DH may get layed off


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
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I am so stressed right now! My hubby came home yesterday and said his company layed of two people and that his manager asked if he would like to do a temp lay off also. So my hubby said for a couple hours sure, well then he went home and he started to really think about it. He doesn't even know when this is happening and if he will ever go back.

Well today he text me and it turns out his company lost one of their biggest clients. He said it's not looking good for his job. I am so stressed. He can't lose his job, we need this. Our little baby is due any day. I dont know what to do. :cry:
Ugh, I'm sorry.

My husband got laid off when my son was two weeks old and it was extremely stressful. The bright side was that he got to be home with me during maternity leave, and he ended up actually being a stay at home dad for a year, which was nice for him and our son.

That said, having that sort of decision forced upon you is horrid. Hang in there. :-/
Im glad that you guys got through it in a positive way. This is just so unexpected so its so shocking
My husband has been laid off since fall. We're really hoping he gets called back once the baby comes. He's a carpenter and that's sort of par for the course. He's been looking for something else too but there hasn't been much. He can file for unemployment while he's laid off, look into that. And if Wisconsin has WIC check into that. Stuff that can help you get by until he finds something else (although with WIC you need to show them one months income, so I'm not sure how that would work if he just got laid off, but check with them anyway).
Oh no, that must be so stressful :(. I really hope he doesn't lose his job! :hugs:
I don't have anything useful to add but wanted to say sorry your both having to deal with this stress right now. :flower:
Im glad that you guys got through it in a positive way. This is just so unexpected so its so shocking

Yeah, we were pretty shocked, too, had almost no savings and it was a really scary time. I completely sympathize with what you're facing. :hugs:
i am so sorry! :hug: my DH just got laid off last wed- we had a little feeling it was happening so started applying for jobs right away. He just got a call that he got another job and starts on monday- its $60 less a month but it will do. I just need him working so i dont need to stress about working once i have the baby.

Things will work out for you too- get on the job search now- apply for 6-10 jobs a week. You can contact the local state department for help on resumes and keep positive- everything will work out
Thanks Ladies :hugs:

We went crazy last night applying for jobs. I've been looking online all day for different ones( Im a bank teller, so i have plenty time) and hopefully he gets a call back. It's not official as of yet, but Im sick of the games this company plays. Theres always rumors going around that something is going to happen. I guess that is what happens when you work for a small business. When things are going great, theres always something bad that happens. I guess thats exactly what life is about.

I have to be strong for my hubby, but it's so hard because I want to break down. I mean worse comes to worse, I can always go to work right away, but id perfer not to. My poor hubby. :cry::nope:
You'll get through it!

I got laid off from my job last Oct, when I was about 10 weeks along. Thankfully I was able to file for unemployment (which your hubby should be able to do should he get laid off, until he finds something else) and that will last until I'm 38 or 39 weeks along. I've not been able to find anything else.

The thing is, we can't live off of just DH's income. Thankfully we have some savings, but DH works at a small private school and the term ends 3 weeks after my due date so unless he finds something else we'll have no monthly income, and our savings will only take us so far! I try not to stress about it though as I know that will only stress HIM out more, and I don't want to put that on him. We'll get by!

As another poster said, if he's laid off he can file for unemployment. You can apply for WIC for yourself while pregnant, and then for you (if you're breastfeeding, not sure about ff) and the baby after the baby arrives.Usually the benefits things for pregnant women include the unborn child as a person in the family when considering income. It doesn't seem like a lot but it adds up!
It'll be fine, he can file for unemployment and look for a new job. It could be worse, imagine if you got laid off a few months ago! Finding a new job while pregnant would be super hard, OH finding a new job while you guys have a newborn won't be as bad as that at least! Plus maybe he'll get to spend a few weeks home with you and baby.

I'm pretty worried about getting laid off while pregnant, which would mean no maternity leave pay if I ended up filing for unemployment. Which seems so unfair, i don't get why unemployment benefits are considered the same as maternity benefits.

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