I didn't really read all the other responses, so maybe someone suggested this, but it looks like he's 7 months. What's he doing developmentally right now? Is anything big about to happen or just starting to happen? We had this with our daughter (though wasn't naps - she always napped on me anyway, it was bedtime) at 8/9 months. It was because she was just starting to crawl, stand and cruise. When they are in the midst of a big developmental leap, their brains are really active just as they are falling asleep doing all the big work of development. So they find it really hard to shut off and fall asleep. It was a phase and it lasted until she passed through that developmental jump (for us, about 2 months, was much better by 10-11 months). I did whatever seemed to work best in the moment. Sometimes that was holding her, sometimes it was laying her down and sitting next to her and comforting her, rubbing her back, playing music, just staying with her until she calmed down and could fall asleep. Basically, I just did whatever seemed to upset her less, even if she was still upset. Eventually, she popped out the other end and was fine.