did anyone hear the new guidelines on smoking?


bambino on the way!
Apr 7, 2011
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I was at a motehrcare baby and me morning a week or so ago(an I won a big baby bath with lots of goodies :) ) and a midwife from my hospital was there, anyway she was saying that the some of the new guidelines and trying to prevent cot death are not to let anyone that's had a cigarette hold your baby for at least an 1.5 hours afterwards.
I totally agree with it, cigarettes are gross anyway and new babies have little or no protection when they are born I was strict with smokers on my son, even today no one even outside is allowed to smoke around him, no smoking in our house, wash your hands before you touch him etc. when I said this to dh he thought it was excessive as I said the same rules apply to him he knows I means it as I wouldn't let him hold ds for ages after a cigarette when he was a baby, and he thought I was saying it because I don't want his parents esp his mother holding the baby(I don't tbh!) I said it wasn't the case and im trying to protect my new born from smelling of fags and breathing in all that crap that would be on peoples skin and clothes after one, and also that I don't want anyone to come near us for a few hrs until I have recovered from a csection and ds has met his brother for the first time, his parents showed up outside visiting hrs when I had my ds and mortified me, im not going to have a repeat of it again!dh mother also thought nothing of wanting us to bring my newborn out in to the cold and to her house just so she could see the baby and show off to the neighbours I rember dh would be more than happy to keep her happy with this until I put my foot down.
I told dh mother and father about the visiting and smoking and I don't think it went down too well but I don't care my baby my rules don't smoke for an hour before you are coming to see the baby its hardly a lot to ask for and don't come near us until I am able, common sense would tell people that you would think lol! when we asked sil to watch ds if im going to have the baby in the morning/lunch time she had no problem and I said dh will collect him to bring him to see the bab and I within an hr r so of me having him she said and ill be in after ds and I said well we will see how I am and I want a little alone time with the new baby first before visitors are coming, being a mother of 3 herself I thought she would understand but some how I don't think so :/
I agree with you that I won't allow anyone near my lil one who is smoking or recently smoked. I hate it when I see people smoking over babies and children. Luckily we don't know many people who do smoke. I am an asthmatic and I have been all my life. Cigarette smoke is a trigger for me and there is a chance my lil man could be asthmatic so I won't be taking ant chances with cigarette smoke. And as you said my baby my rules!
Both my family and SO's family smokes so unless I want to be the only one to ever touch him I cant really inforce the 'stay away for such a length of time' but no one is allowed to smoke near him or finish smoking then take him right after. I have asmtha due to being around chronic smokers. SO wont smoke around me or let me in a room that someone was smoking so im not overly worried about it tbh.
Both my family and dh family all smoke and they have already been told I will not allow them to smoke in the same room nor allow my kids to be in a room where there has been smoking when we visit.
My ds is 11 and I still refuse to let him in a room where there has been smoking recently! And if the families dont like that rule then they will just have to visit at our home but no smoking at least 30 mins before they turn up.
Not only do I not want my house to smell of fags I certainly dont want my ds nor baby smelling of it!
Each to there own but I dont smoke neither does my dh so we dont want our kids to smell of smoke as neither of us can stand it! X
^ I hate the smell of fags even dh does when hes off them he said hes going to give them up before the baby comes as he wants to have lots of cuddles with his boys :) when I said it about the smoking to dh mother she said oh I agree with no smoking around babies and I said well no one is allowed in our house has been since I was pregnant with ds and she said I cant smell the smoke etc after a fag if someone has one or if I have one, I said well im a non smoker and I can and I don't want the baby breathing it in off off peoples clothes because it stays on peoples skin and clothes for hours afterwards. in the end they agreed with me but we will see if they actually do as I want, if they want to hold him i suppose I could put a blanket inbetween them and the baby so hes laying on clean and fresh fabric and not smelly cigarette clothes, but they will have to wash their hands and use antibacterial gel on their hands also its all about protecting baby and trying to prevent cot death which is what its now linked to aswell, that's what they were saying in the baby and me class anyway
I hate smoking it stinks! I will not be allowing anyone to smoke anywhere near my baby. Ever! End of :)
The rule used to be to change your clothes, so at our antenatal class, all the smoking dads were told to keep a coat or jumper by the back door or whatever so when they went out for a smoke they had something to put on, smoke, and then remove.

It does make me laugh with smoking. A lot of people don't even think about it, about smoking in their cars even with the windows open, or smoking in the car when the kids aren't there but it being all in the car seats so the kids are inhaling it when they get back in the car anyway!! It's just selfish. :shrug:
Good for you for standing up for your rules. I totally agree. Only a non smoker can really smell how much it lingers around people for hours after. Vile habit!
I'm so glad I don't really know anyone that smokes so won't have to worry about this.
The rule used to be to change your clothes, so at our antenatal class, all the smoking dads were told to keep a coat or jumper by the back door or whatever so when they went out for a smoke they had something to put on, smoke, and then remove.

It does make me laugh with smoking. A lot of people don't even think about it, about smoking in their cars even with the windows open, or smoking in the car when the kids aren't there but it being all in the car seats so the kids are inhaling it when they get back in the car anyway!! It's just selfish. :shrug:

couldn't agree with you more it is selfish and its not like the child wants to smell that either even we find it horrible what must it be like for a new baby!
Luckily neither of our families are smokers but i'd be the same. i can't even stand the smell of it.
The husband and I don't smoke, and our house is a smoke free zone. I grew up in a house with smokers, having to go to school smelling like that (my house just smells like dogs, lol). My parents still smoke, though. I'm not sure what we're going to do. I never thought about baby being held next to smokey clothes and skin...Something to think about, so thanks for bringing it up!
^ your welcome its better to have to be armed with info when your telling people the dos and donts of holding your new little baby
Could someone please pass on a link to a site/document about these new guidelines? My BIL thinks we're being mean by saying that he's not allowed to cuddle Squiggle once it's born if he's recently smoked and i'd like to (nicely) show him the evidence!
Could someone please pass on a link to a site/document about these new guidelines? My BIL thinks we're being mean by saying that he's not allowed to cuddle Squiggle once it's born if he's recently smoked and i'd like to (nicely) show him the evidence!

Just look up "third hand smoke and babies" and you'll find loads of info and studies.

I'm not even going to say what I think about third hand smoke and babies because my views are a bit extreme!
I got very upset earlier this year when I saw a VERY pregnant woman smoking out in front of the doorway to the OB clinic. I know it is her choice, but I was TTC at the time, and was very hurt. All I could think was "why her??? Why not me???"
So I was talking about it in another forum and was shocked at the cavalier attitude several people had. Granted, most of the women are older, had their children in the 60s and 70s and they were like "meh, I smoked through my pregnancy, doesn't make me a bad mom..." Uuhhh, that is

We are as smoke free as it gets. No one in our family smokes, we don't even have close friends who smoke, thankfully.
I got very upset earlier this year when I saw a VERY pregnant woman smoking out in front of the doorway to the OB clinic. I know it is her choice, but I was TTC at the time, and was very hurt. All I could think was "why her??? Why not me???"
So I was talking about it in another forum and was shocked at the cavalier attitude several people had. Granted, most of the women are older, had their children in the 60s and 70s and they were like "meh, I smoked through my pregnancy, doesn't make me a bad mom..." Uuhhh, that is

We are as smoke free as it gets. No one in our family smokes, we don't even have close friends who smoke, thankfully.

As a heavily pregnant smoker myself I know how horrible it is to be judged by people who really have no idea. I cut down, and was too heavy a smoker to be prescribed a safe level of nicotine replacement therapy. So it was either risk my child's life by going on patches etc or go cold turkey, and believe me I tried. My midwive and doctor both agreed that it was actually better for me to continue smoking then to put stress on baby. Which kind of shows that there is always an exception to the rule. She's a perfect 37weeker who weighs exactly what she should at this point.
Everyone will have a different opinion and everyone is totally entitled to said opinion but please be careful when discussing topics like this, I'm definitely not going to be a bad mother just because I smoke and I'm sure the woman you saw smoking is also a fantastic mother.

As women and mothers we should be supporting each other no matter what decisions we make for our pregnancies or our babies. As long as our babies are loved and supported then that is all that should matter :) xxx
let be nice ladies and not call each other things we shouldn't, this isn't about smoking mams, its about trying to keep our new babies healthy! Lets not judge each other theres enough of that here already!
What are people's thoughts on e-cigarettes around babies? I ask because my Mum is coming to stay after baby is born for a week. We are vehemently anti smoking so she knows she will be out in the cold and there are strict rules about holding baby afterwards if she smokes. I think she is considering going on e-cigarettes as she managed to quit real cigarettes using this before. But she completely buys in to the idea that they are harmless and can be used indoors and I daresay around baby. I know my house my rules but I'm not sure if it would be unreasonable to ask her to use it outside too.
What are people's thoughts on e-cigarettes around babies? I ask because my Mum is coming to stay after baby is born for a week. We are vehemently anti smoking so she knows she will be out in the cold and there are strict rules about holding baby afterwards if she smokes. I think she is considering going on e-cigarettes as she managed to quit real cigarettes using this before. But she completely buys in to the idea that they are harmless and can be used indoors and I daresay around baby. I know my house my rules but I'm not sure if it would be unreasonable to ask her to use it outside too.

I definitely would ask her to use it outside, I don't think that's unreasonable at all.
They might well be harmless but there just isn't enough information and they haven't been around long enough to truly tell. Everyone thought smoking was harmless when that first came out as well!

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