I'm lucky my MIL isn't so mean... she's nice, but she often says things that are none of her business.. Like last summer, after my 2 (early) miscarriages, she said we had to wait a whole year before we try again. I told her the doctor said a month, an another said preferably 2-3 months, not a whole year!!
I'm really scared right now... yesterday I had my first doctor's appointment, he only checked my weight and blood pressure and asked me a couple of questions, and said everything looked good, but he would send me for an ultrasound to check how far I am (my periods haven't been super regular).
Today, right after they called me to let me know my ultrasound is tomorrow, --sorry TMI! -- I had a bowel movement... I was really constipated and when I wiped (behind) there was a lot of blood. I wiped again, nothing. I went and checked again a few minutes later and I saw a tiny little drop of blood.. from my vagina!! That's how it started last time with my MMC.. spotting with BM (vaginal, not rectal though).
I'm so scared and sad now. I never had good experiences at my ultrasounds and I'm sure something's going to be wrong. I'm not feeling as nauseous as before, boobs are not as sore... I'm really tired but I also have a cold so it's probably why.
I find it so hard to imagine myself with a baby now... it just feels so unfair.
Sorry for all the negativity.. I hope you are all doing much better! We all deserve healthy rainbow babies.