Crunchy mommies!


Mommy of 4 amazing boys!
Dec 30, 2008
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Who are all the crunchy mommies here?

What do you do that you consider "crunchy"?
ay? :saywhat:

I eat my walkers crisps noisily....does that count? :blush:
Hahaha Crunchy is a term for umm like green mommies, attachment parenting mommies :)
I thought she meant people who gave their babies crunchy foods :rofl: :rofl:
Lol sorry

Here is a definition I found

Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods.

Here is a fun quiz someone made up

But some people are completely like that definition and others only do parts of it
That quiz is too fun! And pretty accurate. My joke is that my friends are granola but I'm only slightly crunchy :)

Result of the quiz was Sprinkled with granola!
I got this

Mmm! Love that whole-grain crunch!

but there are some I'd like to change, like if I have another baby we are trying for a homebirth, I would really like to do it unassisted but mark feels more comfortable with having someone there
I don't consider myself crunchy but I do do a lot of what's listed above! In fact I got - Mmm! Love that whole-grain crunch! - on the quiz lol. I should say though that I currently use disposables with Kaya as she's in pull ups and won't lie still long enough to do real nappies, and I do give her sweets and let her watch TV!
According to that quiz I am "Pretty Crispy!" :rofl:

I do parts of natural parenting, but not all aspects. I'd never consider a homebirth for myself, as I'd rather be where all the medical equipment is if something went wrong. I use cloth diapers, herbal/homeopathic remedies but I still regularly see a doctor.

What's shaving got to do with being a natural parent? :hissy: I barely shave, but that's not by personal choice, it's that I'm too frikkin' tried to be bothered! :rofl:
haha I think it's because some people think moms that are "crunchy" are also hippies haha

Out of everything I cloth diaper, no vax, breastfed until child self weaned, cosleeping, babywearing, would love a home birth though haven't had one, gentle discipline, def question medical people at times haha and eat alot/mostly organic
...but the real question is: Do you shave? :rofl:

Just kidding. My poor OH... I don't think he bargained ending up with a Sasquatch. :rofl: :rofl:
Haha I do....could never give that up lol, gross even me out muchless poor Mark
Breastfeeding - check.
Homebirth - attempted one, will again, check.
Hypno-water birth - attempted, will again, check.
Cloth nappies - check.
Vaccines - limited, semi check?
BLW - will be, check.
Baby wearing - check.
Gentle discipline - when it comes up yes, check.
Co-sleeping - not really, I'm a tosser and turner but have had Jack in bed with me some mornings after DH has gone to work and we have more room!
Homeopathy - check.

I scored 120 on that quiz - Mmm! Love that whole-grain crunch!
Mmm! Love that whole-grain crunch!

But for my family I am one of the less crunchy ones. I don't think anyone in my family has used 'sposies or not breastfed.
well, we co-slept with Evan until he was 12 months when he became to claustrophobic, he likes his space, we eat organic as much as our budget possibly allows, i breastfed until Evan self-weaned at 15.5 months, and we do the "baby wearing". but Evan is in disposables simply because i dont have the time for the cloth diapers (probably going to get alot of headshakes at that one lol) and i dont typically question my pedi. i have faith in her as my sons doctor. and i dont think id consider a home birth. i have a severe anxiety disorder and it kinda doubles when im pregnant since im off my meds so i feel much more relaxed in a hospital where if anything went wrong my baby would have immediate access to medical equipment. personal preference though.
I got a 137 on the quiz so I am Super Nutty, Ultra-Crunchy, Granola Earth Mama!

that is so going on my sig.
ive done diff aspects of crunchy parenting with both my kids.

cloth nappies
bf (only for a short time unfortunetly)
co-sleeping (we still do)
Baby Sign

bf (for 5 months-she chose to prefer bottles)
Baby Sign

i had gas&air in my labour with Rhys but with Ffion i was only in labour for 25mins so i didnt have time for any pain relief. if we were to have another it will be a homebirth/drug free.

we buy mostly organic stuff, from the greengrocers but we dont have a butchers so we have to buy from morrisons but we only buy british. we also use eco friendly products. and i use a mooncup too.

my sisters are homeschooled and it will be something i consider in the future.

my quiz result: Mmm! Love that whole-grain crunch!

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