I'm afraid i get cramping for around a week before AF too. Unfortunately sometimes i get it for a week or longer, sometimes just a few days and sometimes not at all. Annoying!!!!
I started having some mild cramping, pulling/poking feelings one week before AF was due and got my BFP 3 days later on a FRER!
I'm the same boat lol ttc#1 crapming since almost 10 days :/ .. 21dpo no af and still that bloody BFN well I hope all that cramping pays off for both of us
loadx of baby dust to u
I'm afraid i get cramping for around a week before AF too. Unfortunately sometimes i get it for a week or longer, sometimes just a few days and sometimes not at all. Annoying!!!!
I know some women do get cramps I guess I'll just have to wait and see :/ thank you for sharing your experience though
hey hun im in the same boat, my af is due 21st of Jan as well ive also been getting bad cramps nausea and back pain, fingers crossed for both of us x
I'm afraid i get cramping for around a week before AF too. Unfortunately sometimes i get it for a week or longer, sometimes just a few days and sometimes not at all. Annoying!!!!
I know some women do get cramps I guess I'll just have to wait and see :/ thank you for sharing your experience though
Oh yeah absolutely!! I cramped exactly the same all four times i've been pregnant. Even had a period with one of them!! What i meant was pregnant or not pregnant i get cramps that are completely different each cycle, so it's annoying that it's not a sign for me.
Wow congrats! I was just coming on here to ask the same sort of question! I'm NTNP while I'm still bfing my 14month old and my cycles are a bit haywire. I'm not very sure when I'm ovulating but had ewcm intermittently last week. Now I'm in quite a lot of pain with cramps that started yesterday and haven't let up, feelings of bloating, fatigue and I'm also a bit tender when I sit down Iykwim!
How long did your cramps go on for and how many days before your bfp?
Were they similar to what I'm describing?
Thanks xx