***December Christmas 2023 testing thread***

Sending love and luck to the ladies testing <3

Thanks hun. I simply love seeing your signature. You have my dream of girl / boy mix in the family! My littlest girl is still hoping and praying for a healthy baby girl. At this point, I'll be over the moon to just get pregnant and have a healthy baby.
Hi Nightflower!

7 DPO is still very early. Fx'ed for the next few tests!!!!
Hey cheerios I know it's early just wanted to try out the new tests I got. I like how wide they are. Thanks for the fx
Hopefully there will be more ladies testing than just us 4. Seems so quiet lately. Everyone must be having their babies.
Hopefully there will be more ladies testing than just us 4. Seems so quiet lately. Everyone must be having their babies.

I know what you mean. It used to be so much noisier on the testing thread. But there was one month when there were sooo many BFPs, so all the "regulars" disappeared. Happy for them but sad for us. Lol. I realised I've been waiting for our rainbow baby for almost 2 years by now, since my very first CP in 2021.
Hi, I will begin testing on Friday December 8th. Hoping for my bfp
@cheerios I wish I could look at it lol. I can't see it since the update it's really annoying!! Can everyone else see theirs? It really is flying by though, tbh I wish it would slow down so I can enjoy it longer as it's highly likely to be my last and I've waited so long! But I'm doing good things are going well with the pregnancy xx
How are you and where are you on your ttc journey now? I know you had some thyroid issues was it that were preventing you from full on ttc? Xx

Yeah, I still can’t see any signatures since the update. Now that the signatures have disappeared the board feels lonely, quiet, generic and frankly, boring with this colour scheme.

The last month of pregnancy is the longest… trust me. :lol:
Hopefully there will be more ladies testing than just us 4. Seems so quiet lately. Everyone must be having their babies.
I honestly think the since the board changed a lot of people have left, that or maybe having a break over the Christmas period.

As always, popping on to wish you all lots of baby dust and praying for Christmas miracles for you all. I’ve been where you are and I’ve come out the other side, it took nearly five long years to get here but I made it. <3

Good luck!
Thank you very much. I had an Etopic in September and haven’t had a cycle as of yet but had been tracking my ovulation with clear blue advanced ovulation kit. I couldn’t wait and poas this morning (unfortunately not with FMU) and I got a bfn. I will wait and try on Friday.
Thank you very much. I had an Etopic in September and haven’t had a cycle as of yet but had been tracking my ovulation with clear blue advanced ovulation kit. I couldn’t wait and poas this morning (unfortunately not with FMU) and I got a bfn. I will wait and try on Friday.

Hi ladies, not much to report here, halfway through my Letrozol/Femara doses, and DH just submitted his boys for another analysis. I have an appointment on Friday 9:15 PST to check on my follicle size and lining thickness. I fully expect to be put on estrogen to get it a bit thicker. I have a feeling the IUI will be Tuesday or Wednesday next week! I will update again on Friday after my appointment.
I’ve tried replying on this post a few times, but I guess it hasn’t been working. My charts say I ovulated and hoping they’re right. I’m currently 6 or 7dpo, depending on what chart I use. FF is going by temps and Premom is going off of opks. No major symptoms so I’m going to attempt to hold out on testing until Friday. If I get any symptoms earlier then I’ll probably cave, but that’s the plan for now. Lol
Thank you very much. I had an Etopic in September and haven’t had a cycle as of yet but had been tracking my ovulation with clear blue advanced ovulation kit. I couldn’t wait and poas this morning (unfortunately not with FMU) and I got a bfn. I will wait and try on Friday.

Hi Brianna
Sorry to hear about your ectopic. That must have been a painful experience. I hope you've recovered well and wishing you all the best for this cycle!!! How many DPO are you?
Hi ladies, not much to report here, halfway through my Letrozol/Femara doses, and DH just submitted his boys for another analysis. I have an appointment on Friday 9:15 PST to check on my follicle size and lining thickness. I fully expect to be put on estrogen to get it a bit thicker. I have a feeling the IUI will be Tuesday or Wednesday next week! I will update again on Friday after my appointment.

Hi! That's good that your doc is monitoring your cycles. I had 2 monitored cycles with clomid (took 50mg), ovulated one follicle from my right ovary both times. Had a CP with the first cycle and BFN with my 2nd. I'm on my 3rd cycle now. How are your husband's sperms? How did you decide to get the sperms tested?? We haven't tested my husband's swimmers since 2018, so I don't know if I should get it tested.
I’ve tried replying on this post a few times, but I guess it hasn’t been working. My charts say I ovulated and hoping they’re right. I’m currently 6 or 7dpo, depending on what chart I use. FF is going by temps and Premom is going off of opks. No major symptoms so I’m going to attempt to hold out on testing until Friday. If I get any symptoms earlier then I’ll probably cave, but that’s the plan for now. Lol

Exciting!!!! Let the testing begin!
Good luck to everyone testing soon fxd for Christmas bfps x
Thanks Josephine!
I got my first ever Christmas BFP in 2010 with my first boy. He was born early September. I conceived my 4th baby on New Year's Eve and she was also born in September, but late September. How wonderful would it be to have the next BFP over Christmas in 2023?? It would mean having 3 birthdays in September but I would rather have that than to wait forever.

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