Concerned about progesterone levels - spotting 3 days before AF with low temps

That's much clearer now, I was getting myself all confused! Thank you :)

Yes, I'm in the UK. So if my level is low and I happen to get a bfp I'll ring my doc and go in for hcg and progesterone bloods to check how my levels are.

Thank you again :hugs:
Just got my results back. 47.8 nmol/L, I have found a conversion tool to convert it from nmol/L into ng/mL and it puts me at 15 ng/mL.

My GP has marked that as normal, is that right? x
Yup!! The minimum level for normal is 30, so your level is GREAT (the US figures are 10 for normal, 15 is great - they like to see a 15 on medicated/clomid cycles).
FX'd for you!!
Yay! I'm so happy about that!! :) I honestly thought they'd be low..

The thing is, I'm 9dpo today and have started spotting already.. It's either IB or the usual spotting before AF. I do wonder whether my levels are good post ov, but drop too quickly (around 9-10dpo).

I guess this wouldn't be a good thing??

This ttc is so hard! :dohh:
I was worried also that my levels might drop too fast, but really there isn't a good way to tell if that is going on or not (its not something they have a way of testing and lots of historical data to compare for normal levels etc). Also, most embryos would implant on or before 10dpo.. so as long as your levels recovered after implantation, I don't know that it would be hurting your chances... but I totally understand the worry since I had the same concern before I found out my levels were actually low to begin with.

If your progesterone levels are fine at 7dpo, then the spotting is usually completely unrelated to progesterone. I'm not sure what all the other causes of spotting might be, but I sort of remember them not being things that would really hinder your fertility.

FX'd for implantation spotting... the cruelest thing about spotting before AF is how much it messes with your head when you get the spotting. UGH
Thank you, that is sooo reassuring! :hugs:

I'll mention it to my fs on Monday but I'm not going to worry about it anymore, as that certainly won't be helping!

I don't think you realise how greatful I am for all of you help over the last week or so, you have really helped me. So thankyou xx
I do realize... because I was just as lost and confused at first!! This very issue is what led me to this site where I've learned more from the wonderful ladies here than I did on all my googling. (As you can tell by my post count, I've made myself quite at home here :rofl:)
I did not fast before all my progesterone tests (and am not convinced it made a difference... I always had low progesterone except for the cycle I got pregnant on). On day 5 your progesterone SHOULD be low.
Progesterone is the hormone your body makes after ovulation, it helps prepare the lining of the uterus to accept an egg. It peaks at 7 days after ovulation, then if no pregnancy/implantation occurs, its starts to taper off (if you implant late, it usually recovers and rises again). The drop in progesterone is actually what signals your body to start shedding the lining of your uterus and causes a period.

So if your progesterone was high at cycle day 5, then that would actually be a bad thing. They'll test you at day 21 to confirm ovulation happened. They are assuming you have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on day 14.. not all women do. If your cycle is the same length each time but is not 28 days, then you should have your progesterone tested 7 days before your period is due.
I did not fast before all my progesterone tests (and am not convinced it made a difference... I always had low progesterone except for the cycle I got pregnant on). On day 5 your progesterone SHOULD be low.
Progesterone is the hormone your body makes after ovulation, it helps prepare the lining of the uterus to accept an egg. It peaks at 7 days after ovulation, then if no pregnancy/implantation occurs, its starts to taper off (if you implant late, it usually recovers and rises again). The drop in progesterone is actually what signals your body to start shedding the lining of your uterus and causes a period.

So if your progesterone was high at cycle day 5, then that would actually be a bad thing. They'll test you at day 21 to confirm ovulation happened. They are assuming you have a 28 day cycle and ovulate on day 14.. not all women do. If your cycle is the same length each time but is not 28 days, then you should have your progesterone tested 7 days before your period is due.

awww hun thank you! this really helped! i need you on my bbm incase i have a worry moment lol. feel much more settled about the whole thing! :)
lol, no worries, its so hard when you first delve into this world and trying to learn everything you can! :hugs:
Oh I am so glad to see you still check this post!! You girls seem so sweet!! Would you mind having a look at my chart? I too spot 2-3 days before AF every month, this past cycle I took B6 (50mg) to try and help and it made things worse! I spotted for 5 days before AF. I had my thyroid checked and that is normal so I am wondering if it might be progesterone?? Reading mixed reviews though if that really matters for getting pregnant after all? Also my temps are all up and down like crazy, is it possible to be stressed and not even realize it? Does this effect ttc? HELP!!
Getting your progesterone checked 7dpo is probably not a bad idea. If your progesterone is good, then you can at least wipe that worry from your mind.

I did the B vitamins (took a complex, not just the B6 after reading up on it more). But I also heard from some girls that B vitamins made their temps more erratic even if it fixed their issue.
I had low progesterone issues and the B vits did nothing for me. Though of course we don't know the cause of my low progesterone, so different causes could have different fixes. It didn't make my spotting worse though.

But ruling out progesterone as an issue is one of the cheaper tests you can have done and is pretty simple. You'd want to see a 7dpo level of 10 or higher. My highest was 8.5 until I got pregnant when it was 15.5 ... I mostly got 6s. Progesterone suppositories can help in some cases, but the best thing is to boost the chances of good progesterone which is using clomid. At least thats what my fertility doctor explained to me and its what worked for me :)
(my 8.5 level was on 50mg clomid as were several of my 6s.... my fertility doctor upped my dose to 100mg and thats when I got pregnant with a healthy progesterone level).
Thanks for getting back to me hun!! I am going to test this cycle out with nothing except prenatals, nothing extra, I've taken the B complex too...didn't notice much help there with the spotting either :shrug: If I don't fall pregnant this month that I am going to call my doc and have the progesterone test done. I have been pregnant 3 other times and fell pregnant on the 2nd month all 3 times. This go around I don't seem to have much luck, I know 4 months of ttc isn't long but its not normal for me so I can't help but think something might be wrong.
Hi Lisa! (and hi Creative - funny seeing you here - great minds worry about progesterone alike, huh? :haha:). I stumbled upon this thread tonight while I was googling progesterone...

So my buddy Creative and I are in the same boat. Well pretty much - we are cycle twins and CBFM BFFs. And I am also a spotter. That's where the similarities end though - I don't have any natural children (2 step kids, so we know DH is fertile), and I've never been pregnant, not even a chemical.

We've been TTC for 7 cycles, and sex is perfectly timed every month using OPKs and CBFM. I'm also temping, and it's clear I am ovulating every month. My cycle length varies a bit 27-30 days, and my LP is 11-13 days, but I start spotting around 10 or 11 DPO. I was initially concerned about my LP - at 11 days, I thought it might be too short of a window for implantation, or for the CL to be "rescued" and this might explain my failure to get pregnant. I started taking B50 complex. My ovulation date moved up a day, and I got a longer LP by one day, but instead of spotting for 1 day, now I spot for 2 before AF arrives. So I decided to try B100. My ovulation date moved up again by one day, but my LP stayed the same at 12 days, and now I have 3 days of spotting before AF arrives. The one cycle I had a 13 day LP was when I tried progesterone cream (topical), and I still had spotting. Spotting typically starts pinky/beige CM and usually develops into full AF within a day or two. This past cycle was weird though - the first day of spotting was pinky/beige CM like normal (but this happend a day earlier than usual), day 2 of spotting I had some red blood but not enough to call it full flow, and then my spotting stopped completely. On day three, I had almost nothing, except a tiny bit of red spotting in the morning. The next day (the day AF arrived) I had a small amount brown spotting/CM during the day, then AF finally showed that night. Anyway - now I worry too that my LP is barely adequate at 12 days, and when I start spotting at 10 days, my lining is breaking down too soon. My temps are good though so I am not sure how to interpret this. :shrug:

I am currently being worked up by a RE and so far everything looks normal. Prolactin normal, FSH 5.8, 7 DPO progesterone was 17, thyroid normal (but I want find out the actual # because I have all the symptoms of low thyroid). DH's SA was pretty good - 2.5 mL, 79 million concentration, 76% motility, but only 6% normal morphology. Next up for me is the HSG (Monday).

I have a feeling that everything is going to come back normal. Which is reassuring but also frustrating! Not sure what the RE will recommend as a next step, but we are going back next week to check in.

I've also decided to try acupuncture as I don't know what else to do..

Lisa, is there anything you'd recommend? Did you feel that the acupuncture helped? The vitex? The B100? Or do you really think it was just the clomid?

I really appreciate your posts and this entire thread. You are very well informed and really seem to get it. And CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful boy!
Oh and DUH! My main question for you is, do you think I should ask for progesterone suppositories?? I know my progesterone is fine at 7 DPO, but what about at 10?? That's when I start spotting... What do you suggest?
Ugh, I totally understand your frustration. Its so hard to not know what is going on and sometimes wishing you'd find a problem so you would at least know what to try. I'm glad you're seeing an RE because my GYNs were totally crap and wasted a lot of my time (though at least laid some groundwork for the RE to get fast results with me).

The vitex did nothing for me at all. I seemed to be on a lower dose than some of the girls I know who took it though so that might have been part of the issue. I only took it when I was not on the clomid, so it might have also needed some time to work.
The vitamin B didn't do anything for me at all really from what I could tell (other than the fun neon pee :haha:). And later on I found some girls who noticed that their temps were all over the place only when taking the vitamin so I do wonder if its partly why my temps were pretty erratic compared to other people and even compared to my first round of clomid where it was pretty obvious... my acupuncturist always gave me a hard time about my 'sawtooth' pattern and was trying to correct it.
I say that the natural supplements did nothing for me because I had my progesteroin checked during those attempts and it was in the 6s... when I got on the higher dose of clomid, I got my first that was over a 10 and got pregnant so the connection for me and my issue seems crystal clear.
Acupuncture didn't have a direct effect on my progesterone issue, but it did WONDERS for my stress levels with TTC... it was not only the benefits of acupuncture, but it was also talk-therapy for me (I love my acupuncturist and poured out all my stresses/worries to her), plus I got a foot rub too! ;)

From what I saw when I was doing my research, there were 3 possible progesterone issues... 1) progesterone not getting high enough in the first place, 2) progesterone getting high enough but falling too fast, 3) lining not adequately responding to progesterone and preparing right for implantation.
#1 was my issue, often easily fixed with clomid
#2 is harder to detect but progesterone suppositories might help... the test for that would be to check your progesterone at 5,7, and 9 dpo... but many doctors don't think its really worth it since there is still a decent window for implantation
#3 is not really treatable... the test is not considered very accurate and not commonly done anymore

I never tried the skin creams because what I read about them didn't make them sound very strong/reliable to me, I pushed for the 'good stuff'
In my case, the 2 factors that really helped me were getting my progesterone high enough (clomid helped with that by giving me a bigger egg than we think I was getting normally) and having the HSG done (you get a 3 month boost in fertility after having it done since it can help flush out your tubes if they're not easy to navigate - which if late implantation/dropping progesterone is part of your problem, it could help the egg get down to the uterus sooner so it can implant before your corpus luteum dies off).

I would definitely ask your RE what he thinks about progesterone suppositories in your case and hear what he has to say and what his reasons against it would be - they really don't do any harm and are quite cheap so it might be a good addition to a treatment plan but have him explain his reasoning against them if he doesn't want to use them on you. I can tell you that using them DID prevent me from spotting but there is an added frustration with them.... that they tell you to take a test at 14dpo and if its negative to stop the suppositories so you can have a period. But every story about someone who didn't get their BFP until 18dpo runs through your head and you worry about stopping them in case you just implanted late. Just a heads-up on that fun little aspect.
Also, once you start them, you have to keep them up during the whole first trimester... so its a hassle that would be worth avoiding if you don't need them, but I understand the anxiety about losing a pregnancy that took you so long to achieve so that may not be something you would mind putting up with for the reward.

Hope some of that info helped. Best of luck and I'm happy to help ANY way I can... TTC is the worst when its not as easy as they told us in sex ed class... I still feel the urge to kick women in the ovaries who complain about how it took them 2 cycles to get pregnant and think that was a huge hardship ;)

(PS, thanks for the congrats... I hope I never ever forget how hard it was emotionally to get to this place... I never want to forget and lose my compassion for fertility struggles now that I'm on the other side of the issue)
Hey Daisy!! Small world :D I know you've probably had enough hearing all this jazz about how much I am a fan of grapefruit juice :haha: But this month my LP lengthened by a day and I spotted for 2 days instead of 3 and it was very little spotting compared to previous months. I am going to see how it goes this month but I really do think it was from the juice :) as I took nothing else last month.
I'll try anything Creative, I will!

Lisa, thank you so much for this fantastic post. So informative, especially your explanations on the different types of progesterone insufficiency and thank you also for sharing your experiences with acupuncture and natural methods.

I will absolutely talk to the doc about progesterone suppositories, but I'm not to hopeful about it, as he's already told me he doesn't "believe" in LPD. Whaaat?? I don't think I have LPD per se, but I would be interested in checking my progesterone levels throughout the luteal phase as you suggested. I hear what you are saying about the downside - I felt that way taking the cream as well. I had no idea if my symptoms or triphasic chart were related to a pregnancy or just the cream (turns out it was the cream) and I didn't know when to stop the cream and let AF arrive. Although I'm glad that I'm seeing a RE already and not just an OB/GYN, I'm beginning to fear that this RE (part of a large infertility practice) might be a bit of an IVF machine. I'd rather not go that route if I don't need to.

I will try acupuncture as well as I'm hoping maybe it can help balance hormones or prepare uterus or whatever.

Starting to also wonder how much of our problem might be DH's sperm count, and if we might benefit from meds and or IUI. I guess I'll have more answers soon.

Thank you again for your reply and addressing every single one of my concerns and questions - you rock!

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