Didn't get my home birth in the end but still very happy with my experience

summer rain

Mum of 5
May 5, 2010
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I just wanted to announce I had my little boy, Hisham, at 3.47am on Monday morning. Since I had my bloody show a few days ago; I kept getting irregular but strong contractions; on Sunday it got worse and several times I thought 'this is it' especially owing to my history of precipitous labours starting with irregular strong contractions. I phoned the midwife and she said owing to icy weather conditions it would be a better idea to go to hospital, I had planned a home birth but wasn't really comfortable with the local midwives anyway (still hadn't even been given the delivery kit as promised) so I thought ok fine. My husband and I kept almost setting out to the hospital only for everything to grind to a complete halt; but at around 9.30 I had some very strong contractions roughly 5 minutes apart, by 10.30 my husband said we'll set off to the hospital; see how things go in the car and then if it stops again we can always come back, but in the end things became a lot more painful. We got told off for coming in without phoning first; but when I explained my history they were a bit more understanding.

The mw put us in a delivery room and said she'd come back in a few minutes to examine me; which she did and I was only 1cm dilated; I couldn't believe it; the contractions I'd been having were as bad as when I was 9cm with my other boys. The midwife said we'd probably have to go home but she'd ask one of the more senior midwives; the more senior midwife said we should stay because it looked like things would progress very quickly. After being examined my husband went to park up properly and I think the mw had really set me off because the contractions became every 2-3 minutes apart with period like pains in between. At about 1am they gave me codydramol but it did absolutely nothing, so at 1.30am they asked what pain relief I wanted and I said gas and air.

They didn't examine me again and at about 2.30 one of the other midwives came in and took my BP and said I was overdoing the gas for someone 1cm dilated and I needed to get up and walk around a bit more. By this point the contractions were lasting up to 90 seconds and were only 2 minutes apart so I knew I was much further along than that, so tempted to say something rude but didn't. From then things got extremely intense, the pressure feeling was horrible and I had to breathe the gas and air constantly, then all of a sudden I just felt myself pushing involuntarily and felt something slip out like a ball, then I pushed again and I felt my son being delivered onto my chest and just a massive sense of relief. Although I don't remember much from the end, my husband said his head and upper body just popped out sideways on, with my membranes intact and my son asleep and grumpy looking, he ran to call the midwives who ran into the room, then apparently I asked if I should push again and the mw said no, but then changed her mind and said yes but I pushed him out anyway just before that, they delivered him onto my chest and the waters popped right there and then as they were lifting him. He was furious and was crying for a good hour before I could get him to latch on, I needed a couple of stitches but nothing major. They delayed clamping/cutting the cord and giving me the syntometrine injection for a while, as I wanted.

He is smaller than my last two, 8lbs 2oz and 54cm long but still has massive hands and feet, he totally fills the feet of his 0-3 month babygros. They let us stay in the delivery room right until being discharged, which ended up being 12 hours later as the paediatrican took ages to come. It was the same hospital where I had my eldest (very traumatic medicalised experience), and its definitely improved, although the showers are still freezing lol. He is feeding well and not allowing me much sleep, but we are so thrilled with him. I'm a little bit sad I didn't get to have my home birth; but in the end things were very intense and I did really need the gas and air; had the same happened as last time and the midwives not brought it or the correct attachment I don't think I would have coped very well. Also I was active as much as possible but in the end I did give birth in bed, and good job I did because I think my son would have fallen onto the floor at the rate he shot out lol.
yikes it sounds like as you said it was a good thing you were on the bed!

Well done you and congrats x
congrats hun! very very lucky to be down in the membranes too!

i would love a hb for my next baby (if i ever decide to have another :haha:) but dont think i would have the courage for it!
That is so great! Good for you! I'm glad that everything worked out for you so you were able to have the birth experience you were hoping for!
Lovely story! Congratulations!

I hope my little girl will just pop out like that. :lol:
Congratulations and well done to you!:flower:

And welcome to your new little one:baby:


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