December Snowflakes 2011 Mums and Babies!!

ok i need to make sure everyone is put onto the right part of the front page later lol
Holla any Snowflakes out there, how are the little darlings doing?
Holla any Snowflakes out there, how are the little darlings doing?

Hi there! :wave:
I've been checking in on the December Snowflake's threads. So glad there's life back in one! :) My baby girl is doing great! She's as quick as can be crawling, she started sitting on her own two days shy of 8 months, she can say 'mama' and 'dada' and tons of other sounds but I'm not sure if she's associating those sounds yet (although with mama I think she may be :)). I can't believe it's already fall and winter is around the corner. Christmas goodies are already in stores and it's getting me a bit emotional since I know her first birthday is coming up. She's too young to be 1. :cry:
How are your little ones? Hope you've all been well! I'm interested in hearing about how other December babies are too. :)
We got our first two teeth this week!

No crawling yet but she loves her food (BLW) and has been independently sitting for over two months. Occasionally has pulled herself to standing (while sitting on someone's lap using either their arms or the coffee table etc).

Love being a mommy :cloud9:

Hope everyone elses babies are doing great.
we have had teeth for a while here, hes crusing around the edge of the furniture and standing up and letting go and staying upright for a few min, hes trying to climb things too.
still not sleeping well at night was up at 2 and 6 this morning which was a fantastic night for him, he chatters away alot too, dadda mostly and MMmmmmmmm when he likes something. he can clap and "hi five " and is learning to grab our hands when we hold out our hands and say " shake hands ",
Hes eating well we started blw but hes having some spoon fed foods now too and hes being mix fed with normally one bottle of Hipp during the day and breastfed the rest of the time. Im almost to the point id quit BF if he would just sleep a whole night
Hi everyone, my wee girl is great. She's got six teeth and each one has been a trial and a half :coffee: and a cruising and letting go trying to balance. I'm back at work and we've hit a problem that she won't take formula but is draining both my boobs morning and night and has now finished the freezer stash. Any tips for daytime milk (2-3 oz at most) please? I'm stumped. She is just fantastic though and every day I marvel at how lucky we at and how grateful we are. So good to hear how they're all getting on! Xx
hmmm other than keeping up a routine of expressing and keeping going for a bit after the milk stops, keeping up your fluids and food intake and perhaps some mothers milk tea during the daytime?
Wow! Took me a while to find this! Lol!
Tanwen was finally born on 19th December 2011 at 9:30 am! I can't believe it's almost been a year already! She's been walking for almost 2 months now, although we had her first steps 3 months ago when she wasn't even quite 8 months! Now she walks about 98% of the time she's able to! She's got so many words too! We're getting at least one new one every single day! She must have over 50 now! She's also starting to put 2 or more words together and she's already looked me right in the eye and said "Love you Mum!", which was amazing! :cloud9: I can kind of have a conversation with her but she doesn't really talk when she's around others. She's an amazing eater to the point that her favourite phrase at the moment is "More please"! We stopped breastfeeding just before 9 months and she started sleeping through the night properly then, just stirring briefly at about 5am when we give her her dummy and she's straight back to sleep until between 8 and 9am! Unfortunately she doesn't nap much during the day anymore though! She has 7 teeth now and an 8th is threatening to come through! Teething seems never ending!

She's a tall girl too! We're buying in lots of 18-24 month tops and dresses because 12-18 month ones are starting to get a bit short! She's pretty much out of 9-12 month clothes now! She's gone from having too many clothes to quite a small wardrobe as she's grown out of most of the stuff she's been given and relies on us to actually buy her clothes now! :haha:

Beca :wave:
hey hun, AJ has the opposite problem with clothes he has more than he gets to wear before outgrowing them thanks to having big brothers theres lots for him to grow into its just me being organized enough to get him to wear it all at least once lol.
Hey... Wow seems like so long ago we were all waiting for our babies..

Izzy is just starting to walk now, she has 6 teeth with number 7 on its way. She is very good with her words, constantly asking whos that, and whats that, new one is Look and points. She pick up a book and point out dog, cat, duck and no how to say them and the sounds they make. Shes been saying mama daddy grandad for quite a while now.
Shes fairly tall just started her on 12-18months in trousers as she has long legs.
Shes a good eatter, but a little lazy prefers to be fed than feed herself. Shes growing up to be a beautiful young girl! A mischievous one tho lol
So happy to see all your beautiful babas are growing up so nicely :D
they get big so quick, AJ isnt really speaking much lots of Ooo0ooo's and mum-mum and Daddy, hes been in 12-18 month clothes for awhile though some 9-12 still fits him hes also wearing alot of 18-24month tops
Wow, this time last year I was indulging in daily Starbucks gingerbread lattes and cranberry bliss bars. All for "the baby", lol. Now we're having a birthday party in 3 weeks!

Lane is wearing 9 month clothes, babbling "dadadadada" nearly all the time, unless she doesn't like something, then it's "nanananana". 4 teeth. Crawling like a champ and just starting to cruise.

She loves going to storytime and baby gym!
Saranna has 7 teeth - she's had three bottom teeth for more than 5 weeks with no sign of the/4th, and almost three weeks ago cut 4 top teeth in 24 hours on the same day she started to crawl. That was a fun day...

She just started furniture walking but isn't standing without holding on to anything yet. She has a 20 word vocabulary and she spends hours every day reading books to herself while she hardly even touches her toys.

She's very tall - nearly 80cms - and skinny - 9kgs. She has the most gorgeous blue eyes which I'm so happy about cause I always hated my brown eyes lol. Dh and I are both carriers for the blue eye gene though neither of us has blue eyes so people are always asking us where they came from. She's still ,mostly bald but we think she might be a redhead like her paternal grandma and maternal grandad.

Oh and she's going to be a big sister in June :cloud9:
Aww I can't believe our babies are nearly 1! I have Nancy's christmas and birthday gifts, party stuff and outfits all sorted now, just need to wrap the presents :flower: She's also getting christened in February so i'll be getting started on planning that after christmas! She'll be 11 months old tomorrow and has 4 teeth (keep thinking a fifth must be due soon as she's chewing her fingers a lot but nothing as yet), says mama/daddy/hiya/I see/guin (for guinea pig lol!) I work 3 days a week and she loves being looked after by daddy, nanny or granny especially seeing nanny's dog Suzy :happydance: She can commando crawl (fast!) as of a week ago, bit later than a lot of babies but she hasn't shown much interest in being mobile til recently. She loves books and listens to a story really well/helps to turn to pages :thumbup:
AJ is properly walking, eek i have 3 toddlers well the oldest is more of a child but hes still my baby, AJ is refusing to crawl now pretty much either walks or wants to be carried
Tanwen has a new favourite phrase now that she doesn't seem to have learned by rote as neither me nor my husband use it and she adapts it to the circumstance! It's "I did it!" She only ever uses it when she manages to do something that she's asked or wants to do so it's completely in context! She'll also say "Daddy done it!" or "You did it!" whenever appropriate!

We've just moved her into her toddler bed tonight after co-sleeping mostly up until now! She's doing great! Put her down at 7:30pm and we haven't heard a peep from her really since! :thumbup: I'm so proud of her but a part of me really hates how quickly she's growing up!

Beca :wave:
AJ doesnt say much he coos at people to get them to do what he wants, hes climbing everywhere though he can get onto all my funiture in the living room which is a bit of a nightmare but i can deal with it
How is everyone getting on? Lane walks like a pro now, but still no words. Her favorite activity is simply bringing me things. Loves to share, lol. She has playdates with two other kids her age on a regular basis and LOVES her baby gym class.

Whenever she has a playdate, whether home or elsewhere, it takes a good 30 minutes to warm up, she's pretty shy. But then it's no holds barred. She is finally letting me leave her in church nursery; what a relief to be able to sit through service after 14 months!
Saranna only just started walking within the last week after taking her first steps 3 weeks ago and then not doing much - so she's still quite wobbly. But she's a huge chatter box with a vocabulary of over 35 words and she does 14 or 15 animal sounds, recognizing both the names and pictures of them. She loves to read. She loves her grandparents and being out of the house - she doesn't care, anything is an adventure. She's a climber and frequently gets stuck on shelves :wacko:

Robin I would love to sit through a whole church service again lol. Our church doesn't have a creche, just a/mat and toys at the back for kids to play with under parental supervision - but Sara is NOISY! Lol. And would rather see what's going on up front. They've just put a speaker outside at least so I can sit outside with her while she runs around the fenced yard and at least hear what's going on.

Her favourite things are kitties and koalas and my XOOM lol. And she's started asking to go outside by putting her hat on her head, saying "hat on" and heading for the door - and watch out cause she can open the screen too.
AJs been running for ages, he loves pulling out all the dvd's and climbing all over the sofas and his favorite trick is escaping up the stairs if someone leaves the gate open and taking my phone ( he can reach it while going up the stairs ) with him and hiding it somewhere upstairs. Not talking much but i wouldn't expect him to say much he has some words and he knows how to let us know he wants something or doesnt want it easily enough, He loves Balls and chasing them around the house he has a mini ball track that will entertain him for hours but he likes all wheeled toys ( thank goodness hes got big brothers so we have lots of cars and trucks ) Hes just learnt how to climb up and sit down on top of his slide that we got him for his birthday and loves it. He wasnt a big fan of the snow it was too cold for him I think hes really going to enjoy the summertime running around in our garden with his brothers, Ive just got to fence the lawn so they dont fall down onto the patio

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