Jade -
It's always sad to leave work when you enjoy it
Jayne - Hopefully this is the last time you have to treat it and that it just goes away! Doc sounds silly!
Han - feeling loads better now ta
I quite like Roco as a little nickname, really cute
Rach - Kitty Kat is cute
Like I said on your facebook earlier we call Tegan Tegosaurous! But she used to growl a lot
Helen - Maybe get your dad to sort some furniture out? Stumped for ideas on that one!
I really was looking forward to my tea of scampi, new potatoes and veg. But Luke left the skin on the carrots (grrrr, it's lazy!) and the peas were done in the microwave, his brother some how got invited around for tea and the scampi I had was slightly pink? He says it's normal, I don't like to eat anything pink (I'm fussy) and when we've had it before it's been fine, I don't know if he got a different brand or not so I flat out refused to eat it, I had about 2 of the new potatoes but my heart wasn't in it.
That was at 6, I'm now starving and don't know what to eat, there's bugger all in as we've been going shopping every day and getting just what we need for lunch/tea. I don't want a sarnie, and so the only other thing that's left is bloody noodles, again. Tempted by the fact that there's a chinese literally around the corner!
Looking at the 3 bedroom house tomorrow
however they want us to prove that we bring in £23k a year, apparently we do according Luke (news to me, but then, we must be doing it as I've worked that out too!)
With most of the letting agents properties they don't want you to be getting housing benefit, this house says no such thing, and surely we're more likely to be reliable considering we're getting housing benefit and have our second child on the way
But then we don't actually need to disclose that to them, depends on how deep they want to check us out!
This is the house if anyone's curious? 3 bedroom house/cottage
It looks small downstairs and no pictures of the bedrooms, however the houses on that street are usually bigger than the one on my street now (Grew up round the corner from where I am now and the new place is literally 5 mins if that up a hill). They were asking £645 a month for it and I noticed yesterady that they'd dropped it by £20 a month (saves us £240 a year!) Hopefully it'll be of a good size, and will suit us more than our cottage now, and I really want a bath!