Apologies for the spelling mistakes but I had all 3 of those conditions in my pregnancy!! 
My little girl is 16months now but I am still pretty traumatised by the whole thing.
Pregnancy was perfect overall... but then at 22 weeks I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.. This was kept under control by excercise and making changes to diet... very annnoying tho as i had to cut out ALL sugar and eat brown bread/pasta etc...
Then in week 37 at my weekly diabetes test they noticed that my BP was high and bile levels was up...Basically I was hospitalised as soon as I finished my last day at work & stayed there for a week until I was induced at 38 weeks...
The labour was 7 hours long, I had to have epidural and had 2nd degree tears.
At my 8week checkup I was told that I have 90% chance of getting the same problems again in future pregnancies.
Because of this I am in no hurry to have any more babies and this time round I will be even more scared as I know what to expect & I would be so worried about my little girl if I get hospitalised again!! I met women in hosp that had been there since week 20 of their pregnancy due to pre eclampsia!!!
My husband does not really understand how I feel & often gets annoyed with me as I do not want another baby just yet.
Anyone else been feeling like this?

My little girl is 16months now but I am still pretty traumatised by the whole thing.
Pregnancy was perfect overall... but then at 22 weeks I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.. This was kept under control by excercise and making changes to diet... very annnoying tho as i had to cut out ALL sugar and eat brown bread/pasta etc...
Then in week 37 at my weekly diabetes test they noticed that my BP was high and bile levels was up...Basically I was hospitalised as soon as I finished my last day at work & stayed there for a week until I was induced at 38 weeks...
The labour was 7 hours long, I had to have epidural and had 2nd degree tears.
At my 8week checkup I was told that I have 90% chance of getting the same problems again in future pregnancies.
Because of this I am in no hurry to have any more babies and this time round I will be even more scared as I know what to expect & I would be so worried about my little girl if I get hospitalised again!! I met women in hosp that had been there since week 20 of their pregnancy due to pre eclampsia!!!
My husband does not really understand how I feel & often gets annoyed with me as I do not want another baby just yet.
Anyone else been feeling like this?