So about seven months ago my cousin informed my that she was going to do a water birth so I started looking in to it. Not because I wanted a water birth for my delivery, but because I didn't really know much about. The whole thing fascinated me! I decided to start thinking about what kind of birth I wanted and doing all the research. I found out that it's unlikely that the Navy will pay for it which is fine. "I'll just do a natural hospital birth and do my laboring at home" I thought to myself. Fast forward a couple of weeks... I've officially decided to do a natural hospital birth BUT now I have my mother asking me "well, why? What experience are you trying to negate this time around!" No experience! I had a great labor despite the fact that I was induced, given an episiotomy, and had a suction used on my first born. WHATEVER! The good out weights the bad. I had an amazing doctor who explained everything that was happening, a wonderful nursing staff who never pushed anything on me, and loved one surrounding me with support. That was all I was asking for. This time, I want more, I want different. I know what my body can do and I know I have the strength to do this. Shouldn't that be enough? On top of that I have people telling me I'm crazy to not get the epidural and that it's going to hurt...DUH! It's labor, of course it's going to hurt. What is really bothering me is that quite a few people are tellin me that "you can't give birth naturally to a baby over seven pounds! You're too small" What?! Where's the support, like last time? I don't know, maybe I'm just overly sensitive right now. Maybe they'll all jump
On board in 18 weeks when I'm actually in labor...? Sorry this is so long, but these comments and negative thoughts are starting to get to me.
On board in 18 weeks when I'm actually in labor...? Sorry this is so long, but these comments and negative thoughts are starting to get to me.