did you get weaning blues?


mum to 2 little boys
Feb 16, 2012
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I keep hearing from everyone that they got weaning blues. I have night weaned and am very sad. Im not sure if its hormonal or just reactive that i no longer feel important to my baby? If you did or do have the blues how long does it last?
I'm worrying about this at the moment. I felt really low with DS1 but that was because he was only 5 months so I felt like a failure. Hope you're feeling better soon :)
We've just weaned after 25 months. He'll even say no if I offer now. Feeling pretty terrible about it. He's growing up and doesn't need me so much.
We've just weaned after 25 months. He'll even say no if I offer now. Feeling pretty terrible about it. He's growing up and doesn't need me so much.

Aw hun :-( i really feel what that must feel like. Its such a natural and beautiful thi g feeding. I wish it could go on forever but it is just one of those things. You may feel low now but remember you are still his mummy and will always be numbrr one! They grow up far too quickly xxxx
I'm really pleased we got as far as we did and in many ways I'm glad we didn't go too much further as it seems like the right time and I am amazed to watch him growing up too. It's just those blummin hormones! So sad too :(
Do you mean for hormonal reasons or because of the situation? I was really sad when LO stopped nursing, but I continued pumping so my hormones were presumably just the same. Now I am weaning from the pump and haven't felt as sad about it so far.
It made me a little sad when Violet first began nursing less. She's decreased again and is mostly refusing to nurse during the day except on weekends when she will nurse to sleep for her nap. It isn't making me as sad as the first dip in nursing frequency. She's also nursing a little less at night, which isn't making me sad at all.
Weaning now (DD1 is a year old) and no, no weaning blues. In fact more like delirious enjoyment of actually getting some sleep!!
Weaning now (DD1 is a year old) and no, no weaning blues. In fact more like delirious enjoyment of actually getting some sleep!!

You must have night weaned. Night time is pretty much the only time Violet nurses these days!
My son stopped nursing from me because he began to prefer bottles. I HATED those bottles and wanted to burn them. It was so depressing :cry: I tried and tried to get him to nurse when I came home from work in the evenings but he wouldn't have any part of it. I pumped what I could when I was home to help with the engorgement but I was severely depressed :cry: I was also shockingly jealous of those darn bottles.
I hope I'm not like that this time around.
I found night weaning much harder on me than full weaning. the night weaning did leave me feeling low and it took about 3 months for me not to wake up covered in leaked milk!!:blush: Once that stopped though I definitely loved the extra sleep. We fed through to 22 months and i was pretty ready to stop then. Every time he asked for booby i asked him if he wanted a drink of milk instead (or something to eat) and he would say yes. I would get that for him and sit with him to eat/drink it. It didn't bother him at all. Which was such a surprise because prior to that he had been an avid BF'er. But he seemed ready too.
I BFed LO until the week after his 2nd birthday, and I can't say I felt low about it at all- a tiny bit sad that that part of his development was over, but I was also very ready to wean since I was getting a bit tired of all the acrobatics while I fed him- he was all over the place, wouldn't keep still for a second!

We night-weaned at 13 months, and that was more of a relief than anything, I was exhausted from feeding him every 2-3 hours around the clock for that long.

I day-weaned him very gradually over about a month, and I'm sure that helped, along with me being ready to finish!
Ds was only really on 2 maybe 3 feeds per day at 12m.
We weaned abruptly after I hadn't seen him due to shift pattern for over 24 hours.
I thought it was a convenient time but I felt so depressed afterwards, all hormonal and emotional.
I would not wean like that again.
I was almost at the point of seeing the doctor but it tailed off.
I do still miss bf now, but it doesn't affect me mentally now.
Ok, I haven't pumped in over a week and I have to say I'm still feeling pretty happy not to be pumping, so no weaning blues at all.

However, I have noticed that I seem to be less sensitive to LO's night wakings. Before, I would wake up before he started crying, just from hearing his breathing patterns change (though his room is across the hall). Now, he's usually crying by the time I'm awake.
Weaned at 10 months, we were both ready and he was only having morning and 1 night feeds then. He wasn't at all bothered so I was ok too

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