Dante - My Birth Story.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
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Dante Ebbrell born 16/12/2010 at 10:04 weighing 8lb after 6hrs 26min of established labor.

I was 42 weeks when I went in for my induction. We headed out on Wednesday (15th) and got to the hospital at about 10am. Had a MW come to see me && explain I was more than likely going to need gel to soften my cervix and help me dilate, she explained they would do it every 6 hours untill I was enough for them to break my waters. I was dreading this, as I was already 2 weeks over && didn't want to wait even longer! So the MW did a internal, turns out I was 2/3cm, soft and forward cervix && she said I didn't need the gel as they could break my waters. Yay!
All we needed now was a bed on the delivery suite, not to much to ask.. Right? .. Wrong! .. They were heaving with amulamce deliveries && emg sections. We were waiting && waiting && waiting! Finally got a bed && went up at 10:15pm. (12 hrs after we arrived haha).

The MW broke my waters && I went on a nice long walk around the hospital, nothing happened, not even a twinge (I knew at this point a water birth was out of the question =[ ). I eventually was hooked up to a drip at 12ish thurs morning. Contractions started out really easy && I went from 12-2am with no pain relief, at 2am I was needing a little relief so opted for G&A, brill stuff, the only problem was, I couldn't feel the tightenings with my contractions only the pain, so by the time I felt the pain the G&A was useless! They struggled all night to pick up my tightenings on the monitor && were forever moving the sensor or me lol. I was checked again at 3:30am && was told I was still only 2-3cm, (this was going to be a long night!) they decided it was best to knock up my drip to the max that they could to try && get things going. This made my contractions hurt && by 4am I was telling them to make it stop && the fact I was going home! :wacko: lol. I asked for the epidural && waited on the anethstist to arrive. She got there (to my relief) a few minutes later && proceded to set up, at first she put it in too much to the left, then to the right, then hit a nerve which made my leg go mad haha (none of this was her fault, it was because I couldn't keep still!) eventually she got it in && I felt so much better! I even appologised to my MW && the anethstist for yellling in pain haha! They wernt fazed but it seemed the right thing to do lol.

I was happy after that && was chatting to the MW about anything && everything && having a laugh and a joke with her. Don't know what epi they used but I could still feel my legs etc just the pain was gone. At about 5am, babys heart rate suddenly dropped && recovered, but after that, everytime I got a contraction his heart rate would drop. A doctor got called, he came down && had a look, said he was going to take blood from the babys head to make sure he wasn't lacking oxygen. He did this && told me I had now reached 5-6cm (wasn't much progress but was a bit of a relief). The results came back && baby was fine. Not much went on from then up untill about 8:15 when the doc was called down again due to babys heartbeat, he checked me over, gave me the news I'd made no progress && was still at 5-6cm (I nearly cried lol). Baby turned out fine and things proceeded.

Ok, not the OH hadn't Been feeling well fit a few days, && the MW could tell he wasn't well && sent him down to A&E to get checked over. He got sent down at about 8:45am just after the doc had been, he wasn't worrid about missing anything as no one thought I would make any progress remotely any where near to anything happening!

I started complaining or bum pressure (TMI!) at about 8:45 so the anethstist came down && topped up my epi but also gave me some form of morphine. I was told I would be checked internally againg at 10:30am to see if I had progressed!

Shifts got swapped over at around 9am && the new doctor came to indrodyce herself at around 9:20. She had a look at the heartbeat monitor && said she would feel more comfortable if she could put a heart rate monitor on the top of his head so it was more accurate && they could keep a closer eye on it. I said I didn't mind && to do what ever was best for baby! She went && got her tools etc &' came back. She was about to pug the monitor on babys head when she looked up with the biggest smile ever && said 'just to let you know.. Your fully dilated && your babys crowning!'. I was so shocked! I'd gone from 5-6cm to fully dilated && crowning with in a 3 hour period!

It all became a mad rush then to get everything ready. OH was still in A&E at this point (or that's what I thought!). It was a mad rush around && a few phonecalls to try && get him back up! Wasn't to long before he emerged .. Showing off a nice big canula in his hand with 2 wires coming out from it. Turns out he had suspected appendicitis && tests were being carried out when they got the call to send him back up! Poor OH, I just recon he felt left out && wanted some sympathy haha!

The delivery dude, 2 MW's, the pediatrition, me && the other half were all cramped in this room haha! My dignity went straight out the window at this point haha && the pushing began! I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I was supposed to push at first lol! Baby became distressed && had to be delivered by ventrouse && I had to be cut (only small, only 2 over lapped stitches). The pushing part took all of 14mins && 5 pushes later my little boy was born weighing 8lb!!

The guy who delivered him was suprized aswell as he thought I was in for a long delivery :D!

My little man had blue parts to him && was unresoonsive when he was born , so he got bagged, masked && oxyginated. His first apgar score was 6, his 2nd was 9. His first was the only reason we got kept in over night. (which I'm glad I did as my back was killing lol).

I suprized the MW aswell, just 3hrs after giving birth with an epi (double dosed && morphine, I was up walking around && in the shower haha! I NEEDED to feel human again lol!

That's my long && detailed birth story which I've been meaning to do for a good day or so now!

M.M xx

P.s - The OH is fine, they did bloods and ruled out appendicitis && infection. They did an ultra sound && ruled out swelling or stones. They wanted him to stay in over the weekend to do blood cultures but he discharged himself as he wanted to come home with me && baby. (also he said if it's not serious enough to come up on bloods or an ultra sound, then it's not serious haha)
congratulations. Im glad every one inc OH is ok x
Congratulations! And wow - Dante is such a great name! x
Congratulations, I love your choice of name xx
Thank you everyone :)

we wernt sure on the name at first, because of the game Dante's Inferno 'Fighting The 9 Rings Of Fire' or something along those lines . && Dantes Inferno means hell.

But after really sitting and talking about it we decided we both loved the name && he was to be called Dante (which after looking up means pure && long living hehe)

M.m xx
congrats again, great story!!! you did a great job!!!
Congrats! I love the name, too! Now I just need to convince the hubby to go for the name Dante if this one turns out to be a boy... ;)
Some Pics ..






M.M xx

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