did anyone watch GMTV 2DAY


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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WATCHING GMTV B4 going the furneal they are offering in a pack the morning after pill condoms chocolate and a user guide for £25 they are arguing that it will be no use to anyone when there are pissed its to stop the high aboration rate that pecks in feb there highest level when girls go for abortions !!! what do u think
I didnt see it! are they saying you buy this pack as a precaution so if you need the morning after pill you already have it ????

That would encourage unprotected sex as people would think oh well I can just take the morning after pill, but then there not protected from STI's!
i had the mornging after pill when i was younger it made me soooo poorly. never again :!:
I had the morning after pill once took the first pill and when I went to take the second one dropped it down the plug hole hehe! Luckily I didnt get pregnant! I was young at the time
I took the MAP and it made me feel so ill!

I also think that this pack will encourage unprotected sex, but then if it stops babies being conceived that are going to be killed then I can see the other side of it.
Lauz_1601 said:
I didnt see it! are they saying you buy this pack as a precaution so if you need the morning after pill you already have it ????

That would encourage unprotected sex as people would think oh well I can just take the morning after pill, but then there not protected from STI's!

they are saying buy this pack as gp and chemist are shut and if u get laid and dopnt want a kid get it now as in feb the abortion clinics get full its there busy time
yeh I can see that side of it too, STI's can be treated more easily than it is to have an abortion I guess.

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