Got my first lot of blood results from my first round of chlomid. I got a level of 76.
My gp told me that that is very good, but he also told me to drink tequilla and have lots of sex (I think he's a bit of a hippy!), so I thought I'd ask you ladies if it was a good result?
Additional info, is that I actually had it done on day 20.... and if I've got my O day correct it was either cd 16 or 17. I don't know if that helps, but hey ho, just in case!
Thanks in advance ladies.
My gp told me that that is very good, but he also told me to drink tequilla and have lots of sex (I think he's a bit of a hippy!), so I thought I'd ask you ladies if it was a good result?
Additional info, is that I actually had it done on day 20.... and if I've got my O day correct it was either cd 16 or 17. I don't know if that helps, but hey ho, just in case!
Thanks in advance ladies.