Hi Ladies
I just got my results from the NT Scan. Down syndrome was low risk, however 13 and 18 trisomy classed as high risk - 1:138 (im 31 years old). I've also had bleeding (red spotting the last 4 days). Had an ultrasound today and baby has a good heartbeat, however they were unable to tell me any more than that.
I have genetic counselling tmw before the amniocentisis in 2 weeks. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I'm worried and confused.
At first scan I was told I was 10 weeks instead of 12 weeks. My LMP was 18th Sept (first day of bleeding) and my first due date was 25th jUne (my dates) my due date now is 8th July. I was certain when I ovulated and conceived.
any advice is appreciated...

I just got my results from the NT Scan. Down syndrome was low risk, however 13 and 18 trisomy classed as high risk - 1:138 (im 31 years old). I've also had bleeding (red spotting the last 4 days). Had an ultrasound today and baby has a good heartbeat, however they were unable to tell me any more than that.
I have genetic counselling tmw before the amniocentisis in 2 weeks. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I'm worried and confused.
At first scan I was told I was 10 weeks instead of 12 weeks. My LMP was 18th Sept (first day of bleeding) and my first due date was 25th jUne (my dates) my due date now is 8th July. I was certain when I ovulated and conceived.
any advice is appreciated...