Did you just know?

With my first I had no idea until my boobs starting killing me, so I decided to test, but wasn't really expecting BFP, but it was. She was a NTNP baby and I had only DTD once that month and had no idea when I did O.
Yes both times, I was kind of in denial this time as I didn't think i'd fall so quickly and wouldn't even allow myself to look up when I would be due if I was :haha: but somehow I just *knew*. With Coralie I felt the same, but I didn't deny it to myself I just enjoyed thinking I was iykwim.
No! We were ttc for 4 months and on the month i got my bfp i was so sure i wasnt pregnant that i did 5 tests to be sure!! I had no symptoms until 6 weeks when i started throwing up and didnt stop until 18 weeks but i didnt feel pregnant until i started feeling movement and showing! :)
I had NO idea! We were NTNP, I was getting my usual pre AF symptoms. I didnt realize it then, but I know now I also had SUPER sensitive skin, I thought I was for sure getting sick and usually my nipples hurt before AF but then they stop a week before she arrives, but that cycle they kept on hurting which made me think AF was just going to be a pain and not arrive on time lol. I was wrong. The only reason I took a test was because my period was a day late and I was having a Christmas party so I needed to see if I could join in on the drinking or not lol.
I didn't "just know" because I had so many symptoms only to see AF for months before BUT after BD, like immediately after ejaculation (such a rough word sorry!) OH said "that felt like it!" I laughed it off and didn't think anything of it but 10 days later there was my faint line staring back and now that we only have 6-8 weeks left he still swears that it was THAT time.
My husband knew. We were NTNP and not really paying attention! I had been really crampy and needed a hot water bottle (very unusual) and then one day was totally over emotional when hubby told me I should test. At that point I realised that deep down I knew that the test would be positive too. I was a little numb and a bit shocked to see the line tbh!
It's the first time I've ever been pregnant and I was 100% sure that I was even before getting the BFP. I could feel so many changes and see them. I was continuously saying to OH, I must be pregnant! When I got that BFP I was so relieved I wasn't imagining everything!
Every time I went through a cycle, expecting AF and wasn't pregnant, I SWORE I was. I had all the pregnancy symptoms there were. The two times I got my BFPs, I did NOT expect it. I thought it was just a normal cycle because I felt oddly "normal" and got no symptoms. No feelings, that I know of. Both times, I tested in preparation for something (the first time, I had to test to start Clomid, and the second time I had to test to get x-rays done the next morning).
I knew with all three (one surprise/not ttc, and 2 planned to the month of birth) before the tests knew. Partly just a feeling and partly because of very early symptoms. My bloodhound nose is the first thing to kick in and this happens about 5-7 days post ovulation. Took tests immediately and they were all negative for another few days. My body does funny things in pregnancy, though! :shrug:
I was ttc my DS...and I think a lot of my symptoms were made up to where I *thought* I was pregnant, but wouldn't convince myself that I was. (If that makes sense) The only "symptoms" I had was blood in my nose and 2 days before I took a test, my ear cartilage started pouring out blood! (I have no idea if that was due to being pregnant! lol...and it was Thanksgiving and we were eating dinner with family) I had always had 28 day cycles and the cycle before? I conceived was 6 days late...so didn't know when to expect my next cycle. DH told me to test and I didn't want to...told him I would cry if it was negative (since the cycle the month before was late, and I took many negative test..when we for sure thought I was pregnant) well, I took the test and it was definitely positive! We now have a 7 month old son :) ttc #2 now and looking into EVERY "symptom." DH says I'm not pregnant and he'll let me know when I am lol. I'm EBF and MAY be (hopefully) ovulating and due for AF again between March 18-22. (Hoping she doesn't show!)...BUT, I'm a crazy POAS lady and ordered 100 ovulation tests and 20 pregnancy tests that should arrive by Monday...so despite what DH says, I'll likely test as soon as FedEx brings my stuff! lol (sorry that was totally random...I got a little excited)
Those of you who just knew how many dpo were you before you got a positive? I'm 9dpo but I've been sure since about 6dpo I'm pregnant, getting nothing on tests though :(
I had NO idea I was pg. I always thought if I was pg I would have some kind of pg symptoms like nausea or fatigue. Instead, the first month DH and I TTC I felt just like I did every time AF arrived. I tested before AF was due and it was a BFN. That just reconfirmed my thoughts that I was out. I wore a panty liner for a good 2 or 3 days after AF was due because I was so certain the witch was coming before I tested again and got my BFP. I get a good laugh out of my denial now.
We were ntnp after the birth of our daughter in July since we had trouble conceiving her. My cycles came back almost right after delivery but were super irregular since I exclusively bf. Apparently we had the timing right because on the fifth cycle we conceived! I had a feeling around 10dpo when the vivid dreams started but wrote it off since I didn't think I had even ovulated yet. When congestion and thirst set in, I knew for sure and tested. That was at 14dpo (just guessing based on when we had sex of course)!
Sort of. I was trying not to get my hopes up because I didn't know what to expect as I was expecting to have short LP.

I was due for af at 10 or 11 DPO (cycles were still adjusting from going of the pill. On 11DPO, I was getting some slight cramping in the afternoon/evening & starting telling myself "omg, I'm pregnant" which was even more so when I'd go to the bathroom and there'd be nothing (usually would get that kind of cramping after I have already started). 2 days later bfp.

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