (very VERY begrudgingly) had her first set of jabs, and is going to have the round of them, but then nothing more after that. It just doesn't feel comfortable to me.

What a massive ramble!
Hello, i'm Ally from Buckinghamshire in the UK. I'm 19 in a few weeks. I was quite judgemental to this 'way of life' up until recently as i had very good chat with a midwife and friend. I'm going to be led by my baby :) x
Hi, I an Carla, I am engaged to be married to my partner in June eek! We are expecting our first baby together in october :) we will be using cloth nappies, hopefully breast feeding, baby wearing (although not all the time as will still have a pram), BLW (when the time comes!) We won't be co-sleeping though as I am not comfortable with the idea of that but baby will be in our room to start with :)

I hope to use the hypnobirthing method when in labour erm and i think thats about it :)
Im Kate, im 26, ive been with my hubby for nearly 10 years, married for nearly 2, and am expecting our first baby at the end of June! I live with hubby, 2 cats and 1 big dog (my fur-babies!!)

The only "natural" thing i do at the moment is feeding the pets on a raw meat diet (not canned dog food). But once baby gets here, i hope to try cloth nappies, wipes and liners (am addicted already!) BLW (when the time comes) amber teething necklaces, and am looking into baby wearing. i also hope to have a homebirth (midwife app 2moz to discuss it! yey!) and am looking into hypnobirthing! :thumbup:
Oh Hai..

I'm not new here but I'm doing this anyway :D

I'm Gail, I'm 23 and I'm a single Mummy to Dexter, who will be 1 on the 29th May :shock:

I've bf from birth and intend to do so until he self weans. Food-wise, I started off with purees and more 'traditional' weaning but quickly decided that blw was for us and now Dexter has what I'm having :thumbup: I started using cloth in January this year. I'd intended to use cloth from birth but was unaware that I could buy single nappies here and there, and couldn't afford £200 or more for a starter pack. Should've come into the NP forums sooner! I also bedshare with Dexter and have done since he was born (even in hospital when mw weren't looking shhhh :lol:), babywear the majority of the time (though I love my buggy and use it when I'm going round shops for a day out etc. )

umm, I think thats it :D
I'm Nicola, I'm 29 and mum to Quentin.
we cloth bum, blw, breastfeed til he's decides he's done, he wears amber for his teething, we don't cio, or co-sleep (except for daytime naps). We do babywear on occasion.

we fell into natural parenting quiet instinctively, thankfully i have a really supportive hubby, we've been married 5 years this may!
I also write articles for Babipurs blog - ethical shopping for babies, which i love
I'm Twig :wave:

Im 23, a mum to Caitlyn [who's 9 months on sunday! Ekk!] and a new one the way.

I started using cloth nappies at 4 months, we co-sleep from 5 - 6 in the morning and she's finally taken to BLW [has an overactive gag reflex!]
I'm new..... over here :thumbup: My name is Hayley (very original choice of username :haha: ) I have a gorgeous little man who lives in heaven :angel: he is 1 year 1 month and a gorgeous little girl who lives at home she is 3 months .... she is my whole world :cloud9: I am almost 21 and happily married to my OH Richard.

I have ventured over here cause Twiggy got me onto fluffy nappies and now I'm addicted without even getting my first lot in the post. I wont do co - sleeping as my first baby died from SIDS and I'm too paniky but I'm all for trying pretty much anything else. Breastfeeding failed at 7 week as Daisy wasnt gaining enough weight... I'm gutted but have seen an improvement since shes been on formula so definately a plus!!

:hi: Lovely to see so many new faces :D
Hullo, I better write someyhing even though I'm not new :)
Darwin is bf (until he decides otherwise), clothbummed, we use a sling sometimes (I've had problems with droopage :lol: so I'm doing something wrong), sort of co-sleep with an arm's reach cot and plan on BLW.
I'm Emma and aged 31 and hubby and I are both veggies. I'm going to be a SAHM though work don't know that yet :D I study with the OU (social sciences degree with sociology) though I'm on a break atm but starting next course in oct.
I don't always say that much on posts as I can't be bothered to type one handed when Darwin is bf/asleep. :D
:wave: Heeeeelllllooooo :)

I won't post my name (though those that have bought off me/ I've bought off will probably know it) It's pretty unique and personally I love BnB far to much to have people google me and find me in seconds! Im 19 coming 20 ....gosh I feel young saying that :rofl: I feel about 50 most days! I have a little boy called Matthew who likes to drive me mad :)

I seen this section when I was pregnant and had a good wee nosey and have lurked off and on since. Only recently did I venture in and believe me you will not be able to get rid of me :) I have only just started using cloth and really regret not starting from birth but better late than never I always say! We use cloth, baby wear some times, and are planning to BLW when he hits 6 months :)

Think thats about it :rofl:

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