Hi all. My little girl is still in hospital at the moment but she's coming home tomorrow and I'm confused about how to make up her feeds. I understand it's not advisable to make them in advance these days (with my son I made 6 bottles in one go with boiled water and just added powder when he wanted his bottle) and I'm quite happy to make them up as needed during the day at home, but how do people work around night feeds and when you're out and about?
Any tips, or even explaining how you personally do it would be greatly appreciated
Formula is not safe to be made in not boiled water anymore. for sure not in cold.
I do make 3 bottles.
Boiled water poured in bottles ( Use the boiled water within 30mins so it isnt to cool)
Add the right amount of formula. then rapid cool with ice and water.
Store in the fridge.
When out I take a flask and a contianer and warm when I need.
I make one bottle from fresh as it last 2 hours take in her warm bag, so I have one ready when she needs it.
Also take 2 cold bottles in her FridgetoGo bag
https://www.fridge-to-go.com/ ( I got mine from tescos
If you are making it as you need it.
Here is a way.
If I need to make a 6 ounce bottle.
I add 3 ounces of boiled water.
Add 6 ounces of formula.
Shake well.
Add 3 ounces of COLD water that was boiled that has been in the fridge.
Shake and serve
Ready instantly at the right temperature.
This is a very easy method , bacteria gets killed with the boiled water and you still get to use it instantly as you would want.
Hope your baby is home with you soon
Also when your out you could get these little compartments for formula dispensers were you measure the right amount into the compartments and you can use a cool bag that keeps water/or whatever cold. and you can make bottles while your out the same way as above.