

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2006
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OOh cravings big time

is macaroni cheese and then swizzle lolli-pops I hate sweets normally so this is weird also keep wanting savoury munchie things,could murder a mcDonalds cheese burger but hubby wont let me eat fast food :(

What you all wanting?
I haven't had any cravings as such, although every now and again I do facy the odd thing, but once I have had it I am OK.....I move on :lol:
How crazy is that... i came to reply from the 1st tri page and it said 0 replies... i come in here, and you've posted!!!
*spooked out after watching most haunted*

I didn't really get cravings, more the sickness when i thought i did fancy something!!! lol!!!

My body is so arse about face about everything!!! lol!!!
Hayley, you are arse about face about everything...........go chase them ghosts.

Love ya *big cheesy grin*
! :lol:
Ooooooooo even more spooky occurrance (sp)

I nearly put at the bottom of that post up there ^^^^^

*waits for quick witted reply from Tam*


*runs off ghost hunting with derek acorah*
When I was pregnant my craving was loads of salt and vinegar mixed up in a cup and then i'd just drink it like that :sick: or sometimes i'd dip biscuits or crisps into it :shock:

Makes me feel sick now thinking about it but I couldnt get enough of it at the time :shock:
I havent had any cravings myself.. Although im always fancy eating chicken.. I bough a whole cooked one and ate it all..
am now craving vast amounts of fruit and vegetables organic of course! oranges are mega my thing
Rachel said:
When I was pregnant my craving was loads of salt and vinegar mixed up in a cup and then i'd just drink it like that :sick: or sometimes i'd dip biscuits or crisps into it :shock:

Makes me feel sick now thinking about it but I couldnt get enough of it at the time :shock:

:sick: Erghhhhhh Rachel!!!! That is disgusting!!! :rofl:
Tam said:
Rachel said:
When I was pregnant my craving was loads of salt and vinegar mixed up in a cup and then i'd just drink it like that :sick: or sometimes i'd dip biscuits or crisps into it :shock:

Makes me feel sick now thinking about it but I couldnt get enough of it at the time :shock:

:sick: Erghhhhhh Rachel!!!! That is disgusting!!! :rofl:

lol yeah cant believe I used to actually love that :sick:
The things pregnancy does to us?!?! It is a wonder we want to go thru it again!!! :lol:
im having nice healthy cravings this time
I quite fancy the salt and vinegar thing,also Disco beef crisps but just sucking them will do,terrible isnt it?
My cravings have kicked in over the last week. Cant stop eating nectarines. Eating them by the bucket load. Hubby bought me a large punnet on Sunday, i bought another yesterday. Well at least im not constipated :oops: . I didnt have cravings with any of my previous pregnancies although i did insist on King Size Mars Bars with my first and would give the ole man an ear bashing if he bought me normal sized..... but to tell you the truth i think i ate them just because i could get away with it. :thumpup:
today i have had a whole box of crunchy nut corn flakes in a pudding basin at a time with about 3 pints of milk at a time :roll: naughty girl i am
bexxie Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:24 pm Post subject:


today i have had a whole box of crunchy nut corn flakes in a pudding basin at a time with about 3 pints of milk at a time naughty girl i am

Bexxie, thats just plain greedy!!! :twisted: Mind you, at least your not eating Sugar Puffs - we could have a honey monster on our hands. ROFL.

Just joking hun, carry on the good work. :)
Mcdonalds cheeseburgers!!! And fries!!! Help me!! I cant stop thinking about them!!!
I know it isn't the healthiest, but.. Half Baked Ben and Jerry's! :D
I can't stop eating it!

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