Coming off BC! Ahh! Excited


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
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Hi all, I'm new to the site! ☺️
I posted in the TTC rooms earlier then I thought hmm maybe I should be in here instead (as you can tell this is all new to me!) haha!

Just looking to chat with others in the same position!
I'm 21 been with my partner 5+ years. We have recently desided to come off BC so I took my last pill at the start of this month! (Exciting!)

I had my 'bleed' on the 8th, then again on 24th? Don't have a clue what my 'normal' cycle is! It's been so long! Don't have a clue when the big O is!

My partner is currently working away all week, so won't be able to actively try! We're just taking it from here and hoping nature does it's stuff :shrug:

Partners away and i can't help but search these chat rooms, google every symptom possible etc!! I'm getting a little obsessed 😄
Exciting! I just stopped my birth control as well! (it was an implant though, so a bit different!) I am TTC but maybe not as intensely as the women on the TCC board. I hope nature does its thing quickly for you! :D
Exciting! I just stopped my birth control as well! (it was an implant though, so a bit different!) I am TTC but maybe not as intensely as the women on the TCC board. I hope nature does its thing quickly for you! :D

Lol I think I'm abit too excited but it's nice not having to remember to take that everyday 😊 I was on implant too at one point but just didn't work for me!
Same here all the charting confuses me to be honest id be completely lost on there!
Thank you, I hope it does for you too! Let me know how you get on
Me too! I am in the same boat. I was on BC for 1+ year. Just took my last pill 2 weeks ago :) My husband is hoping we don't get pregnant right away, since the baby would be due on our anniversary (Dec 31st) and would be very close to his birthday (Dec 21st) and Christmas lol. But I would be happy no matter what!

We decided a while ago that we would just want to let nature take its course. Its much more fun that way, right? ;-)

Even though we're not "trying", I have been curious how fast my body will readjust after the pill. Some people have said it takes up to a year for your body to get back to ovulating! Others have said the pill leaves your system right away. What have you guys experienced so far?

Also, have you guys set any sort of "deadline" to when you will start actively trying? Either your own deadline or with your partner?

Exciting stuff!
Oh and kariss, in terms of your bleeding on the 8th and the 24th, did you happen to stop your pills mid-cycle? Or did you finish them till the end? I've read that if you stop mid-cycle, it can cause "breakthrough bleeding" and then a regular cycle. I had the same thing happen- its definitely inconvenient to get 2 periods in 2/3 weeks lol
Me too! I am in the same boat. I was on BC for 1+ year. Just took my last pill 2 weeks ago :) My husband is hoping we don't get pregnant right away, since the baby would be due on our anniversary (Dec 31st) and would be very close to his birthday (Dec 21st) and Christmas lol. But I would be happy no matter what!

We decided a while ago that we would just want to let nature take its course. Its much more fun that way, right? ;-)

Even though we're not "trying", I have been curious how fast my body will readjust after the pill. Some people have said it takes up to a year for your body to get back to ovulating! Others have said the pill leaves your system right away. What have you guys experienced so far?

Also, have you guys set any sort of "deadline" to when you will start actively trying? Either your own deadline or with your partner?

Exciting stuff!

Ohh I'm glad I'm not the only excited one lol! I'm really hoping my body doesn't take too long to get back to normal!

I'm due to graduate in September! If pregnant by then I won't be getting a job straight away (as I doubt anyone will employ me 5 months preg). If not and I start working we will have to put it off for a while (around 9 months working before re-trying) so I'm really hoping this isn't the case! 😞

I was about 3 days into my pills, we was still discussing stopping and didn't want to stop unless we was both 100%. So yeh that's why my bleeds were all messed up! I'm going to wait and see how regular my periods start coming etc, may try the ovulation predictor kits if need be.

Do you find that now your off the pill you want that BFN even more? Since I've come off I'm like so excited I really don't want to wait! Lol my partner works away so I'm not too hopeful of it 'just happening' quick 😔
I had been on the pill for 9 years when I came off it to ttc our first. I got my first 'post-pill' period 5 weeks later so I was really lucky to regulate pretty quickly after being on it for so long. I've just stopped it this past week and hoping things will regulate again pretty quickly. I've only been on it for just over a year this time.

Good luck ladies! Baby dust to us all!!
Im new aswell, came off mini pill a week ago so early days. Took me year to get pregnant 1st time my boy now 4!! Good luck allx
Hi girls, just checking in to see how everyone is doing 😊
I'm abit confused as i said I've had two bleeds since stopping my pill so would one of been a breakthrough bleed and one a period? As you can see I'm totally new to all this 😊
I was hoping the second was a period which would make me due my next one about now...I know it can take ages after stopping to become regular though 😒😔
Hope all is well
Things are messed up because you stopped during a cycle. I've had that when I accidently forgot my pill for a week! But the second one is more than likely the proper period. Hope everything sorts itself out soon.
Things are messed up because you stopped during a cycle. I've had that when I accidently forgot my pill for a week! But the second one is more than likely the proper period. Hope everything sorts itself out soon.

Thanks for reply. I hope it does too it's horrible just waiting for it to arrive knowing it could be months?! Lol
Hi there!

I'm new too & just coming off my pill this weekend were also not trying or preventing so it's exciting! Just going let Mother Nature take it's course! I haven't had a bleed for a while being on cerazette (no breaks) so not sure how long got will take me to readjust! X
Well my last 'pill af' is coming to an end so now I'm in the wait for the next real one! Last time it came 5 weeks later which was lucky. Lets hope I'm not waiting forever this time! Unless of course we get lucky first time! (I'd be thrilled although we are kind of hoping for a March/April baby!!)
Hi there!

I'm new too & just coming off my pill this weekend were also not trying or preventing so it's exciting! Just going let Mother Nature take it's course! I haven't had a bleed for a while being on cerazette (no breaks) so not sure how long got will take me to readjust! X

Hopefully it won't take to long for you! Xx
Hi there!

I'm new too & just coming off my pill this weekend were also not trying or preventing so it's exciting! Just going let Mother Nature take it's course! I haven't had a bleed for a while being on cerazette (no breaks) so not sure how long got will take me to readjust! X

Hopefully it won't take to long for you! Xx

Fingers crossed for you too! Maybe we can all be NTNP buddies as we're all in similar positions! I think my fiance is just excited to have more sex more then anything.

Even though we are all NTNP are you going to make more effort to 'DTD' or just keep to your 'normal' routine?
Hi there!

I'm new too & just coming off my pill this weekend were also not trying or preventing so it's exciting! Just going let Mother Nature take it's course! I haven't had a bleed for a while being on cerazette (no breaks) so not sure how long got will take me to readjust! X

Hopefully it won't take to long for you! Xx

Fingers crossed for you too! Maybe we can all be NTNP buddies as we're all in similar positions! I think my fiance is just excited to have more sex more then anything.

Even though we are all NTNP are you going to make more effort to 'DTD' or just keep to your 'normal' routine?

Haha yeh I think my partner the same! It's pretty hard here, he works away all week so we only get the fri, sat and sometimes the sun together 😔 as I'm not sure about my dates/periods etc were just doing our normal routine ahha. I think maybe once Im more regular I might be abit more obsessive over it 😁

How about you?

I try not to get to stressed or worried over it as I've heard 'once you stop trying it happens' but can't help myself 😔 especially when it feels like everyone has what you want and family members keep asking when I'm going to produce lol 😁
Yeah it's so hard not obsessing but it seems to be the only thing I can think about!

As long as I'm not trying to work out when I ovulate or temp I think I can't get too obsessed!

Even just doing it fri & sat that should be enough you'll definitely catch the egg at some point!
Oh my goodness I am so incredible bloated today!!

I wish I'd worn a loose top or dress to work today, my trousers and slim fitted top are making me look so round! One of my colleagues has just asked me if in pregnant because it looks like I have a bump!

It's definitely just bloating but I've never had it his bad, I'm quite slim so I think it's just really noticeable!! Do you think it's just a side effect of coming off BC a week ago?
Oh my goodness I am so incredible bloated today!!

I wish I'd worn a loose top or dress to work today, my trousers and slim fitted top are making me look so round! One of my colleagues has just asked me if in pregnant because it looks like I have a bump!

It's definitely just bloating but I've never had it his bad, I'm quite slim so I think it's just really noticeable!! Do you think it's just a side effect of coming off BC a week ago?

It is so strange you posted this! Only Monday I was thinking the same! I actually took a photo of my bloated belly to send to my partner haha! Maybe it is a side effect? I've never heard of that before though
Ive noticed mine seems to be of an evening mainly and then normal by morning....very strange 😁
Yep same here. This morning I was back to normal, but I was drinking lots of water yseterday to help flush things through to ease the bloating.

Today its not so bad but I definitely feel bloated still, Im hoping this is a sign AF is on her way as I always used to bloat before AF before I went on Cerazette.

At least if AF arrives I know my cycle is returning so we can just go with the flow, at the minute I have no idea whats going to happen as no AF since last year!

Even though we're NTNP I keep thinking 'oh what if I got pregnant next mont' hahaha! It's so strange! I think baby fever might be taking over....:baby:

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