

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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I am cd26 and 12dpo today, and Af is due tomorrow or roundabouts. I took my temp this morn and it was the highest its been so far (see my chart) but just been to the toliet and I have very light brown cm (sorry tmi) This is confusing me as I usually get quite crampy before seeing any spotting.
Btw the colour of the cm seems lighter than usual.
Do you think its af or am i still in with a chance????
OMG !! ur temps r mega high!! dont think its af but cud be wot some woman get when pg but get a little bleed when first af is due...lots get it aswell, ive had countless mates that av said "no af came" then gone 2days later,theyve tested and got a bfp!! u cud test now !! very best of luck hun, they certainley r high temps:)
Do you think honey? I don't feel pg and cos I've seen that light brown discharge i'm not going to test; i wana c if I get AF properly.
When are your temps supposed to drop? xxx
By the looks of your chart its looking really good!! but you need to test hun! you had a dip at about 7 dpo and you temps have been high ever since! thats a really positive sign! Also alot of women get some light bleeding/spotting around the time af is due. So i wouldnt say its af and i would say take a TEST!!!!!!!! Good luck sweetie..possible you've got a little one in there...FINGERS CROSSED FOR YOU! ;)
oooooh good luck you could be pg!! xx
i don't think i'm pg i really don't, i'm sure the witch is on her way i'm just confused about my temps! xxxx
I've noticed on quite a few charts on FF that a lot of womens temps dont drop untill a day or 2 after af has arrived, but if you havn't had your usual af signs id get testing in the morning if I were you! Assuming your spotting doesn't turn into af ofcourse! It could be implantation xxx
do you usually spot drown before af? you also said you get cramps and dont have em?!?! thats a good thing. hUn some women dont get any pregnancy signs at all so just cause you dont feel pg doesnt mean your not. I think it all looks really good for you but its your choice to wait.! Good luck and i hope witch stays away!!!
also is this your first time temping?? do you usually have high ones till af?
That's what I was thinking Ju-Bubbs, I'm going to wait and see if I get a little visit for Auntie Florence xxxxxx
I do get spotting just before the red flow (sorry tmi) but its usually dark brown. This one is very light brown and mixed in with normal white sticky cm. Also, when i wiped, nothing.
I haven't had any of the usual cramps I usually get either. I'm going to wait hun cos i'm fed -up of testing and it being negative, all that money too. xxxx
This is my first time temping so its difficult to tell. xx
I agree :test::test::test:! Def sounds like impkantaion bleeding and with your temps high I think you'll get a :bfp:! GL and let us know!
yeah totally understand why you wait to wait! hopefully its your bfp...does indeed sound like implatation so you would have to give it a few days for the hcg to build up! Good Luck!
Thanks girls , how's it going with everyone else? Good luck to you all too and lots and lots of :dust::dust::dust:
I think you implanted at 10DPO. It may be that the spotting you see has just taken it's time to work its way down!

I would suggest that if you temp is still high tomorrow that a test would be in order! It's unusual to have temps remain high when AF comes, although they may still be above the coverline.

Best of luck and have a splash of :dust:
Good luck, it looks v promnising to me
Good luck to all of you too girls xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think you implanted at 10DPO. It may be that the spotting you see has just taken it's time to work its way down!

I would suggest that if you temp is still high tomorrow that a test would be in order! It's usual to have temps remain high when AF comes, although they may still be above the coverline.

Best of luck and have a splash of :dust:

That's what I saw too. Good Luck :dust:

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