It is possible to have a surge that doesn't result in ovulation, so it could be that you haven't ovulated yet. I would really recommend temping as well as using the opks, as you will see a sustained rise in temperature just after you do ovulate (which should coincide nicely with an LH surge), so you won't be left wondering if you have or not after you get nice lines on those tests
P.S. I'm not intentionally stalking you around the TTC section
Aw thanks hun. Im struggling with the opks at the moment. Im so dim not sure how im going to get through the temping bit.
So should i keep testing and start temping too then?
P.S. Ive never had a stalker...and i dont mind it being you!
I'll keep stalking you then
As long as you can take your temperature as soon as you wake up every day (at the same time if possible) before you do anything else (no talking, drinking, getting out of bed
) you should soon get used to it...although having said that I woke up so many times, stuck my thermometer in my mouth and then woke up again with it still there half an hour later
It's just so much easier to see what's going on with your cycles (and less stressful trying to work things out) when you have 2 things to rely on instead of just the opks. If you join fertilityfriend (if you haven't already) you can plot your temps on there and there is so much useful info available when you join x