I'm also here despite wanting to breastfeed..a decision only made on Friday
Since the very first week of having my son, breastfeeding has been
extremely painful. I went with it...I thought it would improve,I thought I would toughen up, I thought this was normal. I went along with everything despite feeling dreadful all the time because this was 'best'. Amongst the hustle and bustle of having a new baby, visitors etc, it just got ignored despite being crippling. Feeling a bit rough from stitches and the general giving birth, I thought I was maybe just feeling too fragile.
At 3 weeks I had a horrible fever and had mastitsis. I knew though, it wasn't the mastitsis that was causing the general feeding pain, it was just an added extra pain for a couple of days
By 4 weeks nothing had improved whatsoever. Feeds were having me at breaking point and crying, despite being a toughie. I decided to have his tongue tie, diagnosed at birth, looked at again. (I was told it would probably be okay). I held SUCH high hopes on that being the culprit for the hideous feeding. He had it snipped by a simply lovely lady who was so optemistic this would help me, so kind and sympathetic. But, nothing really changed whatsoever. Family kept asking me on the days following the tongue tie procedure if it was improving. I kept saying 'I'm not sure yet' and making excuses as I felt I was even letting
them down..they all had high hopes for me too that the tongue tie snip would be the culprit.
I have had times where I have fed him expressed milk as I simply cannot bear anymore. I've tried everything. Creams, sheilds etc. I've had his latch looked at by several professionals. No problem with it etc etc blah blah, tired of listing what I tried.I literally did whatever I could to get to the bottom of the problem.
Luckily my son has not been affected, he has had fantastic weight gain and wonderful health..just sadly at my expense. This has contributed to AWFUL guilt....
he's doing so well on my breastmilk...cant I just 'hack it'?
At his six week check on Friday it all broke down and the doctor put in perspective how silly this 'carry on' was and how it is destroying me. I've agreed to give him expressed breastmilk and begin introducing formula. He will still have my milk just not via breastfeeding. Gradually I anticipate formula taking over fully, as I'm not sure how I can maintain pumping etc if I decide, oh, I want to
leave the house! Plus if pumping begins to reduce supply more and more formula will be added.
I'm gradually getting used to the idea and looking at the positives of formula. I didn't know when I fell pregnant that THIS would be the hard part. I had a great pregnancy, a baby that even arrived on his due date, a birth just using gas and air...I was so pleased with everything and this really took me by suprise. xxx