Debt Advice


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
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Just wondering if anyone is in debt and what there doing or what can be done, as with a baby on the way, i need to sort mine out, but dunno where to start, or who to go to, i'v done searches online but i dunno who to trust, i don't know how much debt in actually in, but i dont have time to go to CAB as there is a 7 week waiting list for an appt to get into my local one and thats just for an interview?

Anyone know what i can do?!


i am in the same situation:( i have been cut off on my phone bill i got bank charges coming out of my ears but my credit card i only pay 3 quid a month lol then i have to pay my bank my overdraft its soo stressful

i think theres a advert on telly about debt advice :D

take care darling look on the bright side :D

I hope things get better

Aww i know how you feel hun. The CAB are very good, cant believe theres such a long waiting list. Im not sure what else to suggest. I suppose it would depend how much debt it is.

Ive got to the point i just cant afford to live with all the repayments im making on debts which is making me not pay bills that are priority inc getting behind with my rent ,so i made the big decision to file for bankruptcy. A big thing to do at just 23 but i figure, if its going to clear all my debt it will give me a fresh start and i know i wont get credit again for around 5 years but im young enough to wait that long. I cant see me getting a mortgage anytime in the near future so ill have time to build back up my credit rating in that many years.

I hope you sort something out soon and you manage to find someone to help you xx
Yeah, i looked into that bankrutpcy, but i dont like the thought of anyone else taking care of my money, only thing i'vc ever paid on time is by phone bill, i get half price line rental for life cos i used to work for the company, but if i miss one payment i get that taken away and i'v got 3 lines so i cant afford them 3 if i lose that, it's been my own fault, i just ignored them for so long, but im thinking i'v got baby on the way i need to start paying it off

I think its got such a waiting list because of everyone with the money crisis recession etc xxx
A good number of years back, we were in this suitation, due to hubby losing job and we couldnt afford all out outgoing.

anyhoo we turned to cccs they are free (there a charity based advice service) (i think)

my hubby rang them and went through everything. they helped us out.. and now we are debt free.
know how you feel xx

you are half way there by starting to deal with it


there is a debt free wannabee board on the forum where you can get lots of advice and support from people in same postion as you.. like baby and bump but for debt :)


I second the CCCS. They are brilliant.

We have just set up a debt management plan with them and so far it's going well, although still early days.

Don't get down over it, there is help available :)

Some good sites:

And definitely try the Money Saving Expert forums, they are ace!
Ive never used them myself but I would also reccommend the cccs.

I used to work for a debt collection agency and I would advise you to stay away from any of the companys that charge for their services. You'd be much better off going through cccs.

Basically (unless its changed) you tell them how much you owe, say £5000 to 5 different credit card companys and you only have £100 a month spare to repay all the cards they would break this down to £20 per month to each one. I think you pay the cccs then they pay your creditors. Obviously the figures I have done above are just a simple example, if you owed loads of different amounts to different companies they work it out on a percentage.

They will ask you to provide a financial statement to justify what you are offering, its quite good for you to as you can see all your income and expenditure.

The other thing to bear in mind is if you are planning on getting a mortgage any time soon then I would do everything possible to avoid your debts going to a collection agency as it could take years to get your credit record back on track.
My OH and I have quite a bit of debt amongst the two of us.
Our MIL made us up a budget though, and we've luckily had assistance from both his parents, and my mother where they've each paid off a debt, and we pay them back so that we aren't building crazy interest rates.

There are places here in Canada that help - and they'll call your creditors to have them lower your interest rates, or even get rid of them all together. That way, your minimum payments end up dropping drastically. Sometimes depending on the creditor, you can even call them yourselves and explain your situation. Tell them you are trying really hard to make your payments, but that the high interest rate isn't helping.

One thing we've had to do is majorly cut back on anything that we can. Obviously there are certain payments like Rent, Car Insurance, Car Payment, etc that are a fixed amount.. and you can't change those. But groceries - providing you really plan your meals each week, only buy what you need, and we plan our meals around things that are on sale for the week as well. You could cut your grocery bill down big time - therefore having a bit more money that you can throw on debt.

Also - if you spend lots of money on say movies, or take away.. you may have to majorly start limiting that. I know myself and my OH - even though we were really struggling with everything, we always ended up spending money on movie rentals, or ordering in pizza.. And that's really expensive, and should be more of a treat each month.

What I would do is try and get exact figures. Any credit cards you have - how much you owe. Any outstanding phone bills, internet, etc. Try and contact everyone you do business with and find out EXACTLY where you stand. My MIL told us that as we're working on our debts (even though our parents have helped us out a bit, we still have quite a few other debts...) always try and do a little more with the debt that has the highest interest.

We have a great budget - that literally factors in just my OH's salary.. so anytime he works overtime at work and gets extra, or 4 times a year here in Ontario we get "Gst refund" depending on the previous years income, or our income tax returns, etc.. Those are an added "extra"...

I think the best thing is to sit down - find out exactly how much you make each month. Find out exactly how much each of your expenses are. There are online budget calculators, as well as Microsoft Excel can be used where you input a formula and it adds and subtracts as you put money in, and take money out. Sometimes living on a budget sucks (we just started end of Feb) and neither of us have ever lived on a budget ... so it's a big change - but we're already really seeing a difference with everything.

I hope some of this gives you more insight.. Sorry about the length of it, but my debts are all very fresh to me, and the way we're working on it is too!
Also I forgot!

If you CAN cut back on things like tv or internet. drop to a lower package or speed - that can help big time too!
Im in a little bit of debt, iv worked out how much afford and am paying off as much as i can. i pay £15 a week of my overdraft and £40 a month of my credit card no matter what the minmum payment is. Cuttin back on things like fone, internet and shopping might help. Also if you are have trouble paying, dont push it to the back of the pile, ring them and let them know and most will sort something out that you can afford.
Moneysaving expert forum is excellent.
Debt free wannabe board on there has LOADS of great help and advice x

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