***December Christmas 2023 testing thread***

Best of luck ladies! My last two babes were Dec bfps so I’m dropping off my bfp vibes for you all :dust: this new update is crap, I don’t like it whatsoever
Wow! I realised you conceived 4 babies with one tube!!! That's such a miracle!! Thanks for popping by and encouraging us!
Hi! That's good that your doc is monitoring your cycles. I had 2 monitored cycles with clomid (took 50mg), ovulated one follicle from my right ovary both times. Had a CP with the first cycle and BFN with my 2nd. I'm on my 3rd cycle now. How are your husband's sperms? How did you decide to get the sperms tested?? We haven't tested my husband's swimmers since 2018, so I don't know if I should get it tested.
They test his sperm every time we do an IUI. They were pretty low, and our IUIs weren't taking, so he had his hormones tested. Turns out he had low testosterone levels and he was an ideal candidate for the male use of Clomid! I haven't heard his results yet, guessing they will tell me on Friday. I really hope his numbers improved. FX.
They test his sperm every time we do an IUI. They were pretty low, and our IUIs weren't taking, so he had his hormones tested. Turns out he had low testosterone levels and he was an ideal candidate for the male use of Clomid! I haven't heard his results yet, guessing they will tell me on Friday. I really hope his numbers improved. FX.

Thanks for explaining. My fertility specialist pretty much thinks that since I could get pregnant - even if it was CPs, that means that my DH has normal sperms. But I've been taking way longer to get pregnant compared to when I got pregnant with my 4 kids. No doubt I'm older now, but even then the waiting is quite unheard of (for as long as I know my body). I think we will definitely get DH's swimmers tested as well. He's been unwell, sick and nursing a bad cough. So we haven't DTD. I hope he feels better by the time I ovulate, if not it would have been a wasted cycle to have taken clomid for me.
Hi Brianna
Sorry to hear about your ectopic. That must have been a painful experience. I hope you've recovered well and wishing you all the best for this cycle!!! How many DPO are you?
It was most definitely a lot to deal with emotionally but I am grateful that I still have the opportunity to try again. I haven’t gotten a cycle since my etopic which was end of September but I used the clear blue advanced ovulation which gave static on November 8th ( which obviously didn’t lead to ovulation) and again November 23rd. I have never done temps therefore I can’t confirm ovulation.
IMG_1920.jpegIMG_1919.jpegIMG_1917.jpegIMG_1916.jpegI just took a First Response and I am unsure if indent or a faint positive. I don’t want to get my hopes up. It came up within three minutes. Picture taken at approximately 10 minutes. It’s my last test therefore I won’t be testing again until tomorrow. I’ll probably wait until Friday. I know I shouldn’t open the test either but I couldn’t help it.IMG_1920.jpegIMG_1919.jpegIMG_1917.jpegIMG_1916.jpegIMG_1920.jpegIMG_1919.jpegIMG_1917.jpegIMG_1916.jpeg
IMG_1915.jpegIMG_1914.jpegIMG_1913.jpegIMG_1912.jpegIMG_1911.jpegHere are a few different shots but the same test… what do you guys think! Indent or vvvfp
I don’t think my camera is able to capture it well… I wish it would capture it as my eyes do. Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me. They are all the same test just different angles/lighting/placement.IMG_1907.jpegIMG_1909.jpegIMG_1910.jpegIMG_1911.jpeg
Anyone know how to change the format? I used to know how to do it. Now I can't find it. Uggh
View attachment 1117574View attachment 1117575View attachment 1117576View attachment 1117577I just took a First Response and I am unsure if indent or a faint positive. I don’t want to get my hopes up. It came up within three minutes. Picture taken at approximately 10 minutes. It’s my last test therefore I won’t be testing again until tomorrow. I’ll probably wait until Friday. I know I shouldn’t open the test either but I couldn’t help it.View attachment 1117574View attachment 1117575View attachment 1117576View attachment 1117577View attachment 1117574View attachment 1117575View attachment 1117576View attachment 1117577

I definitely see a second coloured green line in the last photo. How did you tweak the line HPT to a fluorescent green colour though??
View attachment 1117574View attachment 1117575View attachment 1117576View attachment 1117577I just took a First Response and I am unsure if indent or a faint positive. I don’t want to get my hopes up. It came up within three minutes. Picture taken at approximately 10 minutes. It’s my last test therefore I won’t be testing again until tomorrow. I’ll probably wait until Friday. I know I shouldn’t open the test either but I couldn’t help it.View attachment 1117574View attachment 1117575View attachment 1117576View attachment 1117577View attachment 1117574View attachment 1117575View attachment 1117576View attachment 1117577

I can see the green lines very well. But I'm not familiar with FRER as to whether they give indents or not.

Which App / how did you change the colour of your FRER from pink to fluorescent green??
Honestly, I can't stand FRER! They always give indents! But I definitely see what you're seeing, and I hope it darkens for you!!!
You and I both. I now have 2 first response ( 1 early with lines and one digital) as well as 3 clear blue ( 2 early with lines and one digital with weeks indicator). I will try a clear blue tomorrow morning and see what happens.
I definitely see a second coloured green line in the last photo. How did you tweak the line HPT to a fluorescent green colour though??

I can see the green lines very well. But I'm not familiar with FRER as to whether they give indents or not.

Which App / how did you change the colour of your FRER from pink to fluorescent green??
I will test again tomorrow with a clear blue and see what happens. The app is called negative me.

Best of luck ladies! My last two babes were Dec bfps so I’m dropping off my bfp vibes for you all :dust: this new update is crap, I don’t like it whatsoever

Agreed, it’s terrible.
Anyone know how to change the format? I used to know how to do it. Now I can't find it. Uggh
Profile - Preferences. “Liquid” is the better option but the old B&B style is no longer.

I don’t see why they can’t change it back, we all hate it now. What we want doesn’t matter apparently. :lol:

@NightFlower - I can see that. Fingers crossed it gets lovely and dark for you.

@Brianna777 - I can see that too. I’ve been burned so many times over with first response so I’m praying it’s a real line for you.
Agreed, it’s terrible.

Profile - Preferences. “Liquid” is the better option but the old B&B style is no longer.

I don’t see why they can’t change it back, we all hate it now. What we want doesn’t matter apparently. :lol:
Ok thanks I'll go change it now. Hopefully it will be better.
Ok thanks I'll go change it now. Hopefully it will be better.

I’ve just been to check / change it again and the options disappeared. This theme is now the only one, basically we have to like it or lump it.

*Insert eye roll*
Agreed, it’s terrible.

Profile - Preferences. “Liquid” is the better option but the old B&B style is no longer.

I don’t see why they can’t change it back, we all hate it now. What we want doesn’t matter apparently. :lol:

@NightFlower - I can see that. Fingers crossed it gets lovely and dark for you.

@Brianna777 - I can see that too. I’ve been burned so many times over with first response so I’m praying it’s a real line for you.

I’ve just been to check / change it again and the options disappeared. This theme is now the only one, basically we have to like it or lump it.

*Insert eye roll*
I was just writing you back saying I can't find it . Like I'm not that dumb #-o lol
I’ve just checked the “technical support” forum and what I read made no sense. The administrator of the forum basically said the styles can now be changed, people replied saying thank goodness basically yet it’s a feature that’s disappeared and it’s NOT back to normal.

Who knows at this point hahahaha

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