Oh Cranberry *hugs*
Trust me, all this is normal, a baby is a huge change. And, to be honest, I wanted one of those nappy genie things, wasn't allowed one and our house constantly smells of shit, scented nappy bags just aren't good! So don't worry what other people say, if you don't use it, you don't use it and you can sell it on again!
My friends all used to be clubbers, the people I tend to talk most to on FB are old school friends who have bambino's, or my lovely Septembryo's who I met on here (all had baby's due September 09, love them!)
Once your bambino is here take full advantage of local mums and babies play sessions, I used to go to First Friends which was run by the local SureStart, keep meaning to go to the under 2's, but there's a girl who picks on Tegan and she wasn't walking or anything and now that she finally is I can't be arsed to go back.
Luckily my OH's assistant manager popped a congratulations card in through the door with her number in it as she was lonely after having her little girl, we used to see each other 3/4 times a week when we were both on maternity leave and she's kinda like my best friend now, however I don't see her that often as I'm working, when I'm not working I'm shattered, or her little girl is in nursery (our girlies are 11 weeks and a day apart so always have got on
) or her SPD is killing her as she's due in 5 days now
I can't wait until November gets here and I have my 3 weeks hols before maternity leave so I can spend more time with her and our kiddies can play.
Basically, what I'm saying is that things will change, you'll find some lovely mummy friends and develop a lovely support group from here.
*big hugs* everything will work out hun, and my house is nowhere near as tidy as it needs to be, I'm actually meant to be doing dishes right now so there isn't a huge pile left once my OH has done our Sunday roast
(I know it's father's day, but tegs can spoil him once she's old enough, and he can cook better than me
I hope you find some more lovely baby bargains today
Hope everyone has a good day, I'd better get my ass into the kitchen and do some dishes
I did start them earlier so no longer have Tegan's dishes to do, which makes it easier!
And ooooooh, 12 week scan in 3 days! Eep! Even though I'll only be 11+5 and really 10+4, but hey, I get to see my bambino