Dentist in first tri


Mum to 2 Boys
Nov 22, 2012
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I've just started to try and tackle my dental phobia but now that I'm pregnant I don't know how much work they will actually do. I need some fillings (amalgam and composite) and two teeth extracted - one wisdom. Has anyone had dental treatment done when in the first tri? I've read that some dentists won't do amalgam fillings (what about composite?) - will they offer an alternative or will I have to wait nine months to get my teeth fixed? I'm scared enough with dentists that it has taken me a long time to even get to this stage but I don't want anything to happen to baby.

I have an appointment next Thursday (I'll be almost 7 weeks) for my first set of fillings and I'm going to phone them on Monday and let them know I'm pregnant/see what they say but I just wanted to know if anyone had any experience with this?

UPDATE: Phoned the dentist this morning and have been told that I should wait until this pregnancy is over before getting any work done. I never thought I'd say it but I'm really disappointed. I had just gotten to the stage that I was ready to face my fear and now I need to wait until December to get anything done.
Definitely composite fillings. You're right - some won't do amalgam. We actually dont do amalgam on anyone where I work. Can't they just do composite instead of amalgam?

As for your wisdom teeth, extractions are safe, but you will need an X-ray of the roots before they will extract. Where I work won't do an X-ray on any pregnant woman.
The wisdom tooth isn't causing me any pain so I would be happy to wait until after the baby was born unless it became sore. The NHS do amalgam fillings as standard here. Normally if you want composite fillings on any of your back teeth then you have to go private which costs a whole lot more.
Oh right. Well I'm from Australia so I've got no idea what you're talking about with NHS :haha: I work at a private dentist.

In that case, I would definitely wait until you've had the baby to get your wisdom tooth out. But try & deal with the fillings :flower:
Phoned the dentist this morning and have been told that I should wait until this pregnancy is over before getting any work done. I never thought I'd say it but I'm really disappointed. I had just gotten to the stage that I was ready to face my fear and now I need to wait until December to get anything done. :dohh:
I got massive phobia after having HG with my baby last year my wisdom teeth have crumbled apart :( i was trying my hardest to get courage to go for a check up thrn bam surprize pregnancy. I have no idea what to do now.
Lynanne I'm quite surprised your dentist won't do the work if you need fillings? It's a long pregnancy to wait! I've had root canals and everything when pregnant, I had an x ray and local anaesthetic too. I was concerned about my teeth getting worse and they always say do it sooner than later? Can you get a second opinion?
I couldn't go dentist last pregnancy, I was so sick the thought of anyone poking in my mouth, ugh! I used to vomit brushing my teeth. After nine months of that I needed my first ever fillings when ds was born :-(
Anyway, give the dental practice a call, I'm sure the receptionist will be able to help with your questions and you can let them know you're nervous :)
It's taken me a long time to get to this stage with my dentist so I don't really have the confidence to go elsewhere for a second opinion. They've said that with the work I need done they recommend I wait until the pregnancy is over. They advise it's probably safer to do so. I'm wondering whether I could ask for an appointment for the composite ones near the front of my mouth to be sorted once I'm out of first tri. I think I'll ask my midwife (when I get an appointment) and see if she thinks it's safe enough.

MummytoAmber - I would still make an appointment for a check up and you can tell them then that you are pregnant. They might not do anything but at least you've taken a small step to getting treatment and it's up to them if you get it done or not.
I wouldn't get an x Ray done while pregnant. Maybe I'm just extra cautious, but I wouldn't do it, and we don't do them where I work on pregnant women.

Fillings can be done at any stage, and local anaesthetic is fine to give.
I had a check up yesterday my dentist is the same wont do anything till babies are born, I need a filling.
How strange! My dentist will do work if it needs doing while pregnant. When pregnant with my son my wisdom teeth played up alot, I had x-rays etc, he said once more and he would take it out asap. However they didnt play up after he said that. Typical :haha: x
Non urgent treatment is generally left but pain and infection are treated. It's a risks/benefits analysis. Same with X-rays. They will be taken where the benefits outweigh any (extremely small) risks.

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