hello. well ive had a stupid day surrounded by total imbeciles who shouldnt be let out in polite society let alone looking after children, such a bad attitude all of them and they should be ashamed. Also i got blocked in twice by them in the carpark! Honestly, what prats that they cant even park a car properly. lazy arses.
Ive been told to go to my scan with a full bladder but everyone else says you dont have to, dunno what to do tbh, i suppose go with it full and have a wee if they say its ok?
cherrybinky - dont worry about not being excited, i think for a lot of ppl it doesnt seem real. good luck at the scan, post pics asap!
Tizy - the asos stuff looks great, I can sometimes fit a 16 but dont wanna risk it online so thats out for me, every year i say i want a coat but i never buy one, i actually havent got one. I just wear cardys and get cold. Ill probably stop work in like october or something, or just work remotely from then so wont be going outside much
bernie - sorry to hear about the umbilical cord thing, sounds like not much to worry about tho, im getting growth scans and im kinda ambivalient about them. I dunno if theyll be able to see much which looks like a baby or if itll just be leg, head, arm as by then itll be much bigger, I dunno.
ttcwithendo - hi
try eating a little bit more if youre feeling sick and heartburny, careful what you do eat tho, crackers seem to be the norm for early pregnancy, i always felt like they soaked up the icky acid. also try milk for the heartburn if you can stomach it. Ive got a small umbilical hernia from an operation so am a bit b shaped, im only 16w so the uterus isnt really affecting the top area yet, but im bigger all round, the top seems to have been kinda pushed up. I find that as long as I dress well the top bump looks like my preg bump
nothing skin tight all the way down and nothing tight on my waistline.