Crystal: I would just wait for May 8th. Give your beanie some extra time to impress you! I have been doing constant scans and it is just driving me crazy instead of reassuring me. You can ask your sonographer anything you like at your next scan, they should be willing to look at stuff, explain it to you, and give you lots of photos! But if it would help you relax, it may be worth the money. And what on earth is "too dangerous" about an early scan?? Ultrasounds are no more dangersous than listening to the radio, my goodness. I wonder if she is confusing it with amniocentesis or CVS?? No more talking to your sister, she is misinformed. And not supportive either. Sheesh!
Wiggler: I am praying for you hun. Your hcg is still rising, which is the important thing, but I understand why you are concerned. I'm hoping for the best with you!
love1623: What a beautiful scan!! Congrats!!
amjon: Yay for a new OB! That is MUCH more reasonable to get an appointment 2 weeks out. And it sounds like they are looking out for your pocketbook as well!
scoobydrlp: Glad they are going to do an early scan. I can't believe they only do regular u/s between 18 & 20 weeks!