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Could this be or is it all in my head?


Proud mummy
Aug 24, 2010
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Hi all
I came off the pill on Friday 13 August and had my normal end of pack period. I finished my period on 21 August and me and hubby decided not to start another pack of pills. Although we are not TTC as such we are quite happy to just see what happens.

For the past 10 days or so I have been feeling sick, big headaches, stomach cramps, i've had a metallic taste in my mouth twice in the last 7 days and on Monday morning I fainted. I did drink a bottle of wine the night before but I have never fainted through drinking. I am also feeling faint on almost a daily basis. Could these be symptoms of pregnancy or is my mind playing tricks on me. *Warning TMI* This morning when I went to the toilet there was a clear, thick slimy substance (like snot I suppose) when I wiped.

I am due to be going to a party tonight with work colleagues and really do not want to be drinking if I am pregnant. Would it be way too early to test today?? According to the application on my phone my period is next due in 11 days.

Any help would be greatly appreciated x
:hi: Kayleigh and welcome :)

I'm no expert but it sounds like you might well get your BFP this month. I wouldn't do a test until :witch: is due, I don't think they're very accurate and could just be a waste.

Hope your feeling ok and don't have anymore fainting spells.

I don't really have anything to add, but wanted to say that you and I are in the same boat with our cycles!
Good luck with your :bfp:
Hmmm does sound a lot like pg symptoms hun....You can test early, but I dont think you can do one till about 7 days before, although I would wait till the day the :witch: is due too, even though there are early detection tests out there, they dont always pick up early, which then means you could end up with a false negative.....Fingers crossed for you getting a :bfp: this month.....
I'm in the first cycle after the pill and I'm all messed up too! I got a lot of cramps, headaches, nausea, sore nipples in the first couple of weeks and 3 weeks after last pill got EWCM too as well as yesterday and today. I'm now 5 weeks after my last pill and still no period, but no period cramps and no BFP either.

Hope you catch an egg quickly!

i dont want to sound negative hun but it just could be your body getting rid of the chemicals from the pill, but if not jsut give it a few more days and then test hun
Hiya I thought i would reply to your post. I too have been showing the same symptoms as you in my last cycle and in this one. The big snot is actually a sign that you have ovulated therefore if you've not fallen pg this month AF will arrive exactly 2 weeks from when you got that. I only know this as i mentioned to my friend (who had gone through fertility treatment only to fall herself) and she told me thats what it was and my AF arrived exactly 14 days from that date.

I had the big snot a few days ago (stange as normally my average cycle is 54 - 60 days) since then i've had tender bumps, felt sick every day (not just morning), had headache every day for the last week and half, felt faint, sensitive to smells, and had cramps every day in my lower right abdomen which goes into my thigh. I'm questioning whether this is all in my head too.

Massive downside to this is if i havent got lucky this time then AF is due to be paying me a visit smack bang in the middle of my honeymoon next week.

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